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Test Coverage
# Faubourg Simone: mobile app [![GitHub license](]( [![Twitter Follow](](

Source code of [Faubourg Simone]( mobile applications built with Ionic. 


| <a href=''><img alt='Get it on Google Play' src='' width="150"/></a> <br/> <a href=''><img alt='Get it on Apple Store' src='' width="132"/></a> | [![Build Status](]( <br/> [![Sonar quality gate](]( </br> [![Code Climate](]( </br> [![Sonar Coverage](]( | [![Maintenance](]( <br/> [![GitHub last commit](]( <br/> [![Open issues](]( | [![Greenkeeper badge](]( <br/> [![Dependencies Status](]( <br/> [![DevDependencies Status](]( |
| --- | :---- | :---- | :---- 


# Features
- Listening to our radio
- See content of our website: Pola / Calepins / Dans le casque


# For Developers

## Prerequisites
Be sure [Ionic]( and [Cordova]( are installed:

cordova -v
ionic -v

If it's not the case, run `npm install -g ionic cordova`.

You also needs sdks:
- For Android development we recommand to install [Android Studio]( 
- For IOS you don't have the choice: you need [XCode](

Run `ionic info` to be sure your system is ok.

## Installation

git clone
ionic cordova prepare

Answer `Y` to the following question to run `npm install` automatically:
? Looks like a fresh checkout! No ./node_modules directory found. Would you like to install project dependencies? (Y/n) 

## Watching

### In a browser
ionic serve -l

### On a device
ionic cordova run android -l -c -s

### On a simulator

ionic cordova emulate ios --target="iPhone-8"
## Code documentation is [available here](

## Building
ionic cordova build ios android

## Testing
Config files are in 'test-config' folder. Mocks file are in 'test-config/mocks', if you need to add some, please add it here.

### Unit testing
npm run test
It starts [Karma]( to watch tests and work on them. 
Each file of the sources matches a test file with '.spec.ts' extension. We choose the [Jasmine]( framework (v2.8), so if you're not familiar, please read the [documentation](

### E2E Testing
npm run e2e
It runs [Protractor](). Protractor is a Node.js program, and runs end-to-end tests that are also written in JavaScript and run with node. Protractor uses WebDriver to control browsers and simulate user actions.
*Note that you need to run* `ionic serve -l` **before** *running e2e tests*

### Tests linting
By default, tests are removed from `tslint` and `tslint:codeclimate` scripts because of incompatible rules. 
They should be checked with `npm run tslint:tests`

## Contributing
- Issue Tracker: [](
- Source Code: [](

## Recommandations

### Use Gitflow Worklow
We use [Gitflow Workflow](
Please follow this branching model.
Once your branch is pushed (hotfix or feature), make a pull request [here](
Travis will check if tests are passed and we'll accept your PR depending on results.

### Check your contribution before submitting it
#### Linting
Be sure your code is alright: run `npm run all-custom-lint` and `npm run lint`. 
Also run `npm run test-ci` to be sure your work will be accepted on our [Travis CI]( process.

**Config files are in source code:** 
- tslint.json ( and tslint-tests.json, tslint-tests.json, tslint-codeclimate.json)
- tsconfig.json ( contains typedoc options )
- .stylelintrc
- .scss-lint.yml
- .editorconfig
- .codeclimate.yml

Don't hesitate to create an issue if you wanna change its and discuss about theses changes.

If you wanna be perfect :-) install [CodeClimate]( and use `npm run codeclimate:analyze` to see what will displayed on our [CodeClimate Dashboard]( 

#### Tests and Coverage
Please run or add unit tests and e2e tests if needed. Make sure it covers the right parts. You can use `npm run test-coverage` to see the code coverage. It will create a coverage folder, the same that is automatically published [here]( 

### Update the documentation
If you update the code documentation or add commented code, you could check your changes by running `npm run typedoc`, it will create a 'documentation' folder. This will be published automatically on the [public documentation](

