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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    This file is part of fprettify.
#    Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Patrick Seewald, CP2K developers group
#    fprettify is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    fprettify is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with fprettify. If not, see <>.

"""Dynamically create tests based on examples in examples/before."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)

import sys
import os
import unittest
import hashlib
import logging
import io
import re
import difflib
import subprocess
import inspect

sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(
    sys.stderr.detach(), encoding='UTF-8', line_buffering=True)

import fprettify
from fprettify.fparse_utils import FprettifyParseException, FprettifyInternalException

def joinpath(path1, path2):
    return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))

MYPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(

BEFORE_DIR = joinpath(MYPATH, r'../../fortran_tests/before/')
AFTER_DIR = joinpath(MYPATH, r'../../fortran_tests/after/')
RESULT_DIR = joinpath(MYPATH, r'../../fortran_tests/test_results/')
RESULT_FILE = joinpath(RESULT_DIR, r'expected_results')
FAILED_FILE = joinpath(RESULT_DIR, r'failed_results')

RUNSCRIPT = joinpath(MYPATH, r"../../")


class AlienInvasion(Exception):
    """Should not happen"""

def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
    Print to stderr - to print output compatible with default unittest output.

    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, flush=True, **kwargs)

class FPrettifyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    test class to be recognized by unittest.

    def shortDescription(self):
        """don't print doc string of testmethod"""
        return None

    def setUp(self):
        setUp to be recognized by unittest.
        We have large files to compare, raise the limit
        self.maxDiff = None

    def setUpClass(cls):
        setUpClass to be recognized by unittest.

        cls.n_success = 0
        cls.n_parsefail = 0
        cls.n_internalfail = 0
        cls.n_unexpectedfail = 0

        eprint("-" * 70)
        eprint("recognized Fortran files")
        eprint(", ".join(fprettify.FORTRAN_EXTENSIONS))
        eprint("-" * 70)
        eprint("Testing with Fortran files in " + BEFORE_DIR)
        eprint("Writing formatted Fortran files to " + AFTER_DIR)
        eprint("Storing expected results in " + RESULT_FILE)
        eprint("Storing failed results in " + FAILED_FILE)
        eprint("-" * 70)

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        tearDownClass to be recognized by unittest. Used for test summary
        if cls.n_parsefail + cls.n_internalfail > 0:
            format = "{:<20}{:<6}"
            eprint('\n' + "=" * 70)
            eprint("IGNORED errors: invalid or old Fortran")
            eprint("-" * 70)
            eprint(format.format("parse errors: ", cls.n_parsefail))
            eprint(format.format("internal errors: ", cls.n_internalfail))

    def write_result(filename, content, sep_str):  # pragma: no cover
        with, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
            outfile.write(sep_str.join(content) + '\n')

    def test_whitespace(self):
        """simple test for whitespace formatting options -w in [0, 1, 2]"""
        instring = "(/-a-b-(a+b-c)/(-c)*d**e,f[1]%v/)"
        outstring_exp = ["(/-a-b-(a+b-c)/(-c)*d**e,f[1]%v/)",
                         "(/-a-b-(a+b-c)/(-c)*d**e, f[1]%v/)",
                         "(/-a - b - (a + b - c)/(-c)*d**e, f[1]%v/)",
                         "(/-a - b - (a + b - c) / (-c) * d**e, f[1]%v/)"]

        outstring = []
        for w, out in zip(range(0, 4), outstring_exp):
            args = ['-w', str(w)]
            self.assert_fprettify_result(args, instring, out)

    def test_type_selector(self):
        """test for whitespace formatting option -w 4"""
        instring = "A%component=func(mytype%a,mytype%abc+mytype%abcd)"
        outstring_exp = "A % component = func(mytype % a, mytype % abc + mytype % abcd)"

        self.assert_fprettify_result(['-w 4'], instring, outstring_exp)

    def test_indent(self):
        """simple test for indent options -i in [0, 3, 4]"""

        indents = [0, 3, 4]

        instring = "iF(teSt)ThEn\nCaLl subr(a,b,&\nc,(/d,&\ne,f/))\nEnD iF"
        outstring_exp = [
            "iF (teSt) ThEn\n" +
            " " * ind + "CaLl subr(a, b, &\n" +
            " " * (10 + ind) + "c, (/d, &\n" +
            " " * (15 + ind) + "e, f/))\nEnD iF"
            for ind in indents

