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# Project Syn: Commodore

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[![Test Coverage](](

This repository is part of Project Syn.
For documentation on Project Syn and this component, see

See [GitHub Releases]( for changelogs of each release version of Commodore.

See [DockerHub]( for pre-built Docker images of Commodore.

Commodore is [published on PyPI](

## Overview

Commodore provides opinionated tenant-aware management of [Kapitan]( inventories and templates.
Commodore uses Kapitan for the heavy lifting of rendering templates and resolving a hierachical configuration structure.

Commodore introduces the concept of a component, which is a bundle of Kapitan templates and associated Kapitan classes which describe how to render the templates.
Commodore fetches any components that are required for a given configuration before running Kapitan, and sets up symlinks so Kapitan can find the component classes.

Commodore also supports additional processing on the output of Kapitan, such as patching in the desired namespace for a Helm chart which has been rendered using `helm template`.

## System Requirements

* Python 3.8 - 3.11 with `python3-dev` and `python3-venv` updated
* [jsonnet-bundler](
  * Our fork [projectsyn/jsonnet-bundler]( is currently recommended.
    It parallelizes fetching of dependencies, which speeds up Commodore significantly, and has fixes to make the dependency fetching more deterministic.
* `libmagic` (install with `brew install libmagic` on macOS)

## Getting started

1. Recommended: create a new virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
1. Install commodore from PyPI
    pip install syn-commodore
1. <a name="getting_started_jsonnet"></a>Download jsonnet-bundler from [projectsyn/jsonnet-bundler/releases]( and put the binary in your `$PATH` as `jb`.

1. For Commodore to work, you need to run an instance of [Lieutenant]( somewhere
   (locally is fine too).

1. Setup a `.env` file to configure Commodore (don't use quotes):

   # URL of Lieutenant API
   # Lieutenant API token
   # Your local user ID to be used in the container (optional, defaults to root)
   # Your username to be used in the commits (optional, defaults to your local git config)
   # Your user email to be used in the commits (optional, defaults to your local git config)
   COMMODORE_USERMAIL=<your email>
1. Run commodore

## Run Commodore with poetry

### Additional System Requirements

* [Poetry]( 1.3.0+
* Docker

1. Install requirements

   Install poetry according to the upstream

   Create the Commodore environment:

    poetry install

    Download jsonnet-bundler from [projectsyn/jsonnet-bundler/releases]( and put the binary in your `$PATH` as `jb`.

1. Finish setup as described [above](#getting_started_jsonnet)

1. Run Commodore

   poetry run commodore

1. Start hacking on Commodore

   poetry shell

   - Write a line of test code, make the test fail
   - Write a line of application code, make the test pass
   - Repeat

   Note: Commodore uses the [Black]( code formatter, and its formatting is encforced by CI.

1. Run linting and tests

   Auto format with autopep8
   poetry run autopep

   List all Tox targets
   poetry run tox -lv

   Run all linting and tests
   poetry run tox

   Run just a specific target
   poetry run tox -e py38

## Run Commodore in Docker

**IMPORTANT:** After checking out this project, run `mkdir -p catalog inventory dependencies` in it before running any Docker commands.
This will ensure the folders are writable by the current user in the context of the Docker container.

A docker-compose setup enables running Commodore in a container.
The environment variables are picked up from the local `.env` file.
By default your `~/.ssh/` directory is mounted into the container and an `ssh-agent` is started.
You can skip starting an agent by setting the `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` env variable and mounting the socket into the container.

1. Build the Docker image inside of the cloned Commodore repository:

docker-compose build

1. Run the built image:

docker-compose run commodore catalog compile $CLUSTER_ID

## Documentation

Documentation for this component is written using [Asciidoc][asciidoc] and [Antora][antora].
It is located in the [docs/](docs) folder.
The [Divio documentation structure]( is used to organize its content.

Run the `make docs-serve` command in the root of the project, and then browse to http://localhost:2020 to see a preview of the current state of the documentation.

After writing the documentation, please use the `make docs-vale` command and correct any warnings raised by the tool.

## Contributing and license

This library is licensed under [BSD-3-Clause](LICENSE).
For information about how to contribute see [CONTRIBUTING](
