var fs = require('fs'),
join = require('path').join,
common = require('./../common'),
config = require('../utils/configfile'),
system = common.system,
package = common.package,
paths = system.paths,
run_synced = require('./utils/run_synced'),
shared = require('./shared');
// calls 'prey config activate' on the new installation,
// so that it performs the activation using its own paths and logic.
// if it fails, roll back by removing it
var activate_new_version = function(version, cb) {
var version_path = join(paths.versions, version),
opts = { env: process.env, cwd: version_path },
args = ['config', 'activate'];
opts.env.UPGRADING_FROM = common.version;
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
var bin = join(version_path, 'bin', 'node.exe');
args = [join('lib', 'conf', 'cli.js')].concat(args);
} else {
var bin = join(version_path, 'bin', paths.bin);
run_synced(bin, args, opts, function(err, code) {
if (!err && code === 0) return cb();
shared.log('Failed. Rolling back!');
// something went wrong while upgrading.
// remove new package & undo pre_uninstall
shared.version_manager.remove(version, function(er) {
cb(er || err);
// install local package into version path
exports.local = function(values, cb) {
var file = values.file;
if (!file) return cb(new Error('File path required.'));
var destination = values['-d'] || paths.versions;
package.install(file, destination, function(err, new_version) {
if (err) return cb(err);
shared.log('New version installed: ' + new_version);
activate_new_version(new_version, cb);
// checks and installs the latest version in repository, if newer.
exports.remote = function(values, cb) {
var wants_version = values.version;
var destination = values['-d'] || paths.versions;
var done = function(err, new_version) {
if (err) return cb(err);
shared.log('New version installed: ' + new_version);
if (!process.env.RUNNING_USER)
return activate_new_version(new_version, cb);
// ok, we're running as a child process of the agent.
// first we'll let them know we're good to go, by explicitly
// writing to stdout which is where he's listening.
// launchd's WatchPaths option seems to have a slight delay, so if the process
// exits immediately after having copied the files, we'll get an immediate
// restart which is not what we want. so wait a few seconds before telling our parent to die.
setTimeout(function() {
// ok, now the parent process should be shutting down.
// we'll wait a few seconds before proceeding, to give it time to unload all plugins, etc.
// the max unload time is 10 seconds so we'll wait a tiny bit further.
setTimeout(function() {
// if you haven't got tired of reading these comments, here's another one.
// since now we've been detached from the parent process, it means that the
// pipe to the parent's STDOUT and STDERR is no longer there. so we'll
// reopen those streams to a temporary location so that we don't run into trouble.
process.stdout = fs.openSync(system.tempfile_path('detached-out.log'), 'w');
process.stderr = fs.openSync(system.tempfile_path('detached-err.log'), 'w');
activate_new_version(new_version, cb)
}, 11111);
}, 2000);
// if version was requested, and not 'edge' or 'stable', then get it.
if (wants_version && wants_version != 'edge' && wants_version != 'stable')
return package.get_version(wants_version, destination, done);
var latest_installed = shared.version_manager.latest();
if (!latest_installed)
return cb(new Error('Unable to determine latest installed version.'))
// ok, either 'edge', 'stable' or nada was requested. let's check.
var branch = wants_version == 'edge' ? 'edge' : 'stable';
package.get_latest(branch, latest_installed, destination, done);
// ensures current installation is A-OK
exports.check = function(values, cb) {
shared.log('Checking installation.');
// if we have versions support, check if symlinked
if (paths.versions && !fs.existsSync(paths.current))
return cb(new Error('Current version not set in ' + paths.current))
// check that prey bin exists
if (!fs.existsSync(paths.current_bin))
return cb(new Error('Prey bin not found in ' + paths.current_bin))
shared.keys.verify_current(function(err) {
if (!err)
shared.log('Installation seems to be clean as a bean. Good job!')
exports.activate_new_version = activate_new_version;