        for ind, out in zip(indents, outstring_exp):
            args = ['-i', str(ind)]
            self.assert_fprettify_result(args, instring, out)

    def test_nested(self):
        """test correct indentation of nested loops"""
        instring = ("integer :: i,j\ndo i=1,2\ndo j=1,3\n"
                    "print*,i,j,i*j\nend do\nend do")
        outstring_exp_default = ("integer :: i, j\ndo i = 1, 2\ndo j = 1, 3\n"
                                 "   print *, i, j, i*j\nend do\nend do")
        outstring_exp_strict = ("integer :: i, j\ndo i = 1, 2\n   do j = 1, 3\n"
                                "      print *, i, j, i*j\n   end do\nend do")

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring_exp_default)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--strict-indent'], instring, outstring_exp_strict)

    def test_reset_indent(self):
        """test of reset indentation at file start"""
        instring = ("integer :: i,j\ndo i=1,2\ndo j=1,3\n"
                    "print*,i,j,i*j\nend do\nend do",
                    "   module a\ninteger :: 1\n")
        outstring = ("integer :: i, j\ndo i = 1, 2\ndo j = 1, 3\n"
                     "   print *, i, j, i*j\nend do\nend do",
                     "module a\n   integer :: 1")

        for ind, out in zip(instring, outstring):
            self.assert_fprettify_result([],ind, out)

    def test_disable(self):
        """test disabling indentation and/or whitespace formatting"""
        instring = ("if(&\nl==111)&\n then\n   do m   =1,  2\n A=&\nB+C\n    end  do;   endif")
        outstring_exp_default = ("if ( &\n   l == 111) &\n   then\n   do m = 1, 2\n"
                                 "      A = &\n         B + C\n   end do; end if")
        outstring_exp_nowhitespace = ("if(&\n   l==111)&\n   then\n   do m   =1,  2\n"
                                      "      A=&\n         B+C\n   end  do; endif")
        outstring_exp_noindent = ("if ( &\nl == 111) &\n then\n   do m = 1, 2\n"
                                  " A = &\nB + C\n    end do;   end if")

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring_exp_default)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--disable-whitespace'], instring, outstring_exp_nowhitespace)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--disable-indent'], instring, outstring_exp_noindent)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--disable-indent', '--disable-whitespace'], instring, instring)

    def test_comments(self):
        """test options related to comments"""
        instring = ("TYPE mytype\n!  c1\n  !c2\n   INTEGER :: a   !  c3\n"
                    "   REAL :: b, &   ! c4\n! c5\n                  ! c6\n"
                    "           d      ! c7\nEND TYPE  ! c8")
        outstring_exp_default = ("TYPE mytype\n!  c1\n   !c2\n   INTEGER :: a   !  c3\n"
                                 "   REAL :: b, &   ! c4\n           ! c5\n           ! c6\n"
                                 "           d      ! c7\nEND TYPE  ! c8")
        outstring_exp_strip = ("TYPE mytype\n!  c1\n   !c2\n   INTEGER :: a !  c3\n"
                               "   REAL :: b, & ! c4\n           ! c5\n           ! c6\n"
                               "           d ! c7\nEND TYPE ! c8")

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring_exp_default)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--strip-comments'], instring, outstring_exp_strip)

    def test_directive(self):
        test deactivate directives '!&' (inline) and '!&<', '!&>' (block)
        and manual alignment (continuation line prefixed with '&')

        # manual alignment
        instring = "align_me = [ -1,  10,0,  &\n    &     0,1000 ,  0,&\n            &0 , -1,  1]"
        outstring_exp = "align_me = [-1, 10, 0,  &\n    &     0, 1000, 0,&\n            &0, -1, 1]"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring_exp)

        # inline deactivate
        instring2 = '\n'.join(_ + ' !&' for _ in instring.splitlines())
        outstring_exp = instring2
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring2, outstring_exp)

