const { join } = require('path');
const logger = require('./common').logger.prefix('actions');
const hooks = require('./hooks');
const actions = {};
const running = {};
const load_action = (type, name) => {
const file = join(__dirname, `${type}s`, name);
try {
return require(file);
} catch (e) {
hooks.trigger('error', e);
const watch_action_events = (events, emitter) => {
events.forEach((eventName) => {
emitter.on(eventName, (data) => {
hooks.trigger('event', eventName, data);
hooks.trigger(eventName, data);
// type can be 'action' or 'trigger'
const action_running = (type, id, action, name, opts, emitter) => {`Running: ${name} ${id}`);
running[id] = { name, action };
emitter.once('end', (idEmitter, err, out) => {
if (err) {
hooks.trigger('error', err);`Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
}`Stopped: ${name}`);
setTimeout(() => {
hooks.trigger(type, 'stopped', idEmitter, name, opts, err, out);
}, 1000);
if ( emitter.removeAllListeners();
if (! return;
watch_action_events(, emitter);
const action_stopped = (id) => {
delete running[id];
const start = function (type, id, name, opts, cb) {
// Action with same id is not executed
if (running[id]) {
const err = new Error(`Already running: ${running[id].name} with id: ${id}`);
hooks.emit('error', err);
return cb && cb(err);
if (Object.values(running).filter((x) => === name).length > 0) {
const err = new Error(`Already running: ${name}`);
hooks.emit('error', err);
return cb && cb(err);
}`Starting ${type}: ${name}`);
const action = load_action(type, name);
if (!action) return; // load_action will emit trigger
action.type = type;
action.options = typeof opts === 'function' ? {} : opts;
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
action.start(id, opts, (err, emitter) => {
cb && cb(err);
if (err) {`Failed: ${name} -> ${err.message}`);
if (type === 'action') {
hooks.trigger('error', err);
return hooks.trigger('action', 'failed', id, name, opts, err);
return hooks.trigger('error', err);
let options = opts;
if (!opts) options = {};
if (type === 'action') {
setTimeout(() => {
hooks.trigger(type, 'started', id, name, options);
}, 500);
if (emitter) {
action_running(type, id, action, name, options, emitter);
} else {
// no emitter was returned, so we have no way of knowing when
// this action will stop. given that the command watcher needs to know
// when an action finished in order to update the list, we'll manually
// trigger this event after 10 seconds.
setTimeout(() => {
hooks.trigger(type, 'stopped', id, name, options);
}, 10000);
actions.start = (id, name, opts, cb) => {
start('action', id, name, opts, cb);
// TODO: agregar lo del opts para el response
actions.stop = (id, name, opts) => {
if (!running[id]) {
hooks.trigger('action', 'stopped', id, name, opts);
const { action } = running[id];
if (!action) {
logger.warn('Action not running!');
hooks.trigger('action', 'stopped', id, name, opts);
} else if (!action.stop) {
logger.warn('Action not stoppable!');
} else {`Stopping: ${running[id].name}, with id: ${id}`);
actions.stop_all = function () {
for (const id in running) {
module.exports = actions;