package server
import (
// NullBackend is the simplest possible backend
type NullBackend struct {
// ChannelsGetList gets no channels
func (b *NullBackend) ChannelsGetList() ([]microsub.Channel, error) {
return []microsub.Channel{
{UID: "0001", Name: "notifications", Unread: microsub.Unread{Type: microsub.UnreadBool, Unread: false}},
{UID: "0000", Name: "default", Unread: microsub.Unread{Type: microsub.UnreadCount, UnreadCount: 0}},
}, nil
// ChannelsCreate creates no channels
func (b *NullBackend) ChannelsCreate(name string) (microsub.Channel, error) {
return microsub.Channel{
UID: "1234",
Name: name,
}, nil
// ChannelsUpdate updates no channels
func (b *NullBackend) ChannelsUpdate(uid, name string) (microsub.Channel, error) {
return microsub.Channel{
UID: uid,
Name: name,
}, nil
// ChannelsDelete delets no channels
func (b *NullBackend) ChannelsDelete(uid string) error {
return nil
// TimelineGet gets no timeline
func (b *NullBackend) TimelineGet(before, after, channel string) (microsub.Timeline, error) {
return microsub.Timeline{
Paging: microsub.Pagination{},
Items: []microsub.Item{},
}, nil
// FollowGetList implements the follow list command
func (b *NullBackend) FollowGetList(uid string) ([]microsub.Feed, error) {
return []microsub.Feed{
{Name: "test", Type: "feed", URL: ""},
}, nil
// FollowURL follows a new url
func (b *NullBackend) FollowURL(uid string, url string) (microsub.Feed, error) {
return microsub.Feed{Type: "feed", URL: url}, nil
// UnfollowURL unfollows a url
func (b *NullBackend) UnfollowURL(uid string, url string) error {
return nil
// Search search for a query and return an example list of feeds
func (b *NullBackend) Search(query string) ([]microsub.Feed, error) {
return []microsub.Feed{
{Type: "feed", URL: "", Name: "Example", Photo: "test.jpg", Description: "test"},
}, nil
// ItemSearch returns a list of zero items
func (b *NullBackend) ItemSearch(channel, query string) ([]microsub.Item, error) {
return []microsub.Item{}, nil
// PreviewURL shows an empty feed
func (b *NullBackend) PreviewURL(url string) (microsub.Timeline, error) {
return microsub.Timeline{
Paging: microsub.Pagination{},
Items: []microsub.Item{},
}, nil
// MarkRead marks no items as read
func (b *NullBackend) MarkRead(channel string, uids []string) error {
return nil
// Events returns a closed channel.
func (b *NullBackend) Events() (chan sse.Message, error) {
ch := make(chan sse.Message)
return ch, nil