        # block deactivate
        instring3 = '!&<\n' + instring + '\n!&>'
        outstring_exp = instring3
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring3, outstring_exp)

    def assert_fprettify_result(self, args, instring, outstring_exp):
        assert that result of calling fprettify with args on instring gives
        args.insert(0, RUNSCRIPT)
        p1 = subprocess.Popen(
            args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        outstring = p1.communicate(instring.encode(
        self.assertEqual(outstring_exp.rstrip(), outstring)

    def test_io(self):
        """simple test for io (file inplace, stdin & stdout)"""

        # io and unicode
        outstring = []
        instring = "CALL  alien_invasion( 👽 )"
        outstring_exp = "CALL alien_invasion(👽)"

        alien_file = "alien_invasion.f90"
        if os.path.isfile(alien_file):
            raise AlienInvasion(
                "remove file alien_invasion.f90")  # pragma: no cover

            with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as infile:

            # testing stdin --> stdout
            p1 = subprocess.Popen(RUNSCRIPT,
                                  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

            # testing file --> stdout
            p1 = subprocess.Popen([RUNSCRIPT, alien_file, '--stdout'],

            # testing file --> file (inplace)
            p1 = subprocess.Popen([RUNSCRIPT, alien_file])

            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:

            for outstr in outstring:
                self.assertEqual(outstring_exp, outstr.strip())
        except:  # pragma: no cover
            if os.path.isfile(alien_file):

    def test_multi_alias(self):
        """test for issue #11 (multiple alias and alignment)"""
        instring="use A,only:B=>C,&\nD=>E"
        outstring="use A, only: B => C, &\n             D => E"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_use(self):
        """test for alignment of use statements"""
        instring1="use A,only:B,C,&\nD,E"
        instring2="use A,only:&\nB,C,D,E"
        outstring1="use A, only: B, C, &\n             D, E"
        outstring2="use A, only: &\n   B, C, D, E"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring1, outstring1)
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring2, outstring2)

    def test_wrongkind(self):
        """test whitespacing of deprecated kind definition"""
        instring = ["REAL*8 :: r, f  !  some reals",
                    "REAL * 8 :: r, f  !  some reals",
                    "INTEGER * 4 :: c, i  !  some integers",
                    "INTEGER*4 :: c, i  !  some integers"]
        outstring = ["REAL*8 :: r, f  !  some reals",
                     "REAL*8 :: r, f  !  some reals",
                     "INTEGER*4 :: c, i  !  some integers",
                     "INTEGER*4 :: c, i  !  some integers"]

        for i in range(0, len(instring)):
            self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring[i], outstring[i])

    def test_new_intrinsics(self):
        """test new I/O intrinsics"""
        instring = ["REWIND(12)",
        outstring = ["REWIND (12)",
                     "BACKSPACE (13)",
                     "INQUIRE (14)"]

        for i in range(0, len(instring)):
            self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring[i], outstring[i])

    def test_associate(self):
        """test correct formatting of associate construct"""
        instring = ("associate(a=>b , c  =>d ,e=> f  )\n"
                    "end associate")
        outstring = ("associate (a => b, c => d, e => f)\n"
                    "   e = a + c\n"
                    "end associate")

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_line_length(self):
        """test line length option"""
        instring = ["REAL(KIND=4) :: r,f  !  some reals",
                    "if(   min == max.and.min .eq. thres  )",
        instring_ = "if( min == max.and.min .eq. thres ) one_really_long_function_call_to_hit_the_line_limit(parameter1, parameter2,parameter3,parameter4,parameter5,err) ! this line would be too long"
        outstring = ["REAL(KIND=4) :: r, f  !  some reals",
                     "REAL(KIND=4) :: r,f  !  some reals",
                     "if (min == max .and. min .eq. thres)",
                     "if(   min == max.and.min .eq. thres  )",
                     "INQUIRE (14)",
                     "INQUIRE (14)"]
        outstring_ = ["if( min == max.and.min .eq. thres ) one_really_long_function_call_to_hit_the_line_limit(parameter1, parameter2,parameter3,parameter4,parameter5,err) ! this line would be too long",
                      "if (min == max .and. min .eq. thres) one_really_long_function_call_to_hit_the_line_limit(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4, parameter5, err) ! this line would be too long"]

