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'use strict'

angular.module('relativeDate', [])
  .value('now', null)
  .value('relativeDateTranslations', {
    just_now: 'just now'
    seconds_ago: '{{time}} seconds ago'
    a_minute_ago: 'a minute ago'
    minutes_ago: '{{time}} minutes ago'
    an_hour_ago: 'an hour ago'
    hours_ago: '{{time}} hours ago'
    a_day_ago: 'yesterday'
    days_ago: '{{time}} days ago'
    a_week_ago: 'a week ago'
    weeks_ago: '{{time}} weeks ago'
    a_month_ago: 'a month ago'
    months_ago: '{{time}} months ago'
    a_year_ago: 'a year ago'
    years_ago: '{{time}} years ago'
    over_a_year_ago: 'over a year ago'
    seconds_from_now: '{{time}} seconds from now'
    a_minute_from_now: 'a minute from now'
    minutes_from_now: '{{time}} minutes from now'
    an_hour_from_now: 'an hour from now'
    hours_from_now: '{{time}} hours from now'
    a_day_from_now: 'tomorrow'
    days_from_now: '{{time}} days from now'
    a_week_from_now: 'a week from now'
    weeks_from_now: '{{time}} weeks from now'
    a_month_from_now: 'a month from now'
    months_from_now: '{{time}} months from now'
    a_year_from_now: 'a year from now'
    years_from_now: '{{time}} years from now'
    over_a_year_from_now: 'over a year from now'
  .filter 'relativeDate', ['$injector', 'now', 'relativeDateTranslations', ($injector, _now, relativeDateTranslations) ->
    if $injector.has('$translate')
      # Use angular-translate (or any service which implements .instant(id, params)) if it's available
      $translate = $injector.get('$translate')
      # Simple polyfill for the angular-translate service
      $translate = {
        instant: (id, params) ->
          relativeDateTranslations[id].replace('{{time}}', params.time)

    calculateDelta = (now, date) ->
      Math.round(Math.abs(now - date) / 1000)

    (date) ->
      now = if _now then _now else new Date()
      date = new Date(date) unless date instanceof Date
      delta = null

      minute = 60
      hour = minute * 60
      day = hour * 24
      week = day * 7
      month = day * 30
      year = day * 365

      delta = calculateDelta(now, date)

      if delta > day && delta < week
        # We're dealing with days now, so time becomes irrelevant
        date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, 0, 0)
        delta = calculateDelta(now, date)

      translate = (translatePhrase, timeValue) ->
        if translatePhrase == 'just_now'
          translateKey = translatePhrase
        else if now >= date
          translateKey = "#{translatePhrase}_ago"
          translateKey = "#{translatePhrase}_from_now"

        $translate.instant(translateKey, { time: timeValue })

        when delta < 30 then translate('just_now')
        when delta < minute then translate('seconds', delta)
        when delta < 2 * minute then translate('a_minute')
        when delta < hour then translate('minutes', Math.floor(delta / minute))
        when Math.floor(delta / hour) == 1 then translate('an_hour')
        when delta < day then translate('hours', Math.floor(delta / hour))
        when delta < day * 2 then translate('a_day')
        when delta < week then translate('days', Math.floor(delta / day))
        when Math.floor(delta / week) == 1 then translate('a_week')
        when delta < month then translate('weeks', Math.floor(delta / week))
        when Math.floor(delta / month) == 1 then translate('a_month')
        when delta < year then translate('months', Math.floor(delta / month))
        when Math.floor(delta / year) == 1 then translate('a_year')
        else translate('over_a_year')