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Test Coverage
  <!-- Results -->
  <div class="results" :class="resultsStyle">
    <PageHeader v-if="photo.withCustomMasks">
      <h2 class="title">
        <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="mask" /></span>

      <h3 class="subtitle">
        Manually generate and improve the algorithm masks.
        <AppTip :tooltip="{ content: tooltip, placement: 'bottom' }" />

      <template #right>
        <div class="buttons">
          <a class="button button--info" href="" target="_blank">
            <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" /></span>

            <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="folder-open" /></span>

    <PageHeader v-else>
      <h2 class="title">
        <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="heart" /></span>

      <h3 class="subtitle">
        Look at the results of the nudification. Sweet Dreams!

      <template #right>
        <button v-tooltip="{ content: 'Open the folder where the results are stored.', placement: 'bottom' }"
          <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="folder-open" /></span>

    <div v-if="photo.isScaleModeCorrected && photo.preferences.mode > 1" class="notification notification--warning">
      <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="exclamation-triangle" /></span>
      The <strong>{{ photo.scaleModeName }}</strong> scale method has been selected but the tool has not been used, this will generate lower quality fake nudes.

    <!-- Custom Masks -->
    <section v-if="photo.withCustomMasks" class="results__masks">
      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.correct" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.mask" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.maskref" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.maskdet" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.maskfin" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto :mask="photo.masks.nude" :x-rays="true" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto v-show="photo.scaleMode === 'overlay'" :mask="photo.masks.overlay" :x-rays="true" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto v-show="photo.useColorPaddingRemoval" :mask="photo.masks.padding" :x-rays="true" />

      <NudifyMaskPhoto v-show="photo.useUpscaling" :mask="photo.masks.scale" :x-rays="true" />

    <!-- Normal results -->
    <section v-else-if="photo.started" class="results__runs">
      <NudifyPhotoRun v-for="(run, index) in validRuns"
                      :run="run" />

    <!-- Waiting -->
    <section v-else-if="photo.waiting" class="results__status">
      <font-awesome-icon icon="cloud-sun-rain" class="icon" />

        Waiting for other dreams to complete...

    <!-- Pending -->
    <section v-else class="results__status">
      <font-awesome-icon icon="cloud-moon" class="icon" />

        Add me to the queue and let's dream together.

const { shell } = $provider.api

export default {
  layout: 'layout--wide',

  computed: {
    photo() {
      return this.$

    preferences() {

    tooltip() {
      return `- Generate mask by mask by clicking on the green button.<br>
      - The changes you make externally to the masks will be captured in real time.<br>
      - As long as you stay on this page the drag and drop functionality will be limited to the masks box.<br><br>

      Read the guide to better understand this mode.`

    validRuns() {
      return => !item.isMaskGeneration)

    resultsStyle() {
      return `results--${this.$}`

  mounted() {
    if ( {
      this.$store.commit('app/setDragDropEnabled', false)

  methods: {
    openMasksFolder() {

    openFolder() {

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.results {
  @apply h-full;

.results--auto {
  .results__masks {
    @apply grid-cols-3;

    @screen md {
      @apply grid-cols-2;

    @screen sm {
      @apply grid-cols-1;

  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-2;

    @screen md {
      @apply grid-cols-1;

.results--1 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-1;

.results--2 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-2;

.results--3 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-3;

.results--4 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-4;

.results--5 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-5;

.results--6 {
  .results__runs {
    @apply grid-cols-6;

.results__masks {
  @apply grid gap-6;

.results__runs {
  @apply grid gap-6;

.results__status {
  @apply flex flex-col justify-center items-center;
  height: 300px;

  .icon {
    @apply text-6xl text-white mb-4;

  h2 {
    @apply text-2xl;