        # test shorter lines first, after all the actual length doesn't matter
        for i in range(0, len(instring)):
            self.assert_fprettify_result(['-S'], instring[i], outstring[2*i])
            self.assert_fprettify_result(['-S', '-l 20'], instring[i], outstring[2*i + 1])
        # now test a long line
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['-S'], instring_, outstring_[0])
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['-S', '-l 0'], instring_, outstring_[1])

    def test_relation_replacement(self):
        """test replacement of relational statements"""
        instring = ["if ( min < max .and. min .lt. thres)",
                    "if (min > max .and. min .gt. thres )",
                    "if (   min == max .and. min .eq. thres  )",
                    "if(min /= max .and. min .ne. thres)",
                    "if(min >= max .and. min .ge. thres )",
                    "if( min <= max .and. min .le. thres)",
                    "'==== heading",
                    "if (vtk%my_rank .eq. 0) write (vtk%filehandle_par, '(\"<DataArray",
                    "if (abc(1) .lt. -bca .or. &\n qwe .gt. ewq) then"]
        f_outstring = ["if (min .lt. max .and. min .lt. thres)",
                     "if (min .gt. max .and. min .gt. thres)",
                     "if (min .eq. max .and. min .eq. thres)",
                     "if (min .ne. max .and. min .ne. thres)",
                     "if (min .ge. max .and. min .ge. thres)",
                     "if (min .le. max .and. min .le. thres)",
                     "'==== heading",
                     "if (vtk%my_rank .eq. 0) write (vtk%filehandle_par, '(\"<DataArray",
                     "if (abc(1) .lt. -bca .or. &\n    qwe .gt. ewq) then"]
        c_outstring = ["if (min < max .and. min < thres)",
                     "if (min > max .and. min > thres)",
                     "if (min == max .and. min == thres)",
                     "if (min /= max .and. min /= thres)",
                     "if (min >= max .and. min >= thres)",
                     "if (min <= max .and. min <= thres)",
                     "'==== heading",
                     "if (vtk%my_rank == 0) write (vtk%filehandle_par, '(\"<DataArray",
                     "if (abc(1) < -bca .or. &\n    qwe > ewq) then"]
        for i in range(0, len(instring)):
            self.assert_fprettify_result(['--enable-replacements', '--c-relations'], instring[i], c_outstring[i])
            self.assert_fprettify_result(['--enable-replacements'], instring[i], f_outstring[i])

    def test_swap_case(self):
        """test replacement of keyword character case"""
        instring = (
            "MODULE exAmple",
            "INTEGER,   PARAMETER :: dp1 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND ( 15 , 307)",
            'CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: a = "INTEGER,   PARAMETER" // "b"',
            "CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: a = 'INTEGER,   PARAMETER' // 'b'",
            "INTEGER(kind=int64), PARAMETER :: l64 = 2_int64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64a = 2._real64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64b = 2.0_real64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64c = .0_real64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64a = 2.e3_real64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64b = 2.0e3_real64",
            "REAL(kind=real64), PARAMETER :: r64c = .0e3_real64",
            "REAL, PARAMETER :: r32 = 2.e3",
            "REAL, PARAMETER :: r32 = 2.0d3",
            "REAL, PARAMETER :: r32 = .2e3",
            "USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY: int64",
            "INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: r, i, j, k",
            "IF (l.EQ.2) l=MAX  (l64, 2_int64)",
            "PURE SUBROUTINE mypure()"
        outstring = (
            "module exAmple",
            "integer, parameter :: SELECTED_REAL_KIND = 1*2",
            "integer, parameter :: dp1 = selected_real_kind(15, 307)",
            'character(LEN=*), parameter :: a = "INTEGER,   PARAMETER"//"b"',
            "character(LEN=*), parameter :: a = 'INTEGER,   PARAMETER'//'b'",
            "integer(kind=INT64), parameter :: l64 = 2_INT64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64a = 2._REAL64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64b = 2.0_REAL64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64c = .0_REAL64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64a = 2.E3_REAL64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64b = 2.0E3_REAL64",
            "real(kind=REAL64), parameter :: r64c = .0E3_REAL64",
            "real, parameter :: r32 = 2.E3",
            "real, parameter :: r32 = 2.0D3",
            "real, parameter :: r32 = .2E3",
            "use iso_fortran_env, only: INT64",
            "integer, intent(IN) :: r, i, j, k",
            "if (l .eq. 2) l = max(l64, 2_INT64)",
            "pure subroutine mypure()"
        for i in range(len(instring)):
            self.assert_fprettify_result(['--case', '1', '1', '1', '2'],
                                         instring[i], outstring[i])

    def test_do(self):
        """test correct parsing of do statement"""
        instring = "do = 1\nb = 2"

