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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Maera\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-19 02:47+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-19 02:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Stathopoulos Aristeides <>\n"
"Language-Team: Stathopoulos Aristeides <>\n"
"Language: en_US\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:70
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:71
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:72
msgid "Licensing"
msgstr "Licensing"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:73
msgid "Addons"
msgstr "Addons"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:74
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"

#: lib/admin/class-Maera_Admin.php:116
msgid "Options saved"
msgstr "Options saved"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:16
msgid "No Caching"
msgstr "No Caching"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:17
msgid "WP Object Caching"
msgstr "WP Object Caching"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:18
msgid "Transients"
msgstr "Transients"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:19
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Default"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:29
msgid "Select a Shell"
msgstr "Select a Shell"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:31
msgid ""
"You can select the shell that you want to activate here. Please note that when "
"changing shells all your settings are lost so you should keep a backup of them."
msgstr ""
"You can select the shell that you want to activate here. Please note that when "
"changing shells all your settings are lost so you should keep a backup of them."

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:42
msgid "Development Mode & Caching"
msgstr "Development Mode & Caching"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:44
msgid "Development Mode"
msgstr "Development Mode"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:46
msgid ""
"Enable development mode. Please keep in mind that the actual implementation of "
"the dev mode depends on the shell you have chosen"
msgstr ""
"Enable development mode. Please keep in mind that the actual implementation of "
"the dev mode depends on the shell you have chosen"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:47
msgid "Caching (minutes)"
msgstr "Caching (minutes)"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:49
msgid ""
"Set the time (in minutes) you want your pages cached. CAUTION: If you have any "
"context dependent sub-views (eg. current user), this mode won't do. In that "
"case, set this to 0."
msgstr ""
"Set the time (in minutes) you want your pages cached. CAUTION: If you have any "
"context dependent sub-views (eg. current user), this mode won't do. In that "
"case, set this to 0."

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:52
msgid "Choose a caching mode for your theme templates"
msgstr "Choose a caching mode for your theme templates"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:61
msgid "Export/Import customizer options"
msgstr "Export/Import customizer options"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:63
msgid "Export Customizer options"
msgstr "Export Customizer options"

#: lib/admin/tabs/settings.php:82
msgid ""
"Import Customizer options. If you want to reset the customizer, you will have "
"to simply enter RESET in the import field (all capitals)."
msgstr ""
"Import Customizer options. If you want to reset the customizer, you will have "
"to simply enter RESET in the import field (all capitals)."

#: lib/class-Maera_CWA.php:65
msgid "Custom Widget Areas"
msgstr "Custom Widget Areas"

#: lib/class-Maera_CWA.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "Number of widget areas in %s"
msgstr "Number of widget areas in %s"

#: lib/class-Maera_Core_Customizer.php:21
msgid "Maera Options"
msgstr "Maera Options"

#: lib/class-Maera_Core_Customizer.php:53
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Shell"

#: lib/class-Maera_Init.php:70
msgid "Primary Navigation"
msgstr "Primary Navigation"

#: lib/class-Maera_Template.php:78
msgid "Search results for "
msgstr "Search results for "

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client.php:70
msgid "An Error Occured"
msgstr "An Error Occured"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client.php:95
msgid "Invalid License"
msgstr "Invalid License"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client.php:169
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr "Already Installed"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:23
msgid "Maera Addons"
msgstr "Maera Addons"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:76
msgid "Maera Addons Installer"
msgstr "Maera Addons Installer"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:99
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Installed"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:99
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Install"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:123
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:136
msgid "Enter your license"
msgstr "Enter your license"

#: lib/remote-installer/includes/class-Maera_EDD_RI_Client_Admin.php:139
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Submit"

#: lib/required-error.php:20
msgid ""
"This theme requires some plugins to be installed on your site. Please visit "
"your dashboard and install those before proceeding any further."
msgstr ""
"This theme requires some plugins to be installed on your site. Please visit "
"your dashboard and install those before proceeding any further."

#: lib/updater/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:177
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"thickbox"
"\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a>."
msgstr ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"thickbox"
"\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a>."

#: lib/updater/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:184
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"thickbox"
"\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a> or <a href=\"%4$s\">update now</"
msgstr ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"thickbox"
"\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a> or <a href=\"%4$s\">update now</"

#: lib/updater/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:324
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
msgstr "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"

#: lib/updater/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:324
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"

#: lib/updater/class-Maera_Updater.php:81
msgid "Enter your license key"
msgstr "Enter your license key"

#: lib/updater/class-Maera_Updater.php:84
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Save"

#: lib/updater/class-Maera_Updater.php:88
msgid "active"
msgstr "active"

#: lib/updater/class-Maera_Updater.php:90
msgid "invalid"
msgstr "invalid"

#: lib/updater/class-Maera_Updater.php:93
msgid "Activate License"
msgstr "Activate License"

#: lib/widgets.php:14
msgid "Primary Sidebar"
msgstr "Primary Sidebar"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:22
#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:34
msgid "Maera Latest Posts"
msgstr "Maera Latest Posts"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:146
msgid "Read More"
msgstr "Read More"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:152
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Title:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:157
msgid "Post Type:"
msgstr "Post Type:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:174
msgid "Taxonomy:"
msgstr "Taxonomy:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:188
msgid "Term:"
msgstr "Term:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:192
msgid "Any Term"
msgstr "Any Term"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:212
msgid "Number of Posts to display"
msgstr "Number of Posts to display"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:217
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Offset"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:222
msgid "Post Title Size:"
msgstr "Post Title Size:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:225
msgid "Large (H3)"
msgstr "Large (H3)"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:228
msgid "Normal (H4)"
msgstr "Normal (H4)"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:231
msgid "Small (H5)"
msgstr "Small (H5)"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:236
msgid "Excerpt Length"
msgstr "Excerpt Length"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:241
msgid "Read More text:"
msgstr "Read More text:"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:248
msgid "Display thumbs"
msgstr "Display thumbs"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:257
msgid "Float Tumbnails Left"
msgstr "Float Tumbnails Left"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:262
msgid "Thumbnail Width"
msgstr "Thumbnail Width"

#: lib/widgets/extended-posts/class-Maera_Ext_Posts_Widget_Latest_Articles.php:267
msgid "Thumbnail Height"
msgstr "Thumbnail Height"

#: lib/widgets/logo/includes/class-Maera_Logo_Widget.php:23
msgid "Maera Logo"
msgstr "Maera Logo"

#: lib/widgets/logo/includes/class-Maera_Logo_Widget.php:24
msgid "Maera logo widget."
msgstr "Maera logo widget."

#: lib/widgets/logo/includes/class-Maera_Logo_Widget.php:36
msgid "This widget has no options to set"
msgstr "This widget has no options to set"

#: core-shell/views/base.twig:9 views/base.twig:13 views/main.twig:6
msgid "Sorry, no content"
msgstr "Sorry, no content"

#: core-shell/views/header.twig:27 views/header.twig:6
msgid "Skip to main content"
msgstr "Skip to main content"

#: views/404.twig:5
msgid ""
"It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links "
"below or a search?"
msgstr ""
"It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links "
"below or a search?"

#: views/archive.twig:7 views/page.twig:7 views/single.twig:7
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Pages:"

#: views/comments.twig:5
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comments"

#: views/content-single-entry-meta.twig:11
msgid "under"
msgstr "under"

#: views/content-single-entry-meta.twig:13
msgid "by"
msgstr "by"

#: views/content-single-entry-meta.twig:14
msgid "with"
msgstr "with"

#: views/content-single-entry-meta.twig:14
msgid "comments"
msgstr "comments"