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src/screens/AuthScreen (copy).js


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// import React, { Component } from "react";
// import {
//     View,
//     Text,
//     Button,
//     TextInput,
//     StyleSheet,
//     ImageBackground,
//     Dimensions
// } from "react-native";
// import { connect } from 'react-redux';

// import DefaultInput from "../components/Component/DefaultInput";
// import HeadingText from "../components/Component/HeadingText";
// import MainText from "../components/Component/MainText";
// import validate from "../utility/validation";
// import ButtonWithBackground from "../components/Component/ButtonWIthBackground";
// import * as authActions from '../store/actions/auth';

// class Authentication extends Component {
//     state = {
//         viewMode: Dimensions.get("window").height > 500 ? "portrait" : "landscape",
//         controls: {
//             email: {
//                 value: "",
//                 valid: false,
//                 validationRules: {
//                     isEmail: true
//                 },
//                 touched: false
//             },
//             password: {
//                 value: "shrestha",
//                 valid: false,
//                 validationRules: {
//                     minLength: 6
//                 },
//                 touched: false
//             },
//             confirmPassword: {
//                 value: "",
//                 valid: false,
//                 validationRules: {
//                     equalTo: "password"
//                 },
//                 touched: false
//             }

//         }
//     };

//     constructor(props) {
//         super(props);
//         Dimensions.addEventListener("change", this.updateStyles);
//     }

//     componentWillUnmount() {
//         Dimensions.removeEventListener("change", this.updateStyles);
//     }

//     updateStyles = dims => {
//         this.setState({
//             viewMode: dims.window.height > 500 ? "portrait" : "landscape"
//         });
//     };

//     switchAuthModeHandler = () => {
//         // this.setState(prevState => {
//         //     return {
//         //         authMode: prevState.authMode === "login" ? "signup" : "login"
//         //     };
//         // });
//         this.props.switchMode();
//     };
//     onButtonPress = async () => {
//         if (this.props.loginMode) {
//             this.props.authLogin(, this.state.controls.password.value)

//         }
//         else {

//             this.props.authSignUp(, this.state.controls.password.value)
//         }
//     }

//     updateInputState = (key, value) => {
//         let connectedValue = {};//used for confirm password
//         if (this.state.controls[key].validationRules.equalTo) {//checking if the validation rule consists of equalTo field , here it is valid only for confirmPassword control
//             const equalControl = this.state.controls[key].validationRules.equalTo; //storing the fiel_name to which the value of confirm value should be equal ie. field 'password' 
//             const equalValue = this.state.controls[equalControl].value;//the value stored in state password ie. field name mentioned above
//             connectedValue = {
//                 ...connectedValue,
//                 equalTo: equalValue //storing the current typed password value
//             };
//         }
//         if (key === "password") {//this check is needed in case password is typed after confirm or password is changed 
//             connectedValue = { //connected value should contain the latest changed value either password or confirm
//                 ...connectedValue,
//                 equalTo: value
//             };
//         }
//         if (key === "password") {
//             connectedValue = {
//                 ...connectedValue,
//                 equalTo: value
//             };
//         }
//         this.setState(prevState => {
//             return {
//                 controls: { //root level state object
//                     ...prevState.controls,//spreading all unchanged values
//                     confirmPassword: { //this is necessary only because password can be changed later after typing passord otherwise normal validation would have done the job
//                         ...prevState.controls.confirmPassword,
//                         valid:
//                             key === "password"//if password is being typed 
//                                 ? validate(
//                                     prevState.controls.confirmPassword.value, //passing confirm state value
//                                     prevState.controls.confirmPassword.validationRules, //rule name
//                                     connectedValue//currently typed value
//                                 )
//                                 : prevState.controls.confirmPassword.valid//do not change if key is not password ie confirm password or other fields are bieng changed
//                     },
//                     [key]: {// for every key/fields 
//                         ...prevState.controls[key],
//                         value: value, //change the value on keypress
//                         valid: validate( //check validation for every keystroke
//                             value,
//                             prevState.controls[key].validationRules,
//                             connectedValue //isn't necessarily used all the time but still passed
//                         ),
//                         touched: true
//                     }
//                 }
//             };
//         });
//     };
//     componentDidMount() {
//         this.isAuthenticated = this.props.token;
//     }
//     componentDidUpdate(prevState) {
//         if (this.isAuthenticated !== this.props.token && this.props.token) {