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, instring)

    def test_omp(self):
        """test formatting of omp directives"""
        instring = ("PROGRAM test_omp\n"
                    " !$OMP    PARALLEL DO\n"
                    "!$  a=b\n"
                    "   !$    c=b\n"
                    "!$acc parallel loop\n"
                    "!$OMP END  PARALLEL DO\n"
                    "END PROGRAM")
        outstring = ("PROGRAM test_omp\n"
                     "!$OMP    PARALLEL DO\n"
                     "   b = 4\n"
                     "!$ a = b\n"
                     "!$ c = b\n"
                     "!$acc parallel loop\n"
                     "!$OMP END  PARALLEL DO\n"
                     "END PROGRAM")

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_ford(self):
        """test formatting of ford comments"""
        instring =  ("   a = b\n"
                     "     !!  ford docu\n"
                     "  !! ford docu\n"
                     "subroutine test(a,b,&\n"
                     "  !! ford docu\n"
                     "  c, d, e)"
        outstring = ("   a = b\n"
                     "     !!  ford docu\n"
                     "   b = c\n"
                     "  !! ford docu\n"
                     "   subroutine test(a, b, &\n"
                     "  !! ford docu\n"
                     "                   c, d, e)"

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_plusminus(self):
        """test corner cases of +/-"""
        instring = "val_1d-1-1.0e-9-2.0d-08+.2e-1-val_2d-3.e-12+4"
        outstring = "val_1d - 1 - 1.0e-9 - 2.0d-08 + .2e-1 - val_2d - 3.e-12 + 4"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_fypp(self):
        """test formatting of fypp statements"""

        instring = []
        outstring = []

        instring += [
#:if DEBUG>  0
print *, "hola"
if( .not. (${cond}$) ) then
#:if  ASSERT(cond)
print *, "Assert failed!"
error stop
end if

        outstring += [
#:if DEBUG>  0
   print *, "hola"
   if (.not. (${cond}$)) then
      #:if  ASSERT(cond)
         print *, "Assert failed!"
      error stop
   end if

        instring += [
if  (.not. (${cond}$)) then
   #:for element in list
   print *, "Element is in list!"
   error stop
end if

        outstring += [
if (.not. (${cond}$)) then
   #:for element in list
      print *, "Element is in list!"
   error stop
end if

        instring += [
#:if aa > 1
print  *, "Number is more than 1"
if (condition) then
     #:def something
   print *, "Added Definition!"
end if

        outstring += [
#:if aa > 1
   print *, "Number is more than 1"
   if (condition) then
      #:def something
         print *, "Added Definition!"
   end if

        instring += [
#:def DEBUG_CODE( code)
  #:if DEBUG > 0
#:enddef DEBUG_CODE

        outstring += [
#:def DEBUG_CODE( code)
   #:if DEBUG > 0
#:enddef DEBUG_CODE

        instring += [
#:block DEBUG_CODE
  if (a <b) then
    print *, "DEBUG: a is less than b"
  end if
#:endblock  DEBUG_CODE

        outstring += [
#:block DEBUG_CODE
   if (a < b) then
      print *, "DEBUG: a is less than b"
   end if
#:endblock  DEBUG_CODE

        instring += [
  if (a < b) then
    print *, "DEBUG: a is less than b"
  end if
#:endcall DEBUG_CODE

        outstring += [
   if (a < b) then
      print *, "DEBUG: a is less than b"
   end if
#:endcall DEBUG_CODE

        instring += [
#:if DEBUG > 0
print *, "hola"
if (.not. (${cond}$)) then
   print *, "Muted"
   error stop
end if

