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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: api.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>'use strict';

var Requests = require('./requests'),
    Cookies = require('./cookies'),
    documents = require('./documents'),
    ApiCache = require('./cache'),
    Predicates = require('./predicates'),
    experiments = require('./experiments');

var Experiments = experiments.Experiments,
    Document = documents.Document;

var experimentCookie = "io.prismic.experiment",
    previewCookie = "io.prismic.preview";

 * Initialisation of the API object.
 * This is for internal use, from outside this kit, you should call Prismic.Api()
 * @private
function Api(url, options) {
  var opts = options || {};
  this.accessToken = opts.accessToken;
  this.url = url + (this.accessToken ? (url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&amp;' : '?') + 'access_token=' + this.accessToken : '');
  this.req = opts.req;
  this.apiCache = opts.apiCache || globalCache();
  this.requestHandler = opts.requestHandler || Requests.request;
  this.apiCacheKey = this.url + (this.accessToken ? ('#' + this.accessToken) : '');
  this.apiDataTTL = opts.apiDataTTL || 5;
  return this;

Api.prototype = {

  // Predicates
  AT: "at",
  ANY: "any",
  SIMILAR: "similar",
  FULLTEXT: "fulltext",
    GT: "",
    LT: ""
  DATE: {
    // Other date operators are available: see the documentation.
    AFTER: "date.after",
    BEFORE: "date.before",
    BETWEEN: "date.between"

  // Fragment: usable as the second element of a query array on most predicates (except SIMILAR).
  // You can also use "my.*" for your custom fields.
    ID: "",
    TYPE: "document.type",
    TAGS: "document.tags"

  data: null,

   * Fetches data used to construct the api client, from cache if it's
   * present, otherwise from calling the prismic api endpoint (which is
   * then cached).
   * @param {function} callback - Callback to receive the data. Optional, you can use the promise result.
   * @returns {Promise} Promise holding the data or error
  get: function(callback) {
    var self = this;
    var cacheKey = this.apiCacheKey;

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      var cb = function(err, value, xhr, ttl) {
        if (callback) callback(err, value, xhr, ttl);
        if (value) resolve(value);
        if (err) reject(err);
      self.apiCache.get(cacheKey, function (err, value) {
        if (err || value) {
          cb(err, value);

        self.requestHandler(self.url, function(err, data, xhr, ttl) {
          if (err) {
            cb(err, null, xhr, ttl);

          var parsed = self.parse(data);
          ttl = ttl || self.apiDataTTL;

          self.apiCache.set(cacheKey, parsed, ttl, function (err) {
            cb(err, parsed, xhr, ttl);

   * Cleans api data from the cache and fetches an up to date copy.
   * @param {function} callback - Optional callback function that is called after the data has been refreshed
   * @returns {Promise}
  refresh: function (callback) {
    var self = this;
    var cacheKey = this.apiCacheKey;

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var cb = function(err, value, xhr) {
        if (callback) callback(err, value, xhr);
        if (value) resolve(value);
        if (err) reject(err);
      self.apiCache.remove(cacheKey, function (err) {
        if (err) { cb(err); return; }

        self.get(function (err, data) {
          if (err) { cb(err); return; }

 = data;
          self.bookmarks = data.bookmarks;
          self.experiments = new Experiments(data.experiments);


   * Parses and returns the /api document.
   * This is for internal use, from outside this kit, you should call Prismic.Api()
   * @param {string} data - The JSON document responded on the API's endpoint
   * @returns {Api} - The Api object that can be manipulated
   * @private
  parse: function(data) {
    var refs,
        forms = {},

    // Parse the forms
    for (i in data.forms) {
      if (data.forms.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
        f = data.forms[i];

        if(this.accessToken) {
          f.fields['access_token'] = {};
          f.fields['access_token']['type'] = 'string';
          f.fields['access_token']['default'] = this.accessToken;

        form = new Form(

        forms[i] = form;

    refs = (r) {
      return new Ref(
    }) || [];

    master = refs.filter(function (r) {
      return r.isMaster === true;

    types = data.types;

    tags = data.tags;

    if (master.length === 0) {
      throw ("No master ref.");

    return {
      bookmarks: data.bookmarks || {},
      refs: refs,
      forms: forms,
      master: master[0],
      types: types,
      tags: tags,
      experiments: data.experiments,
      oauthInitiate: data['oauth_initiate'],
      oauthToken: data['oauth_token'],
      quickRoutes: data.quickRoutes


