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Promiscuous is a **pub-sub framework** for easily replicating data
across your Ruby applications. Promiscuous guarantees that a subscriber
never sees out of order updates and that all updates are eventually replicated.

**Benefits over database replication**

* Hetrogenous replication. e.g. replicate from Mongo -> Postgres | ElasticSearch
  | Redis ...
* "Remote observers". The ability to observe model changes in one application from another.
* Publish [virtual attributes](

Rails Quick Tutorial

### 1. Preparation

We need a few things for the promiscuous tutorial:

* The AMQP broker [RabbitMQ]( up and running.
* The key-value storage system [Redis]( (at least 2.6) up and running.
* Two Rails applications with the promiscuous gem installed.
* Both applications must be running on separate databases.
* Both applications must have a User model (ActiveRecord or Mongoid) with two attributes name and email.

### 2. Publishing

By including the Promiscuous publisher mixin, we can publish the model attributes:

# app/models/user.rb on the publisher app
class User
  include Promiscuous::Publisher
  publish :name, :email

### 3. Subscribing

Similarly to the publisher app, we can subscribe to the attributes:

# app/models/user.rb on the subscriber app
class User
  include Promiscuous::Subscriber
  subscribe :name, :email

  after_create { "Hi #{name}!" }

### 4. Replication

The subscriber must listen for new data to arrive. Promiscuous has a worker
that we can launch with the following command:

bundle exec promiscuous subscribe

You should start the subscriber *first*, otherwise the appropriate queues
will not be created. From now on, you should see the queue in the RabbitMQ
web admin page. Create a new user in the publisher's Rails console with:

User.create(:name => 'Yoda')`

You should see the message "Hi Yoda!" appearing in the log file of the subscriber.

Promiscuous in Depth

### Features and Recipes
* [Attributes](
* [Ephemerals & Observers](
* [Polymorphism](
* [Embedded Documents](
* [Foreign Keys](
* [Namespace Mapping](
* [Promiscuous DSL](

### Configuration
* [Configuration Options](
* [Subscriber CLI Options](

### Testing
* [Exporting Publishers Definitions](
* [Unit Testing](
* [Integration Testing](
* [Gemify your Apps](

### Going to Production
* [RabbitMQ & Redis](
* [Initial Sync](
* [Error Handling](
* [Instrumentation](
* [Managing Deploys](
* [Setup with Unicorn, Resque, etc.](

### Miscellaneous
* [Roadmap](
* [Coding Restrictions](
* [Limitations](
* [FAQs](
* [License](