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 * Shell calculations
class Maera_Shell {

    public $instance;

    function __construct() {

        // Include the Core shell
        require_once get_template_directory() . '/core-shell/class-Maera_Shell_Core.php';

        add_filter( 'timber_output', array( $this, 'do_twig_replacements' ) );
        add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'fallback_shell' ) );

        $this->instance = $this->instantiate();


     * Activate the enabled shell
    function instantiate() {

        // Get the option from the database
        $options = get_option( 'maera_admin_options', array() );

        $active_shell = ( isset( $options['shell'] ) ) ? $options['shell'] : 'core';
        $active_shell = ( empty( $active_shell ) || '' == $active_shell ) ? 'core' : $active_shell;

        // Get the list of available shells
        $available_shells = apply_filters( 'maera/shells/available', array() );

        // Figure out the enabled shell
        foreach ( $available_shells as $available_shell ) {

            if ( $active_shell == $available_shell['value'] ) {
                // Instantianate the active shell
                $ss_shell = $available_shell['class']::get_instance();


        return ( isset( $ss_shell ) ) ? $ss_shell : false;


     * Make sure the active shell exists.
     * If the active shell is not in the array of available shells
     * then fallback to the core shell.
    function fallback_shell() {

        $options = get_option( 'maera_admin_options', array() );
        $active  = ( isset( $options['shell'] ) ) ? $options['shell'] : 'core';
        $shells  = apply_filters( 'maera/shells/available', array() );
        $values  = array_column( $shells, 'value' );

        if ( ! in_array( $options['shell'], $values ) ) {
            $options['shell'] = 'core';
            update_option( 'maera_admin_options', $options );


    public function replacements() {

        $replacements = array(










        return apply_filters( 'maera/twig/placeholders', $replacements );


     * Get the twig file and pass the replacement to it.
     * This function is just a helper for the do_twig_replacements function.
    public function twig_replacements( $replacement = false ) {

        // If no replacement has been defined, exit.
        if ( ! $replacement ) {

        $context = Timber::get_context();
        $context['element'] = $replacement;
        Timber::render( array( 'twig-str_replace.twig', ), $context, Maera()->cache->cache_duration() );


     * Get the list of replacements and perform a str_replace for them to the rendered HTML of the page
     * replacing all defined replacements with their respective rendered twig elements from the active shell.
    function do_twig_replacements( $content ) {

        $replacements = $this->replacements();

        foreach ( $replacements as $replacement => $value ) {

            if ( false !== strpos( $content, '[' . $value . ']' ) ) {

                $replaced = maera_get_echo( 'maera_helper_get_replacements', $value );
                $content  = str_replace( '[' . $value . ']', $replaced, $content );



        return $content;



 * Helper function to avoid a fatal error on WPEngine hosting
function maera_helper_get_replacements( $replacement = false ) {
    Maera()->shell->twig_replacements( $replacement );