   * @deprecated use form() now
   * @param {string} formId - The id of a form, like "everything", or "products"
   * @returns {SearchForm} - the SearchForm that can be used.
  forms: function(formId) {
    return this.form(formId);

   * Returns a useable form from its id, as described in the RESTful description of the API.
   * For instance: api.form("everything") works on every repository (as "everything" exists by default)
   * You can then chain the calls: api.form("everything").query('[[:d = at(, "UkL0gMuvzYUANCpf")]]').ref(ref).submit()
   * @param {string} formId - The id of a form, like "everything", or "products"
   * @returns {SearchForm} - the SearchForm that can be used.
  form: function(formId) {
    var form =[formId];
    if(form) {
      return new SearchForm(this, form, {});
    return null;

   * The ID of the master ref on this API.
   * Do not use like this: searchForm.ref(api.master()).
   * Instead, set your ref once in a variable, and call it when you need it; this will allow to change the ref you're viewing easily for your entire page.
   * @returns {string}
  master: function() {

   * Returns the ref ID for a given ref's label.
   * Do not use like this: searchForm.ref(api.ref("Future release label")).
   * Instead, set your ref once in a variable, and call it when you need it; this will allow to change the ref you're viewing easily for your entire page.
   * @param {string} label - the ref's label
   * @returns {string}
  ref: function(label) {
    for(var i=0; i&lt;; i++) {
      if([i].label == label) {
    return null;

   * The current experiment, or null
   * @returns {Experiment}
  currentExperiment: function() {
    return this.experiments.current();

  quickRoutesEnabled: function() {

   * Retrieve quick routes definitions
  quickRoutes: function(callback) {
    var self = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      self.requestHandler(, function(err, data, xhr) {
        if (callback) callback(err, data, xhr);
        if (err) reject(err);
        if (data) resolve(data);

   * Query the repository
   * @param {string|array|Predicate} the query itself
   * @param {object} additional parameters. In NodeJS, pass the request as 'req'.
   * @param {function} callback(err, response)
  query: function(q, options, callback) {
    if (typeof options === 'function') {
      callback = options;
      options = undefined;
    var opts = options || {};
    var form = this.form('everything');
    for (var key in opts) {
      form = form.set(key, options[key]);
    // Don't override the ref if the caller specified one in the options
    if (!opts['ref']) {
      // Look in cookies if we have a ref (preview or experiment)
      var cookieString = '';
      if (this.req) { // NodeJS
        cookieString = this.req.headers["cookie"] || '';
      } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // Browser
        cookieString = window.document.cookie || '';
      var cookies = Cookies.parse(cookieString);
      var previewRef = cookies[previewCookie];
      var experimentRef = this.experiments.refFromCookie(cookies[experimentCookie]);
      form = form.ref(previewRef || experimentRef || this.master());
    if (q) {
    return form.submit(callback);

   * Retrieve the document returned by the given query
   * @param {string|array|Predicate} the query
   * @param {object} additional parameters. In NodeJS, pass the request as 'req'.
   * @param {function} callback(err, doc)
  queryFirst: function(q, options, callback) {
    if (typeof options === 'function') {
      callback = options;
      options = undefined;
    var opts = {};
    for (var key in (options || {})) {
      opts[key] = options[key];
    } = 1;
    opts.pageSize = 1;
    return this.query(q, opts, function(err, response) {
      if (callback) {
        var result = response &amp;&amp; response.results &amp;&amp; response.results[0];
        callback(err, result);
      return response &amp;&amp; response.results &amp;&amp; response.results[0];

   * Retrieve the document with the given id
   * @param {string} id
   * @param {object} additional parameters
   * @param {function} callback(err, doc)
  getByID: function(id, options, callback) {
    options = options || {};
    if(!options.lang) options.lang = '*';
    return this.queryFirst('', id), options, callback);

