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Test Coverage
  <div class="status">
      <h2 class="title">
        <span class="icon"><font-awesome-icon icon="rocket" /></span>

      <h3 class="subtitle">
        Verify that everything is in good condition for nudification.

    <!-- RAM -->
    <AppBox class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__status" :class="ramStatus" />

      <div class="requirement__description">
        <h4>+8 GB of RAM</h4>
        <h5>Your system has <b>{{ | bytes }}</b> of RAM</h5>

        <p v-if="requirements.recommended.ram">
          😁 Nice! You should not have any problem using the application.

        <p v-else-if="usingGPU">
          🤔 You have less RAM than recommended but because you use your GPU for nudification you may not have problems.

        <p v-else>
          😓 Your RAM does not reach the recommended minimum, it is very possible that the nudification algorithm fails or the application freezes. Please upgrade your RAM.

    <!-- GPU -->
    <AppBox v-if="usingGPU" class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__status" :class="vramStatus" />

      <div class="requirement__description">
        <h4>+6 GB of dedicated VRAM</h4>
        <h5>Your graphics card has <b>{{ (system.primaryGpu.vram * 1000000) | bytes }}</b> of VRAM</h5>

        <p v-if="requirements.recommended.vram">
          😁 Nice! Your graphics card should be able to create fake nudes without problems.

        <p v-else>
          😓 The VRAM of your GPU does not reach the recommended minimum, it is very possible that the nudification algorithm fails. Please upgrade your GPU or <NuxtLink to="/settings/processing">
            use CPU nudification

    <!-- Models folder -->
    <AppBox class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__status" :class="folderStatus" />

      <div class="requirement__description">
        <h4>Models folder</h4>
        <h5>{{ $settings.folders.models }}</h5>

        <p v-if="requirements.folders.models">
          😁 Nice! The fake nudes storage folder has no problems.

        <p v-else>
          😓 The fake nudes storage folder has special characters or emojis, it is very possible that this may cause errors in the nudification.<br>Please check the <nuxt-link to="/settings/folders">
            folder settings
          </nuxt-link> and make sure to install DreamTime in a path that only contains characters from the English alphabet.

    <hr class="mb-6">

      <h2 class="title">
        <span>Other recommendations</span>

    <AppBox title="Special characters" class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__description">
        <p>The DreamTime algorithm often fails to work with directories or files whose names have special characters, this happens commonly in operating systems whose language is different from English.</p>

        <p>Please make sure to install DreamTime and work only with paths that do not contain special characters.</p>

    <AppBox title="Disk space" class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__description">
        <p>As much fun as it is to nudify non-stop some people forget how little storage they have left, this and permission issues are the number one cause of problems when nudifying. Constantly check your disk space!</p>

    <AppBox title="RTX 3000" class="requirement">
      <div class="requirement__description">
        <p>Support for the new NVIDIA graphics cards is still in the experimental phase. Slow processing speed and errors are to be expected in both DreamPower and Waifu2X.</p>

import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes'
import { requirements } from '~/modules/system'

const { system } = $provider

export default {
  filters: {
    bytes(value) {
      return prettyBytes(value)

  data: () => ({

  computed: {
    usingGPU() {
      return this.$settings.preferences.advanced.device === 'GPU' && system.primaryGpu

    ramStatus() {
      if (requirements.recommended.ram) {
        return {
          'requirement__status--success': true,

      if (this.$settings.processing.device === 'GPU') {
        return {
          'requirement__status--warning': true,

      return {
        'requirement__status--danger': true,

    vramStatus() {
      if (requirements.recommended.vram) {
        return {
          'requirement__status--success': true,

      return {
        'requirement__status--danger': true,

    folderStatus() {
      if (requirements.folders.models) {
        return {
          'requirement__status--success': true,

      return {
        'requirement__status--danger': true,

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.status {


.requirement {
  &::v-deep {
    .box__content {
      @apply flex gap-6;

.requirement__status {
  @apply rounded-full bg-black;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

  &.requirement__status--success {
    @apply bg-success;

  &.requirement__status--warning {
    @apply bg-warning;

  &.requirement__status--danger {
    @apply bg-danger;

.requirement__description {
  @apply flex-1;

  h4 {
    @apply text-lg font-semibold;

  h5 {
    @apply text-xs mb-3;