const request = require('request');const exec = require('child_process').exec;const discord = require('discord.js'); const time = require('../../lib/utils.js').time; const githubCommits = '$repo/commits';const githubContributors = '$repo/contributors';const githubRepo = '$repo';const commitTemplate = '$username - $message';const markdownLink = '[$text]($link)';const description = 'Message cmd for available commands.';let config;const lastCommit = {};const currentCommit = {};let contributorsMessage = '';const githubHeaders = { 'User-Agent': 'TheAwesomeBot', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', // eslint-disable-line quote-props}; function getLastCommit() { request({ url: githubCommits.replace('$repo', config.repo), headers: githubHeaders, }, (err, response, body) => { if (err || response.statusCode !== 200) { = ''; lastCommit.message = 'Couldn\'t retrieve commit data.'; return; } const commitData = JSON.parse(body);TODO found // TODO (sam): Instead of depending on nullness of the variable, // act according to github api docs if (commitData[0] == null) { lastCommit.message = 'Couldn\'t retrieve commit data.'; return; } const commitMessage = commitData[0].commit.message.replace('\n\n', ' ') .replace('\n', ' '); = commitData[0].html_url; lastCommit.username = commitData[0].author ? commitData[0].author.login : 'unkown'; lastCommit.message = commitTemplate.replace('$username', lastCommit.username) .replace('$message', commitMessage); });} function getCurrentCommit() { exec('git show --oneline -s', (err, stdout) => { const gitOutput = stdout.replace('\n\n', '').replace('\n', ''); currentCommit.shortSHA = gitOutput.split(' ')[0]; request({ url: githubCommits.replace('$repo', config.repo) + '/' + currentCommit.shortSHA, headers: githubHeaders, }, (error, response, body) => { if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) { = ''; return; } = JSON.parse(body).html_url; currentCommit.username = JSON.parse(body).author ? JSON.parse(body).author.login : 'unkown'; currentCommit.message = commitTemplate.replace('$username', currentCommit.username) .replace('$message', gitOutput.split(' ').slice(1).join(' ')); }); });} function getContributors() { request({ url: githubContributors.replace('$repo', config.repo), headers: githubHeaders, }, (error, response, body) => { let jsonData = JSON.parse(body); if (Array.isArray(jsonData) && jsonData.length >= 10) { jsonData = jsonData.slice(0, 10); contributorsMessage = jsonData.slice(0, 10).reduce((acc, cv) => acc + markdownLink.replace('$text', cv.login).replace('$link', cv.html_url) + '\n' , ''); } else { contributorsMessage = 'There was an error trying to get the contributors list :('; } });} function infoInit(bot) { config =; // get current checked out commit from git getCurrentCommit(); // get latest commit in git repo getLastCommit(); getContributors();} Function `infoRun` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.function infoRun(bot, message, cmdArgs) { if (cmdArgs) { if (cmdArgs === 'contributors') { const contributorsEmbed = new discord.RichEmbed(); contributorsEmbed.setColor('#4286f4') .setTitle('Top 10 contributors of AwesomeBot:') .setDescription(contributorsMessage);; } } else { const embed = new discord.RichEmbed(); embed.setColor('#4286f4') .setAuthor('TheAwesomeBot', bot.client.user.avatarURL, githubRepo.replace('$repo', config.repo)) .setFooter(description.replace('cmd', bot.settings.bot_cmd)) .addField('Uptime', time.timeElapsed(bot.bootTime, new Date())) .addField('Latest Commit', markdownLink.replace('$text', lastCommit.message).replace('$link', .setDescription('An open source bot made with :heart:'); // let the users know if bot is working on a rolled back commit if (currentCommit !== lastCommit) { embed.addField('Current Commit', markdownLink.replace('$text', currentCommit.message) .replace('$link',; }; }} module.exports = { usage: [ 'info - displays information about bot', 'info contributors - displays contributors', ], init: infoInit, run: infoRun,};