   * Retrieve multiple documents from an array of id
   * @param {array} ids
   * @param {object} additional parameters
   * @param {function} callback(err, response)
  getByIDs: function(ids, options, callback) {
    options = options || {};
    if(!options.lang) options.lang = '*';
    return this.query(['in', '', ids], options, callback);

   * Retrieve the document with the given uid
   * @param {string} type the custom type of the document
   * @param {string} uid
   * @param {object} additional parameters
   * @param {function} callback(err, response)
  getByUID: function(type, uid, options, callback) {
    options = options || {};
    if(!options.lang) options.lang = '*';
    return this.queryFirst('my.'+type+'.uid', uid), options, callback);

   * Retrieve the singleton document with the given type
   * @param {string} type the custom type of the document
   * @param {object} additional parameters
   * @param {function} callback(err, response)
  getSingle: function(type, options, callback) {
    return this.queryFirst('document.type', type), options, callback);

   * Retrieve the document with the given bookmark
   * @param {string} bookmark name
   * @param {object} additional parameters
   * @param {function} callback(err, response)
   * @returns {Promise}
  getBookmark: function(bookmark, options, callback) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var id = this.bookmarks[bookmark];
      if (id) {
      } else {
        var err = new Error("Error retrieving bookmarked id");
        if (callback) callback(err);
    }).then(function(id) {
      return this.getByID(id, options, callback);

   * Return the URL to display a given preview
   * @param {string} token as received from Prismic server to identify the content to preview
   * @param {function} linkResolver the link resolver to build URL for your site
   * @param {string} defaultUrl the URL to default to return if the preview doesn't correspond to a document
   *                (usually the home page of your site)
   * @param {function} callback to get the resulting URL (optional, you can get it from the Promise result)
   * @returns {Promise}
  previewSession: function(token, linkResolver, defaultUrl, callback) {
    var api = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var cb = function(err, value, xhr) {
        if (callback) callback(err, value, xhr);
        if (err) {
        } else {
      api.requestHandler(token, function (err, result, xhr) {
        if (err) {
          cb(err, defaultUrl, xhr);
        try {
          var mainDocumentId = result.mainDocument;
          if (!mainDocumentId) {
            cb(null, defaultUrl, xhr);
          } else {
            api.form("everything").query("", mainDocumentId)).ref(token).lang('*').submit(function(err, response) {
              if (err) {
              try {
                if (response.results.length === 0) {
                  cb(null, defaultUrl, xhr);
                } else {
                  cb(null, linkResolver(response.results[0]), xhr);
              } catch (e) {
        } catch (e) {
          cb(e, defaultUrl, xhr);

   * Fetch a URL corresponding to a query, and parse the response as a Response object
  request: function(url, callback) {
    var api = this;
    var cacheKey = url + (this.accessToken ? ('#' + this.accessToken) : '');
    var cache = this.apiCache;
    function run(cb) {
      cache.get(cacheKey, function (err, value) {
        if (err || value) {
          cb(err, api.response(value));
        api.requestHandler(url, function (err, documents, xhr, ttl) {
          if (err) {
            cb(err, null, xhr);

          if (ttl) {
            cache.set(cacheKey, documents, ttl, function (err) {
              cb(err, api.response(documents));
          } else {
            cb(null, api.response(documents));
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      run(function(err, value, xhr) {
        if (callback) callback(err, value, xhr);
        if (err) reject(err);
        if (value) resolve(value);

  getNextPage: function(nextPage, callback) {
    return this.request(nextPage + (this.accessToken ? '&amp;access_token=' + this.accessToken : ''), callback);

   * JSON documents to Response object
  response: function(documents){
    var results =;
    return new Response(,
      results || []);


 * Embodies a submittable RESTful form as described on the API endpoint (as per RESTful standards)
 * @constructor
 * @private
function Form(name, fields, form_method, rel, enctype, action) { = name;
  this.fields = fields;
  this.form_method = form_method;
  this.rel = rel;
  this.enctype = enctype;
  this.action = action;

Form.prototype = {};

