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const snap7 = require('node-snap7');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const debug = require('debug')('S7Client');
const {isIPv4} = require('net');
const dns = require('dns');
const random = require('lodash.random');
const datatypes = require('./datatypes');

 * High level API for Siemens S7 PLCs
 * Fires: `connect`, `disconnect`, `connect_error`, `value`
 * @emits connect - PLC connected
 * @emits disconnect - PLC disconnected
 * @emits connect_error - Connection error
 * @emits value - Var read
class S7Client extends EventEmitter {

   * Construct a new S7Client
   * @param {Object} options - Options
   * @param {string} [] - Human readable Name for this PLC
   * @param {string} [] - Hostname or IP
   * @param {int} [options.port=102] - Port
   * @param {int} [options.rack=0] - Rack
   * @param {int} [options.Slot=1] - Slot
   * @param {int} [options.connectionCheckInterval=2000] - Interval in ms to check if PLC is connected
   * @param {int} [options.maxRetryDelay=60000] - Max reconnect delay
   * @param {int} [options.alivePkgCycle=45] - Send a keepAlive package every nth connectionCheck
  constructor(options) {
    super(); // init EventEmitter

    this.client = null;
    this.opts = {
      name: "S7PLC",
      host: "localhost",
      port: 102,
      rack: 0,
      slot: 1,
      connectionCheckInterval: 2000,
      maxRetryDelay: 60 * 1000,
      alivePkgCycle: 45 // send a request every 45x connectionCheck
    Object.assign(this.opts, options || {});

    this.client = new snap7.S7Client();
    this.client.SetParam(this.client.RemotePort, this.opts.port);

   * Establish connection to the plc
   * @returns {Promise} resolves with CpuInfo Object
  async connect() {
    if(this.isConnected()) return Promise.reject(new Error(`Already connected to ${}`));
    debug(`Connecting to ${} on ${}:${this.opts.port}, Rack=${this.opts.rack} Slot=${this.opts.slot}`);

    return (isIPv4( ? Promise.resolve( : S7Client.dnsLookup(
      .then(ip => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.client.ConnectTo(ip, this.opts.rack, this.opts.slot, (err) => {
          if(err) {
            err = this.client.ErrorText(err).trim();
            debug(`Connect-Error: ${err}`);
            this.emit('connect_error', err);
            return reject(err);
          debug(`Connected to ${}`);
          resolve(this.getCpuInfo().then(cpuInfo => {
            this.emit('connect', cpuInfo);
            return cpuInfo

   * Establish connection to the plc and keep retrying on error
   * @returns {Promise} resolves with CpuInfo Object
  async autoConnect() {
    let self = this;
    let retryDelay = this.opts.connectionCheckInterval;

    function _retry() {
      debug(`Retry connect to ${}`);
      self.connect().catch(() => {
        retryDelay = Math.round(retryDelay * random(1.3, 1.7, true));
        if(retryDelay > self.opts.maxRetryDelay) retryDelay = self.opts.maxRetryDelay;
        self._retryTimeout = setTimeout(_retry, retryDelay);

    this.on('disconnect', manual => (!manual) && _retry());

    if(this.isConnected()) {
      return this.getCpuInfo();
    } else {
      try {
        return await this.connect();
      catch(e) {
        setTimeout(_retry, retryDelay);
        throw e;

   * @private
  _setupAliveCheck() {
    let cnt = 1;
    this._aliveCheckInterval = setInterval(() => {

      // send a keep alive request every nth aliveCheck cycle
      if(this.opts.alivePkgCycl !== false && cnt >= this.opts.alivePkgCycle) {
        this.client.PlcStatus((err, res) => {
        cnt = 0;

      if(this.isConnected()) return;
      debug(`Alive check: failed`);
      this.emit('disconnect', false);
    }, this.opts.connectionCheckInterval);

   * Disconnect from the PLC
  disconnect() {
    this.emit('disconnect', true);

   * Return whether the client is connected or not
   * @returns {boolean}
  isConnected() {
    return this.client.Connected();

   * Return DateTime from PLC
   * @returns {Promise}
  getPlcDateTime() {
    return this._cbToPromise(this.client.GetPlcDateTime.bind(this.client));

   * Return getCpuInfo from PLC
   * @returns {Promise}
  async getCpuInfo() {
    return this._cbToPromise(this.client.GetCpuInfo.bind(this.client));

   * Read a DB and parse the result
   * @param {int} DBNr - The DB Number to read
   * @param {array} vars - Array of Var objects
   * @param {int} vars[].start - Position of the first byte
   * @param {int} [vars[].bit] - Position of the bit in the byte
   * @param {Datatype} vars[].type - Data type (BYTE, WORD, INT, etc), see {@link /s7client/?api=Datatypes|Datatypes}
   * @returns {Promise} - Resolves to the vars array with populate *value* property
  async readDB(DBNr, vars) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if(vars.length === 0) return resolve([]);

      let end = 0;
      let offset = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
      vars.forEach(v => {
        if(v.start < offset) offset = v.start;
        if(end < v.start + datatypes[v.type].bytes) {
          end = v.start + datatypes[v.type].bytes;
      debug(`${}: ReadDB DB=${DBNr}, Offset=${offset}, Length=${end - offset}`);
      this.client.DBRead(DBNr, offset, end - offset, (err, res) => {
        if(err) return reject(this._getErr(err));
        resolve( => {
          v.value = datatypes[v.type].parser(res, v.start - offset, v.bit);
          this.emit('value', v);
          return v;