## Support
If you are having issues, please let us know:

## License
The project is licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 license](LICENSE)


## Tools Summary

### Travis CI
Triggered at each push action on the repo (on any branches).
You could see our dashboard [here](
Used to run tests, linting, generate code coverage results and code documentation. 
Then it publishes it on our [public results](

### CodeClimate
[Our dashboard]( is updated at each push.

### Sonarqube
We use **[Sonarqube](** on []( to keep our code safe.
Our dashboard is available here: [](

### Greenkeeper
It's a real-time monitoring and automatic updates for npm dependencies. If an update is available on our dependencies, it updates it on a specific branch and creates a pull request. Travis will then be triggered, if tests are passed we can accept the pull request.
Learn more about it [here](

### Typedoc
A documentation generator for TypeScript projects: our results are [here](
Learn more about it [here](

### Commitizen
If you wanna contribute to the project and create a pull request, use it by running `git cz` instead of `git commit`.
Learn more about it [here](


## A glance at our actual Sonarqube metrics

#### Complexity
How simple or complicated the control flow of the application is. 

[![Complexity per file](](
[![Cognitive Complexity](](

Cyclomatic Complexity measures the minimum number of test cases requiref for full test coverage. 
Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult the application is to understand

*Complexity for Javascript or typescript is incremented by one for each:*
- *function (i.e non-abstract and non-anonymous constructors, functions, procedures or methods)*
- *if statement*
- *short-circuit (AKA lazy) logical conjunction (&&)*
- *short-circuit (AKA lazy) logical disjunction (||)*
- *ternary conditional expressions*
- *loop*
- *case clauses of a switch statement*
- *throw and catch statement*
- *return statement (except when it is the very last statement of a function)*

*Complexity of the web page is measured by counting the decision tags (such as if and forEach) and boolean operators in expressions (&& and ||), plus one for the body of the document. 
The decision tags and the operators are configurable through the Complexity rule.*

#### Documentation & sizes

[![Lines of code](]( 
[![Comment lines](]( 
[![Comments (%)](](


#### Duplications

[![Duplicated blocks](]( 
[![Duplicated lines](](

#### Issues

[![Open issues](](
[![Confirmed issues](](
[![Won't fix issues](]( 

#### Maintainability

Issues in this domain mark code that will be more difficult to update competently than it should

[![Code smells](](
[![SQALE Rating](](

Rating given to the project related to the value of the Technical Debt Ratio. 
The default Maintainability Rating grid is:
- A=0-0.05, 
- B=0.06-0.1,
- C=0.11-0.20, 
- D=0.21-0.5, 
- E=0.51-1

The Maintainability rating scale can be alternately stated by saying that if the outstanding remediation cost is:
* <=5% of the time that has already gone into the application, the rating is A 
* between 6 to 10% the rating is a B 
* between 11 to 20% the rating is a C 
* between 21 to 50% the rating is a D
* anything over 50% is an E

#### Technical debt
Effort to fix all maintainability issues. The measure is stored in minutes. An 8-hour day is assumed when values are shown in days. (The value of the cost to develop a line of code is 0.06 days)

[![Technical debt](]( 
[![Technical debt ratio](](

#### Reliability

Issues in this domain mark code where you will get behavior other than what was expected.

[![Reliability remediation effort](](
[![Reliability Rating](](

**Reliability remediation effort**

Effort to fix all bug issues. The measure is stored in minutes. An 8-hour day is assumed when values are shown in days.

**Reliability rating**

- A or 1 = 0 Bug
- B or 2 = at least 1 Minor Bug
- C or 3 = at least 1 Major Bug
- D or 4 = at least 1 Critical Bug
- E or 5 = at least 1 Blocker Bug

#### Security

[![Security remediation effort](](
[![Security Rating](](

**Security remediation effort**

Effort to fix all vulnerability issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB. An 8-hour day is assumed when values are shown in days.

**Security rating**

- A = 0 Vulnerability
- B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerability
- C = at least 1 Major Vulnerability
- D = at least 1 Critical Vulnerability
- E = at least 1 Blocker Vulnerability