 * Parse json as a document
 * @returns {Document}
var parseDoc = function(json) {
  var fragments = {};
  for(var field in[json.type]) {
    fragments[json.type + '.' + field] =[json.type][field];

  var slugs = [];
  if (json.slugs !== undefined) {
    for (var i = 0; i &lt; json.slugs.length; i++) {

  return new Document(,
    json.uid || null,

 * Embodies a SearchForm object. To create SearchForm objects that are allowed in the API, please use the API.form() method.
 * @constructor
 * @global
 * @alias SearchForm
function SearchForm(api, form, data) {
  this.api = api;
  this.form = form; = data || {};

  for(var field in form.fields) {
    if(form.fields[field]['default']) {[field] = [form.fields[field]['default']];

SearchForm.prototype = {

   * Set an API call parameter. This will only work if field is a valid field of the
   * RESTful form in the first place (as described in the /api document); otherwise,
   * an "Unknown field" error is thrown.
   * Please prefer using dedicated methods like query(), orderings(), ...
   * @param {string} field - The name of the field to set
   * @param {string} value - The value that gets assigned
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  set: function(field, value) {
    var fieldDesc = this.form.fields[field];
    if(!fieldDesc) throw new Error("Unknown field " + field);
    var values=[field] || [];
    if(value === '' || value === undefined) {
      // we must compare value to null because we want to allow 0
      value = null;
    if(fieldDesc.multiple) {
      if (value) values.push(value);
    } else {
      values = value &amp;&amp; [value];
    }[field] = values;
    return this;

   * Sets a ref to query on for this SearchForm. This is a mandatory
   * method to call before calling submit(), and api.form('everything').submit()
   * will not work.
   * @param {Ref} ref - The Ref object defining the ref to query
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  ref: function(ref) {
    return this.set("ref", ref);

   * Sets a predicate-based query for this SearchForm. This is where you
   * paste what you compose in your API browser.
   * @example form.query("", "foobar"))
   * @param {string|...array} query - Either a query as a string, or as many predicates as you want. See Prismic.Predicates.
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  query: function(query) {
    if (typeof query === 'string') {
      return this.set("q", query);
    } else {
      var predicates;
      if (query.constructor === Array &amp;&amp; query.length > 0 &amp;&amp; query[0].constructor === Array) {
        predicates = query;
      } else {
        predicates = [].slice.apply(arguments); // Convert to a real JS array
      var stringQueries = [];
      predicates.forEach(function (predicate) {
      return this.query("[" + stringQueries.join("") + "]");

   * Sets a page size to query for this SearchForm. This is an optional method.
   * @param {number} size - The page size
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  pageSize: function(size) {
    return this.set("pageSize", size);

   * Restrict the results document to the specified fields
   * @param {string|array} fields - The list of fields, array or comma separated string
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  fetch: function(fields) {
    if (fields instanceof Array) {
      fields = fields.join(",");
    return this.set("fetch", fields);

   * Include the requested fields in the DocumentLink instances in the result
   * @param {string|array} fields - The list of fields, array or comma separated string
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  fetchLinks: function(fields) {
    if (fields instanceof Array) {
      fields = fields.join(",");
    return this.set("fetchLinks", fields);

   * Sets the language to query for this SearchForm. This is an optional method.
   * @param {string} fields - The language code
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  lang: function(fields) {
    return this.set("lang", fields);

   * Sets the page number to query for this SearchForm. This is an optional method.
   * @param {number} p - The page number
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  page: function(p) {
    return this.set("page", p);

   * Sets the orderings to query for this SearchForm. This is an optional method.
   * @param {array} orderings - Array of string: list of fields, optionally followed by space and desc. Example: ['my.product.price desc', '']
   * @returns {SearchForm} - The SearchForm itself
  orderings: function(orderings) {
    if (typeof orderings === 'string') {
      // Backward compatibility
      return this.set("orderings", orderings);
    } else if (!orderings) {
      // Noop
      return this;
    } else {
      // Normal usage
      return this.set("orderings", "[" + orderings.join(",") + "]");

   * Submits the query, and calls the callback function.
   * @param {function} callback - Optional callback function that is called after the query was made,
   * to which you may pass three parameters: a potential error (null if no problem),
   * a Response object (containing all the pagination specifics + the array of Docs),
   * and the XMLHttpRequest
  submit: function(callback) {
    var self = this;
    var url = this.form.action;

    if ( {
      var sep = (url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&amp;' : '?');
      for(var key in {
        if ( {
          var values =[key];
          if (values) {
            for (var i = 0; i &lt; values.length; i++) {
              url += sep + key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(values[i]);
              sep = '&amp;';

    return self.api.request(url, callback);