        outstring += [
#:if DEBUG > 0
   print *, "hola"
   if (.not. (${cond}$)) then
         print *, "Muted"
      error stop
   end if

        instring += [
program try
#:def mydef
a = &
#:if dothat
b + &
c + &
end program

        outstring += [
program try
   #:def mydef
      a = &
#:if dothat
         b + &
         c + &
end program

        instring += [
#:if worktype
      ${worktype}$, &
      ${type}$, &
         DIMENSION(${arr_exp}$), &
         POINTER :: work

        outstring += [
#:if worktype
${worktype}$, &
   ${type}$, &
   DIMENSION(${arr_exp}$), &
   POINTER :: work

        for instr, outstr in zip(instring, outstring):
            self.assert_fprettify_result([], instr, outstr)

    def test_mod(self):
        """test indentation of module / program"""
        instring_mod = "module my_module\nintrinsic none\ncontains\nfunction my_func()\nend\nend module"
        instring_prog = "program my_program\nintrinsic none\ncontains\nfunction my_func()\nend\nend program"

        outstring_mod = "module my_module\n   intrinsic none\ncontains\n   function my_func()\n   end\nend module"
        outstring_mod_disable = "module my_module\nintrinsic none\ncontains\nfunction my_func()\nend\nend module"

        outstring_prog = "program my_program\n   intrinsic none\ncontains\n   function my_func()\n   end\nend program"
        outstring_prog_disable = "program my_program\nintrinsic none\ncontains\nfunction my_func()\nend\nend program"

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring_mod, outstring_mod)
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring_prog, outstring_prog)

        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--disable-indent-mod'], instring_mod, outstring_mod_disable)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--disable-indent-mod'], instring_prog, outstring_prog_disable)

    def test_decl(self):
        """test formatting of declarations"""
        instring_1 = "integer    ::     a"
        instring_2 = "integer, dimension(:)    ::     a"
        outstring_1 = "integer :: a"
        outstring_2 = "integer, dimension(:) :: a"
        outstring_2_min = "integer, dimension(:)::a"

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring_1, instring_1)
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring_2, instring_2)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--enable-decl'], instring_1, outstring_1)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--enable-decl'], instring_2, outstring_2)
        self.assert_fprettify_result(['--enable-decl', '--whitespace-decl=0'], instring_2, outstring_2_min)

    def test_statement_label(self):
        instring = "1003  FORMAT(2(1x, i4), 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 3x, '-', 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 8x, '-', 3x, &\n    1p, 2(1x, d10.3))"
        outstring = "1003  FORMAT(2(1x, i4), 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 3x, '-', 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 8x, '-', 3x, &\n             1p, 2(1x, d10.3))"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

        instring = "print *, 'hello'\n1003  FORMAT(2(1x, i4), 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 3x, '-', 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 8x, '-', 3x, &\n    1p, 2(1x, d10.3))"
        outstring = "print *, 'hello'\n1003 FORMAT(2(1x, i4), 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 3x, '-', 5x, '-', 5x, '-', 8x, '-', 3x, &\n            1p, 2(1x, d10.3))"
        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

    def test_multiline_str(self):

        instring = []
        outstring = []

        instring += [
      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER      :: serialized_string = &
         "qtb_rng_gaussian                         1 F T F   0.0000000000000000E+00&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
                          12.0                12.0                12.0"

        outstring += [
      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER      :: serialized_string = &
         "qtb_rng_gaussian                         1 F T F   0.0000000000000000E+00&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0&
&                          12.0                12.0                12.0"

        instring += [
      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER      :: serialized_string = &
         "qtb_rng_gaussian                         1 F T F   0.0000000000000000E+00&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0"

        outstring += [
      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER      :: serialized_string = &
         "qtb_rng_gaussian                         1 F T F   0.0000000000000000E+00&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0&
                 &         12.0                12.0                12.0"

        for instr, outstr in zip(instring, outstring):
            self.assert_fprettify_result([], instr, outstr)

    def test_label(self):
        instring = \
MODULE cp_lbfgs
20000    FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
     &    'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
     &    'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
2        FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
     &    'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
     &    'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
20000    FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
          'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
          'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
2        FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
          'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
          'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)

        outstring = \
MODULE cp_lbfgs
20000 FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
  &    'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
  &    'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
2  FORMAT('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE', /, /,                          &
&    'it    = iteration number', /,                                    &
&    'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
             'it    = iteration number', /, &
             'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)
          'it    = iteration number', /, &
          'Machine precision =', 1p, d10.3)

        self.assert_fprettify_result([], instring, outstring)

def addtestmethod(testcase, fpath, ffile):
    """add a test method for each example."""

