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Test Coverage
<h1>How OMB Will Assess Agency Progress</h1>
    Section 7.7
  of the Federal Source Code Policy states that:
    Progress on agency implementation of this policy will be primarily assessed by OMB through an analysis of each agency’s internal Government repositories, public OSS repositories, and code inventories on, as well as data obtained through the quarterly Integrated Data Collection (IDC), quarterly PortfolioStat sessions, the IT Dashboard, and additional mechanisms [..]
  Generally, OMB's approach to assessing agency progress in meeting the Federal Source Code Policy's requirements can be broken into two categories:
    analysis of agencies' enterprise code inventories, individual code repositories, and open sourced code, with a
    (2) comparison of that information against overall operational and financial data already collected by OMB.
<p>OMB will provide additional information about its assessment mechanisms over time.</p>
<h2>Analysis of Each Agency’s Custom Code</h2>
  OMB will regularly review each agency&rsquo;s enterprise code inventory to ensure that the agency is satisfying the requirements of the Source Code Policy. This review will include both the agency&rsquo;s internal Government repositories and public open source repositories to ensure that each agency&rsquo;s enterprise code inventory is properly reflected on &ndash; and easily discoverable through &ndash; this website.
<h2>Analysis of Overall Data</h2>
  OMB collects agency data through a number of existing mechanisms, including quarterly PortfolioStat sessions and the Integrated Data Collection. Much of this data is publicly available on <a class="default-link" href=""></a>. OMB will use this data and other relevant information to better understand the overall impact of the Source Code Policy over time.