 * Embodies the response of a SearchForm query as returned by the API.
 * It includes all the fields that are useful for pagination (page, total_pages, total_results_size, ...),
 * as well as the field "results", which is an array of {@link Document} objects, the documents themselves.
 * @constructor
 * @global
function Response(page, results_per_page, results_size, total_results_size, total_pages, next_page, prev_page, results) {
   * The current page
   * @type {number}
   */ = page;
   * The number of results per page
   * @type {number}
  this.results_per_page = results_per_page;
   * The size of the current page
   * @type {number}
  this.results_size = results_size;
   * The total size of results across all pages
   * @type {number}
  this.total_results_size = total_results_size;
   * The total number of pages
   * @type {number}
  this.total_pages = total_pages;
   * The URL of the next page in the API
   * @type {string}
  this.next_page = next_page;
   * The URL of the previous page in the API
   * @type {string}
  this.prev_page = prev_page;
   * Array of {@link Document} for the current page
   * @type {Array}
  this.results = results;

 * Embodies a ref (a past or future point in time you can query)
 * @constructor
 * @global
function Ref(ref, label, isMaster, scheduledAt, id) {
   * @field
   * @description the ID of the ref
  this.ref = ref;
   * @field
   * @description the label of the ref
  this.label = label;
   * @field
   * @description is true if the ref is the master ref
  this.isMaster = isMaster;
   * @field
   * @description the scheduled date of the ref
  this.scheduledAt = scheduledAt;
   * @field
   * @description the name of the ref
   */ = id;
Ref.prototype = {};
function globalCache() {
  var g;
  if (typeof global == 'object') {
    g = global; // NodeJS
  } else {
    g = window; // browser
  if (!g.prismicCache) {
    g.prismicCache = new ApiCache();
  return g.prismicCache;

module.exports = {
  experimentCookie: experimentCookie,
  previewCookie: previewCookie,
  Api: Api,
  Form: Form,
  SearchForm: SearchForm,
  Ref: Ref,
  parseDoc: parseDoc


    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="Api.html">Api</a></li><li><a href="Doc.html">Doc</a></li><li><a href="Experiments.html">Experiments</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Color.html">Fragments:Color</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_CompositeSlice.html">Fragments:CompositeSlice</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Date.html">Fragments:Date</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_DocumentLink.html">Fragments:DocumentLink</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Embed.html">Fragments:Embed</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_FileLink.html">Fragments:FileLink</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_GeoPoint.html">Fragments:GeoPoint</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Group.html">Fragments:Group</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_ImageEl.html">Fragments:ImageEl</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_ImageLink.html">Fragments:ImageLink</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_ImageView.html">Fragments:ImageView</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Num.html">Fragments:Num</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Select.html">Fragments:Select</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Separator.html">Fragments:Separator</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_SimpleSlice.html">Fragments:SimpleSlice</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_SliceZone.html">Fragments:SliceZone</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_StructuredText.html">Fragments:StructuredText</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Text.html">Fragments:Text</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_Timestamp.html">Fragments:Timestamp</a></li><li><a href="Fragments_WebLink.html">Fragments:WebLink</a></li><li><a href="Ref.html">Ref</a></li><li><a href="Response.html">Response</a></li><li><a href="SearchForm.html">SearchForm</a></li><li><a href="WithFragments.html">WithFragments</a></li></ul><h3>Namespaces</h3><ul><li><a href="Predicates.html">Predicates</a></li></ul><h3>Global</h3><ul><li><a href="global.html#ApiCache">ApiCache</a></li><li><a href="global.html#data">data</a></li><li><a href="global.html#fragments">fragments</a></li><li><a href="global.html#insertSpans">insertSpans</a></li><li><a href="global.html#LRUCache">LRUCache</a></li><li><a href="global.html#parseDoc">parseDoc</a></li></ul>

<br class="clear">

    Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.4.3</a> on Mon Oct 02 2017 12:18:09 GMT+0200 (CEST)

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