    def testmethod(testcase):
        """this is the test method invoked for each example."""

        dirpath_before = joinpath(BEFORE_DIR, fpath)
        dirpath_after = joinpath(AFTER_DIR, fpath)
        if not os.path.exists(dirpath_after):

        example_before = joinpath(dirpath_before, ffile)
        example_after = joinpath(dirpath_after, ffile)

        if os.path.isfile(example_after):

        def test_result(path, info):
            return [os.path.relpath(path, BEFORE_DIR), info]

        with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:

            outstring = io.StringIO()

                fprettify.reformat_ffile(infile, outstring)
                m = hashlib.sha256()

                test_info = "checksum"
                test_content = test_result(example_before, m.hexdigest())

                with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
                FPrettifyTestCase.n_success += 1
            except FprettifyParseException as e:
                test_info = "parse error"
                fprettify.log_exception(e, test_info)
                test_content = test_result(example_before, test_info)
                FPrettifyTestCase.n_parsefail += 1
            except FprettifyInternalException as e:
                test_info = "internal error"
                fprettify.log_exception(e, test_info)
                test_content = test_result(example_before, test_info)
                FPrettifyTestCase.n_internalfail += 1
            except:  # pragma: no cover
                FPrettifyTestCase.n_unexpectedfail += 1

        after_exists = os.path.isfile(example_after)
        if after_exists:
            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
                before_content =
                before_nosp = re.sub(
                    r'\n{3,}', r'\n\n', before_content.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', ''))

            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
                after_content =
                after_nosp = after_content.lower().replace(' ', '')

            testcase.assertMultiLineEqual(before_nosp, after_nosp)

        sep_str = ' : '
        with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
            found = False
            for line in infile:
                line_content = line.strip().split(sep_str)
                if line_content[0] == test_content[0]:
                    found = True
                    eprint(test_info, end=" ")
                    msg = '{} (old) != {} (new)'.format(
                        line_content[1], test_content[1])
                    if test_info == "checksum" and after_exists and after_content.count('\n') < 10000:
                        # difflib can not handle large files
                        result = list(difflib.unified_diff(before_content.splitlines(
                            True), after_content.splitlines(True), fromfile=test_content[0], tofile=line_content[0]))
                        msg += '\n' + ''.join(result)
                            line_content[1], test_content[1], msg)
                    except AssertionError:  # pragma: no cover
                            FAILED_FILE, test_content, sep_str)

        if not found:  # pragma: no cover
            eprint(test_info + " new", end=" ")
            FPrettifyTestCase.write_result(RESULT_FILE, test_content, sep_str)

    # not sure why this even works, using "test something" (with a space) as function name...
    # however it gives optimal test output
    testmethod.__name__ = ("test " + joinpath(fpath, ffile))

    setattr(testcase, testmethod.__name__, testmethod)

# make sure all directories exist
if not os.path.exists(BEFORE_DIR):  # pragma: no cover
if not os.path.exists(AFTER_DIR):  # pragma: no cover
if not os.path.exists(RESULT_DIR):  # pragma: no cover
if not os.path.exists(RESULT_FILE):  # pragma: no cover, 'w', encoding='utf-8').close()
if os.path.exists(FAILED_FILE):  # pragma: no cover
    # erase failures from previous testers, 'w', encoding='utf-8').close()

# this prepares FPrettifyTestCase class when module is loaded by unittest
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(BEFORE_DIR):
    for example in [f for f in filenames if any(f.endswith(_) for _ in fprettify.FORTRAN_EXTENSIONS)]:
        rel_dirpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, start=BEFORE_DIR)
        addtestmethod(FPrettifyTestCase, rel_dirpath, example)