//             this.props.navigation.navigate({
//                 routeName: 'Tabs'
//             }
//             )
//         }
//     }

//     render() {

//         let headingText = null;
//         let confirmPasswordControl = null;

//         if (this.state.viewMode === "portrait" && this.props.loginMode) {
//             headingText = (
//                 <MainText>
//                     <HeadingText>Please Login </HeadingText>
//                 </MainText>
//             );
//         }
//         let confirmPaswordControl = null;
//         if (!this.props.loginMode) {
//             confirmPasswordControl = (
//                 <View
//                     style={
//                         this.state.viewMode === "portrait"
//                             ? styles.portraitPasswordWrapper
//                             : styles.landscapePasswordWrapper
//                     }
//                 >
//                     <DefaultInput
//                         placeholder="Confirm Password"
//                         style={styles.input}
//                         value={this.state.controls.confirmPassword.value}
//                         onChangeText={val => this.updateInputState("confirmPassword", val)}
//                         valid={this.state.controls.confirmPassword.valid}
//                         touched={this.state.controls.confirmPassword.touched}
//                         secureTextEntry
//                     />
//                 </View>
//             );
//         }
//         return (
//             <View style={styles.container}>
//                 {headingText}
//                 <ButtonWithBackground
//                     color="#29aaf4"
//                     onPress={this.switchAuthModeHandler}
//                 >
//                     Switch to {this.props.loginMode ? "Sign Up" : "Login"}
//                 </ButtonWithBackground>
//                 <View style={styles.inputContainer}>
//                     <DefaultInput
//                         placeholder="Your E-Mail Address"
//                         style={styles.input}
//                         value={}
//                         onChangeText={val => this.updateInputState("email", val)}
//                         valid={}
//                         touched={}
//                     />
//                     <View
//                         style={
//                             this.state.viewMode === "portrait" ||
//                                 this.props.loginMode
//                                 ? styles.portraitPasswordContainer
//                                 : styles.landscapePasswordContainer
//                         }
//                     >
//                         <View
//                             style={
//                                 this.state.viewMode === "portrait" ||
//                                     this.props.loginMode
//                                     ? styles.portraitPasswordWrapper
//                                     : styles.landscapePasswordWrapper
//                             }
//                         >
//                             <DefaultInput
//                                 placeholder="Password"
//                                 style={styles.input}
//                                 value={this.state.controls.password.value}
//                                 onChangeText={val => this.updateInputState("password", val)}
//                                 valid={this.state.controls.password.valid}
//                                 secureTextEntry
//                                 touched={this.state.controls.password.touched}
//                             />
//                         </View>
//                         {confirmPasswordControl}
//                     </View>
//                 </View>
//                 <ButtonWithBackground
//                     color="#29aaf4"
//                     onPress={this.onButtonPress}
//                 // disabled={
//                 //     (!this.state.controls.confirmPassword.valid &&
//                 //         !this.props.loginMode) ||
//                 //     ! ||
//                 //     !this.state.controls.password.valid
//                 // }
//                 >
//                     {this.props.loginMode ? "Login" : "Sign Up"}
//                 </ButtonWithBackground>
//             </View>
//         );
//     }
// }

// const styles = StyleSheet.create({
//     container: {
//         flex: 1,
//         justifyContent: "center",
//         alignItems: "center"
//     },
//     backgroundImage: {
//         width: "100%",
//         flex: 1
//     },
//     inputContainer: {
//         width: "80%"
//     },
//     input: {
//         backgroundColor: "#eee",
//         borderColor: "#bbb"
//     },
//     landscapePasswordContainer: {
//         flexDirection: "row",
//         justifyContent: "space-between"
//     },
//     portraitPasswordContainer: {
//         flexDirection: "column",
//         justifyContent: "flex-start"
//     },
//     landscapePasswordWrapper: {
//         width: "45%"
//     },
//     portraitPasswordWrapper: {
//         width: "100%"
//     }
// });

// // Get actions to handle store data
// const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
//     return {
//         authSignUp: (email, password) => dispatch(authActions.signUp(email, password)),
//         authLogin: (email, password) => dispatch(authActions.login(email, password)),
//         switchMode: () => dispatch(authActions.switchMode())

//     };
// }

// const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
//     return {
//         loginMode: state.auth.loginMode,
//         token: state.auth.token
//     };
// }

// // Wire it all up and export
// export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Authentication);