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# Query by language

When querying the API, you can query by language.

## Query a specific language

You simply need to add the `lang` query option and set it to the language code you are querying (example, "en-us" for American English).

> If you don't specify a `lang` the query will automatically query the documents in your master language.

Here is an example of how to query for all the documents of the type "blog-post" in French (language code "fr-fr").

response = api.query("document.type", "blog-post"),
    { "lang" => "fr-fr" }
# response contains the response object, response.results holds the documents

## Query for all languages

If you want to query all the document in all languages you can add the wildcard, `"*"`, as your lang option.

This example shows how to query all documents of the type "blog-post" in all languages.

response = api.query("document.type", "blog-post"),
    { "lang" => "*" }
# response contains the response object, response.results holds the documents

## Query by UID & language

To learn more about how to query your documents by UID and language, check out the [Query by ID and UID](../02-query-the-api/ page.