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class Maera {

    private static $instance;

    public $shell;
    public $template;
    public $timber;
    public $styles;
    public $dev;
    public $cache;
    public $plugins;
    public $admin;
    public $views;

    function __construct() {

        Maera_Helper::define( 'MAERA_VERSION', '1.4' );
        Maera_Helper::define( 'MAERA_ASSETS_URL', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets' );

        add_filter( 'kirki/config', array( $this, 'customizer_config' ) );

        $maera_init     = new Maera_Init();

        $this->shell    = new Maera_Shell();
        $this->timber   = new Maera_Timber();
        $this->styles   = new Maera_Styles();
        $this->dev      = new Maera_Development();
        $this->cache    = new Maera_Caching();
        $this->cc       = new Maera_Core_Customizer();
        $this->views    = new Maera_Template();
        $this->template = $this->views;
        $this->plugins  = new Maera_Required_Plugins( $this->required_plugins() );
        $this->admin    = new Maera_Admin();

        // This is not ready yet so hide it.
        // For dev you can add this line to your wp-config.php file:
        // define( 'MAERA_HIDE_CORE_CUSTOMIZER', false );
        if ( ! defined( 'MAERA_HIDE_CORE_CUSTOMIZER' ) ) {
            define( 'MAERA_HIDE_CORE_CUSTOMIZER', true );

        add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'updates' ) );


    public static function get_instance() {
        if ( null == self::$instance ) {
            self::$instance = new self;

        return self::$instance;

     * The configuration options for the Kirki Customizer
    function customizer_config() {

        $args = array(
            'stylesheet_id' => 'maera',
            // 'color_active'  => '#ffab00',
            // 'color_light'   => '#ffc107',
            // 'color_select'  => '#ff9800',
            // 'color_accent'  => '#ff5722',
            // 'color_back'    => '#222',

        return $args;


     * Build the array of required plugins.
     * You can use the 'maera/required_plugins' filter to add or remove plugins.
    function required_plugins() {

        $plugins = array(
            array( 'name' => 'Timber',  'file' => 'timber.php',  'slug' => 'timber-library' ),
            array( 'name' => 'Jetpack', 'file' => 'jetpack.php', 'slug' => 'jetpack' ),

        if ( current_theme_supports( 'breadcrumbs' ) ) {
            $plugins[] = array( 'name' => 'Breadcrumb Trail', 'file' => 'breadcrumb-trail.php', 'slug' => 'breadcrumb-trail' );

        if ( current_theme_supports( 'less_compiler' ) || current_theme_supports( 'sass_compiler' ) ) {
            $plugins[] = array( 'name' => 'Less & scss compilers', 'file' => 'less-plugin.php', 'slug' => 'lessphp' );

        $jetpack_active_modules = get_option( 'jetpack_active_modules' );
        if ( isset( $jetpack_active_modules['photon'] ) && $jetpack_active_modules['photon'] ) {
            $plugins[] = array( 'name' => 'Timber with Jetpack Photon', 'file' => 'TimberPhoton.php', 'slug' => 'timber-with-jetpack-photon' );

        return $plugins;


     * We can handle any db updates here for backwards-compatibility
    function updates() {

        $options = get_option( 'maera_admin_options', array() );
        if ( !isset( $options['maera_version'] ) ) {
            $options['maera_version'] = MAERA_VERSION;
            update_option( 'maera_admin_options', $options );

        if( get_option( 'maera_version' ) ) {
            delete_option( 'maera_version' );

