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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import fauxJax from 'faux-jax'
import { expect } from 'chai';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { createCipher } from 'crypto' // eslint-disable-line node/no-deprecated-api
import { to } from '../utils/async'
import functionsTestLib from 'firebase-functions-test'

const functionsTest = functionsTestLib()

describe('callGoogleApi RTDB Cloud Function (onCreate)', () => {
  let adminInitStub
  let callGoogleApi
  let updateStub
  let getStub
  let docStub
  let collectionStub
  let firestoreStub
  let encryptedSa

  before(() => {
    // Stub Firebase's admin.initializeApp()
    adminInitStub = sinon.stub(admin, 'initializeApp')
    // Set GCLOUD_PROJECT to env
    process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT = 'test'

    // Intercept all http requests and respond with 200
    fauxJax.on('request', function respond(request) {
      request.respond(200, {}, '{}')

  after(() => {
    // Restore firebase-admin stub to the original
    // Restore http request functionality

  beforeEach(() => {
    // Stub Firebase's config environment var
    process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG = JSON.stringify({
      databaseURL: '',
      storageBucket: ''

    // Stubs for Firestore methods
    updateStub = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({}))
    getStub = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({}))
    docStub = sinon.stub().returns({ update: updateStub, get: getStub })
    collectionStub = sinon
      .returns({ add: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({})), doc: docStub })

    // Create Firestore stub out of stubbed methods
    firestoreStub = sinon
      .returns({ doc: docStub, collection: collectionStub })

    // Apply stubs as admin.firestore()
    sinon.stub(admin, 'firestore').get(() => firestoreStub)

    // Load wrapped version of Cloud Function
    /* eslint-disable global-require */
    callGoogleApi = functionsTest.wrap(
    /* eslint-enable global-require */

  afterEach(() => {

  it('throws if service account is not found for provided project', async () => {
    const objectID = 'asdf'
    const [err] = await to(
          val: () => ({
            api: 'compute',
            projectId: 'asdf',
            environment: 'test',
            storageBucket: 'asdf'
        { params: { templateId: objectID } }
      'Project containing service account not at path: projects/asdf/environments/test'

  it('throws if credential parameter is missing on serviceAccount object', async () => {
    const objectID = 'asdf'
    // Stub subcollection document get
    getStub = sinon
      .returns(Promise.resolve({ exists: true, data: () => ({}) }))
    docStub = sinon.stub().returns({ get: getStub })
    // Stub collection with stubbed doc
    collectionStub = sinon.stub().returns({ doc: docStub })
    // Apply stubs as admin.firestore()
    firestoreStub = sinon
      .returns({ doc: docStub, collection: collectionStub })
    const [err] = await to(
          val: () => ({
            api: 'compute',
            projectId: 'asdf',
            environment: 'test',
            storageBucket: 'asdf'
        { params: { templateId: objectID } }
      'Credential parameter is required to load service account from Firestore'
  // Skipped since it is failing sometimes with error "Error decrypting credential string"
  it.skip('Throws for invalid service account string (not an object)', async () => {
    const objectID = 'asdf'
    // Stub subcollection document get
    getStub = sinon.stub().returns(
        exists: true,
        data: () => ({ serviceAccount: { credential: 'asdf' } })
    docStub = sinon.stub().returns({ update: updateStub, get: getStub })
    collectionStub = sinon
      .returns({ add: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({})), doc: docStub })
    // Apply stubs as admin.firestore()
    firestoreStub = sinon
      .returns({ doc: docStub, collection: collectionStub })
    const [err] = await to(
          val: () => ({
            projectId: 'asdf',
            environment: 'test',
            storageBucket: 'asdf'
        { params: { templateId: objectID } }
      'Service account not a valid object'

  // Skipped since it is failing sometimes with error "Error decrypting credential string"
  it.skip('throws for invalid service account object loaded from Firestore for a valid project', async () => {
    encryptedSa = encrypt(JSON.stringify({ project_id: 'test' }, null, 2))
    const fakeEnvDoc = { serviceAccount: { credential: encryptedSa } }
    const objectID = 'asdf'
    // Stub subcollection document get
    getStub = sinon.stub().returns(
        exists: true,
        data: () => fakeEnvDoc
    docStub = sinon.stub().returns({ update: updateStub, get: getStub })
    collectionStub = sinon
      .returns({ add: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({})), doc: docStub })
    // Apply stubs as admin.firestore()
    firestoreStub = sinon
      .returns({ doc: docStub, collection: collectionStub })
    const [err] = await to(
          val: () => ({
            projectId: 'asdf',
            environment: 'test',
            storageBucket: 'asdf'
        { params: { templateId: objectID } }
    // Message thrown for non encrypted string (not a buffer)
    expect(err)'message', '{}')

  // Skipped since it is failing sometimes with error "Error decrypting credential string"
  it.skip('throws for invalid service account object loaded from Firestore for a valid project', async () => {
    encryptedSa = encrypt(
          type: 'service_account',
          project_id: 'asdf',
          private_key_id: 'asdf',
          private_key: 'asdf',
          client_email: 'asdf',
          client_id: 'asdf',
          auth_uri: '',
          token_uri: '',
          client_x509_cert_url: 'asdf'
    const fakeEnvDoc = { serviceAccount: { credential: encryptedSa } }
    const objectID = 'asdf'
    // Stub subcollection document get
    getStub = sinon.stub().returns(
        exists: true,
        data: () => fakeEnvDoc
    docStub = sinon.stub().returns({ update: updateStub, get: getStub })
    collectionStub = sinon
      .returns({ add: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({})), doc: docStub })
    // Apply stubs as admin.firestore()
    firestoreStub = sinon
      .returns({ doc: docStub, collection: collectionStub })
    const [err] = await to(
          val: () => ({
            projectId: 'asdf',
            environment: 'test',
            storageBucket: 'asdf'
        { params: { templateId: objectID } }
    // Message thrown for stubbed service account object passed
    expect(err)'message', '{}')

const TEST_PASSWORD = 'asdf'

 * Encrypt a string using a password. encryption.password from
 * functions config is used by default if not passed.
 * @param {string} text - Text string to encrypt
 * @param {object} [options={}]
 * @param {object} [options.algorithm='aes-256-ctr']
 * @param {object} options.password - Password to use while
 * encrypting. encryption.password from functions config is used
 * by default if not passed.
function encrypt(text, options?) {
  const { algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr' } = options || {}
  const cipher = createCipher(algorithm, TEST_PASSWORD) // eslint-disable-line node/no-deprecated-api
  let crypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex')
  crypted +='hex')
  return crypted