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if ( ! class_exists( 'Maera_CWA' ) ) {

    * Custom Widget Areas Class
    class Maera_CWA {

        * Class constructor
        public function __construct() {

            $extra_widget_areas = $this->extra_widget_areas_array();

            foreach ( $extra_widget_areas as $ewa ) {
                add_action( $ewa['action'], array( $this, 'extra_widget_areas_wrapper'), $ewa['priority'], 2 );

            add_action( 'widgets_init', array( $this, 'widget_areas' ), 12 );
            add_filter( 'kirki/controls', array( $this, 'customizer_controls' ) );
            add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'customizer_section' ) );


        * Return an array of the extra widget area regions
        function extra_widget_areas_array() {

            $defaults = array();

            * The array should have a format like this:
            *    array(
            *         'area_wrapper_id_1' => array(
            *             'name'     => esc_html__( 'Human Readable name 1', 'maera' ),
            *             'default'  => 0,             // The default number of widget areas on this area
            *             'action'   => 'the_action_where_this_is_inserted',
            *             'priority' => 10,             // An integer. This is the priority of the action.
            *             'class'    => 'my-class',     // The css class that will be used for this. For example 'row' for bootstrap
            *         ),
            *         'area_wrapper_id_2' => array(
            *             'name'     => esc_html__( 'Human Readable name 2', 'maera' ),
            *             'default'  => 0,             // The default number of widget areas on this area
            *             'action'   => 'the_action_where_this_is_inserted',
            *             'priority' => 10,             // An integer. This is the priority of the action.
            *             'class'    => 'my-class',     // The css class that will be used for this. For example 'row' for bootstrap
            *         ),
            *     );

            return apply_filters( 'maera/widgets/areas', $defaults );


        * Customizer section
        function customizer_section( $wp_customize ) {
            $wp_customize->add_section( 'custom_widget_areas' , array(
            'title'      => esc_html__( 'Custom Widget Areas', 'maera' ),
            'priority'   => 999,
            ) );

        * Customizer controls for custom widget areas
        function customizer_controls( $controls ) {

            $extra_widget_areas = $this->extra_widget_areas_array();

            $i = 1;

            foreach ( $extra_widget_areas as $area => $settings ) {

                $controls[] = array(
                    'type'     => 'select',
                    'setting'  => $area . '_widgets_nr',
                    'label'    => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Number of widget areas in %s', 'maera' ), $settings['name'] ),
                    'section'  => 'custom_widget_areas',
                    'default'  => $settings['default'],
                    'choices'  => apply_filters( 'maera/widgets/areas/values', array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ) ),
                    'priority' => $i,


            return $controls;


        * Register sidebars and widgets
        function widget_areas() {

            $areas = $this->extra_widget_areas_array();

            $class        = apply_filters( 'maera/widgets/class', '' );
            $before_title = apply_filters( 'maera/widgets/title/before', '<h3 class="widget-title">' );
            $after_title  = apply_filters( 'maera/widgets/title/after', '</h3>' );

            foreach ( $areas as $area => $settings ) {

                $areas_nr = get_theme_mod( $area . '_widgets_nr', $settings['default'] );

                if ( $areas_nr ) {

                    for ( $i = 0;  $i < $areas_nr;  $i++ ) {

                        register_sidebar( array(
                            'name'          => $settings['name'] . ' ' . $i,
                            'id'            => $area . '_' . $i,
                            'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="' . $class . ' widget %2$s">',
                                'after_widget'  => '</section>',
                                'before_title'  => $before_title,
                                'after_title'   => $after_title,
                        ) );





        * Extra widget areas wrapper
        function extra_widget_areas_wrapper( $area = null, $class = '' ) {

            // Do not proceed if we have not specified an area
            if ( is_null( $area ) ) {

            $areas_nr = (int) get_theme_mod( $area . '_widgets_nr', 0 );

            $class = $class . ' ' . $class . '-' . $area;

            if ( 0 < $areas_nr ) : ?>

                <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>">

                    <?php for ( $i = 0;  $i < $areas_nr;  $i++ ) : ?>
                        <?php $this->extra_widgets_render_content( $areas_nr, $area, $i ); ?>
                    <?php endfor; ?>


            <?php endif;


        function extra_widgets_render_content( $areas_nr, $area, $i ) {

            $class = apply_filters( 'maera/extra_widgets/' . $area . '/' . $i, 'column-' . ( 12 / $areas_nr ), $area, $areas_nr ); ?>

            <div class="<?php echo $area . '_' . $i . ' ' . $class; ?>">
                <?php dynamic_sidebar( $area . '_' . $i ); ?>



