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      <p class="usa-font-lead">Join our community of practitioners working to close the gender pay gap.</p>

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      <h3>Join the community</h3>
      <p> Data is one of the most powerful tools we have to accelerate change. Leveraging <a href="" target="_blank">newly-released income and gender data</a> from the U.S. Census, how might we work together to decrease the gender pay gap and increase the economic empowerment of women? </p>
      <p><strong>Connect with us on our Slack Channel and on Github.</strong></p>

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         class="usa-button usa-button-big" target="_blank">Join Us in Slack<i class="fa fa-slack fa-fw"></i></a>

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         class="usa-button usa-button-outline usa-button-big" target="_blank">Join Us at an Event<i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i></a>

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      <strong>Sign up here for updates on our May 15th hackathon in Washington, D.C., and for information on our Weekly Office Hours.</strong>


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  {% comment %}
  {% include_relative index_includes/data-consumers.html %}
  {% endcomment %}
