# frozen_string_literal: true
CableReady.configure do |config|
# Enable/disable exiting / warning when the sanity checks fail options:
# `:exit` or `:warn` or `:ignore`
# config.on_failed_sanity_checks = :exit
# Enable/disable assets compilation
# `true` or `false`
# config.precompile_assets = true
# Define your own custom operations
# config.add_operation_name :jazz_hands
# Change the default Active Job queue used for broadcast_later and broadcast_later_to
# config.broadcast_job_queue = :default
# Specify a default debounce time for CableReady::Updatable callbacks
# Doing so is a best practice to avoid heavy ActionCable traffic
# config.updatable_debounce_time = 0.1.seconds
# config.verifier_key = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:anycable, :cable_ready_secret)