   * Read multiple Vars and parse the result
   * @param {array} vars - Array of Var objects
   * @param {int} vars[].start - Position of the first byte
   * @param {int} [vars[].bit] - Position of the bit in the byte
   * @param {Datatype} vars[].type - Data type (BYTE, WORD, INT, etc), see {@link /s7client/?api=Datatypes|Datatypes}
   * @param {string} vars[].area - Area (pe, pa, mk, db, ct, tm)
   * @param {int} [vars[].dbnr] - DB Nr if read from area=db
   * @returns {Promise} - Resolves to the vars array with populate *value* property
  async readVars(vars) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      debug(`${}: ReadMultiVars`, vars);
      let toRead = => {
        return {
          Area: this.client['S7Area' + v.area.toUpperCase()],
          WordLen: datatypes[v.type].S7WordLen,
          DBNumber: v.dbnr,
          Start: v.type === 'BOOL' ? v.start * 8 + v.bit : v.start,
          Amount: 1

      this.client.ReadMultiVars(toRead, (err, res) => {
        if(err) return reject(this._getErr(err));
        let errs = [];
        res =, i) => {
          if(res[i].Result !== 0) return errs.push(this.client.ErrorText(res[i].Result));
          v.value = datatypes[v.type].parser(res[i].Data);
          this.emit('value', v);
          return v;
        if(errs.length) return reject(this._getErr(errs));

   * Write multiple Vars
   * @param {array} vars - Array of Var objects
   * @param {int} vars[].start - Position of the first byte
   * @param {int} [vars[].bit] - Position of the bit in the byte
   * @param {Datatype} vars[].type - Data type (BYTE, WORD, INT, etc), see {@link /s7client/?api=Datatypes|Datatypes}
   * @param {string} vars[].area - Area (pe, pa, mk, db, ct, tm)
   * @param {string} [vars[].dbnr] - DB Nr if read from area=db
   * @param vars[].value - Value
   * @returns {Promise} - Resolves to the vars array with populate *value* property
  async writeVars(vars) {
    debug(`${}: WriteMultiVars`, vars);
    let toWrite = => ({
      Area: this.client['S7Area' + v.area.toUpperCase()],
      WordLen: datatypes[v.type].S7WordLen,
      DBNumber: v.dbnr,
      Start: v.type === 'BOOL' ? v.start * 8 + v.bit : v.start,
      Amount: 1,
      Data: datatypes[v.type].formatter(v.value)

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.client.WriteMultiVars(toWrite, (err, res) => {
        if(err) return reject(this._getErr(err));
        let errs = [];

        res =, i) => {
          if(res[i].Result !== 0) return errs.push(this.client.ErrorText(res[i].Result));
          return v;
        if(errs.length) return reject(this._getErr(errs));

   * Read a single var
   * @param {string} v.area - Area (pe, pa, mk, db, ct, tm)
   * @param {Datatype} v.type - Data type (BYTE, WORD, INT, etc), see {@link /s7client/?api=Datatypes|Datatypes}
   * @param {int} v.start - Position of the first byte
   * @param {string} [v.dbnr] - DB Nr if read from area=db
   * @param {int} [v.bit] - Position of the bit in the byte
   * @returns {Promise} - Resolves to the var obj with populate *value* property
  async readVar(v) {
    if(v.area === 'db' && !v.dbnr) throw new Error(`Param dbnr is mandatory for area=db`);
    return this.readVars([v])
      .then(r => r[0]);

   * Write a single var
   * @param {string} v.area - Area (pe, pa, mk, db, ct, tm)
   * @param {Datatype} v.type - Data type (BYTE, WORD, INT, etc), see {@link /s7client/?api=Datatypes|Datatypes}
   * @param {int} v.start - Position of the first byte
   * @param {string} [v.dbnr] - DB Nr if read from area=db
   * @param {int} [v.bit] - Position of the bit in the byte
   * @param v.value - Value to write
   * @return {Promise<*>}
  async writeVar(v) {
    return this.writeVars([v]).then(erg => erg[0]);

   * Construct Error object
   * @private
  _getErr(s7err) {
    if(Array.isArray(s7err)) return new Error(`${} Errors: ` + s7err.join('; '));
    return new Error(`${}: ` + this.client.ErrorText(s7err));

   * Callback to promise
   * @private
  async _cbToPromise(fn) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fn((err, data) => {
        if(err) return reject(this._getErr(err));

   * Get IP address from hostname
   * @private
  static dnsLookup(host) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      dns.lookup(host, 4, function(err, ip) {
        if(err) {
          debug(`Error resolving IP for Host ${host}`);
          return reject(err);
        debug(`Resolved Host ${host} to IP ${ip}`);


module.exports.S7Client = S7Client;
module.exports.Datatypes = datatypes;