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            h1 Getting Started
            p BitTorious supports several popular BitTorrent client. More may work, but it's suuuuuuper important that you pick one that respects the "private" nature of BitTorious, as well as supports forced encryption of P2P file transfers. We recommend <a href=>uTorrent</a> with Vuze as a fall-back option, and we use uTorrent for Mac as the example in this guide. The Windows version of uTorrent similar. The Linux version has the same functionality, but a very different web-based UI.

                li: a href="#downloading" Downloading 
                li: a href="#subscribing" Subscribing To A Feed
                li: a href="#publishing" Publishing A Torrent
                li: a href="#publishing" Seeding The Torrent


            h2 Downloading A Torrent
            p Log in to your approvied BitTorrious account and go to the #{link_to 'Dashboard', dashboard_path} in the BitTorious menu bar. Click on the feed that contains the data you wish to download.
            = image_tag 'download.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p Find the torrent of interest and click the green "Download" button. Back in uTorrent client, click the "Add" button, and select the torrent file you just downloaded. You should now see the torrent listed in the main window pane of uTorrent with a status of "Downloading".
            = image_tag 'utorrent-add.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p It may take a few minutes for uTorrent to start downloading the data. Be patient! Everything is fine as long as uTorrent doesn't report any errors. You can check the status of the network via the dashboard for a handy map and list of peers. (Your client can provide some of this as well.)
            = image_tag 'map.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'

            h2 Subscribing To A Feed
            p BitTorrious makes it possible to subscribe to torrent feeds via RSS, allowing for automatic replication of data between sites. Log in to the BitTorious dashboard and copy the relevant RSS URL for which you want to subscribe. A master "All Torrents RSS" URL may also be usued for convenence, as shown below.
            = image_tag 'rss.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p In uTorrent, for example, click on the "Add Feed" button and paste the URL from the previous step into the "Feed URL" field, then click "Save".
            = image_tag 'utorrent-feed.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
                | The relevant BitTorious data feed should now be listed in the left-hand pane of uTorrent. The individual torrents are listed in the main pane. 
                b If you would like all torrents published to the feed to start automatically, also add a "Smart Feed" rule configured to automatically add and start all new torrents. 
                | Otherwise, uTorrent will not automatically start them. 
            = image_tag 'utorrent-smart.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'



            h2 Creating A Torrent
            p To publish data to a feed, you first need to create a .torrent metafile that describes the data. For smaller payloads you can use uTorrent to generate the file, but for larger torrents -- generally over 1GB -- uTorrent may hang on .torrent generation. We recommend sticking to cTorrent at the command line for this reason.

            h3 cTorrent (Command Line, Recommended)
            p Use "4194304" (4MiB) as the piece size. Substitute your deployments domain name, file list, and torrent name, below. The portal will rewrite the URL per subscriber regardless of what you provide, so don't worry about getting it right.
            pre preston$ ctorrent -t -l 4194304 -u -p -s 1MiB.torrent 1MiB
                | The 
                a href="" man page 
                | is pretty helpful.
            h3 uTorrent (GUI)
            p From the "File" drop-down menu, select "New Torrent".
            = image_tag 'utorrent-new.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p In the dialog, choose your files to publish. They will all be added to the same torrent. Enter the tracker URL plus "/announce" under the "Trackers". Use 4096KB as the piece size, which is needed for larger torrents. Also make sure the "Private torrent" box is checked, then click the "Create and save as...".
            = image_tag 'utorrent-create.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
                b This .torrent will NOT work to seed the network! You need to let the BitTorious portal rewrite it, next, to double-check the important settings and add your secret token. Just download the new .torrent from the portal, trash your original, and open the fresh version instead.


            h2 Uploading And Seeding A Torrent
            p The torrent file you just created must now be published to your BitTorious instance. From the BitTorious dashboard select the feed to which the torrent will be added, and click "Publish a torrent". 
            = image_tag 'add.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p Provide a name (recommended: the same as the name of the torrent), select the .torrent file and click "Publish".
            = image_tag 'publish.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'
            p BitTorrious edits some of the information in the torrent file, so you should now trash your original .torrent file and download it fresh from the portal.
            = image_tag 'download.png', class: 'img-responsive img-thumbnail'

            p You may now open the new .torrent file in uTorrent, which will then register with your BitTorious portal and start seeding to the network. SWEET!!!