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<h2>1. Objectives</h2>

<p>This policy will accomplish the following objectives:</p>

    <p>Provide a policy to agencies<sup id="fnr19"><a pageScroll href="#fn19">19</a></sup> on considerations that must be made prior to acquiring any custom-developed code;</p>
    <p>Require agencies to obtain appropriate Government data rights to custom-developed code, including at a minimum, rights to Government-wide reuse and rights to modify the code. Agencies shall make such custom-developed code broadly available across the Federal Government, subject to limited exceptions;<sup id="fnr20"><a pageScroll href="#fn20">20</a></sup></p>
    <p>Require agencies to consider the value of publishing custom code as OSS;</p>
    <p>Establish requirements for releasing custom-developed source code, including securing the rights necessary to make some custom-developed code releasable to the public as OSS under this policy’s new pilot program; and</p>
    <p>Provide instructions and resources to facilitate implementation of this policy.</p>
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<h4 id="footnotes">Footnotes</h4>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
  <li id="fn19"><sup>19</sup>For the purposes of this policy, an agency is one that meets the definition of executive agency under the Clinger Cohen Act of 1996. <em>See</em> Appendix A.<a pageScroll href="#fnr19">&#8617;</a></li>
  <li id="fn20"><sup>20</sup><em>See</em> Section 6 of this policy for additional information about limited exceptions.<a pageScroll href="#fnr20">&#8617;</a></li>