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The Penn State University Libraries' catalog. Built on Blacklight, using Traject for ingesting binary marc.

# Software Dependencies 

| Software |  Version |
| `ruby`    |  3.1.2 |
| `rails`   |  6.1.7 |
| `solr`   |  8.11.2 |

## When upgrading Blacklight

Because we use shakapacker, when upgrading the Blacklight gem for this application, we should also update `package.json`
to the same version as the installed gem so as to keep these things in step from Blacklight.

## Development

See [Development Setup](

# Application notes

## "Blackcat Admin" feature

The [config]( gem provides a means for adding ad-hoc config as needed. The file
`config/settings.local.yml` is not tracked in git. So far 5 settings have been added:

1. Modify the announcement bar (thin bar at top)
1. Put the site in "readonly" (no availability data)
1. Put holds in readonly mode by hiding the I Want It button 
1. Modify the hold button url

Here is a sample of what the `settings.yml` file might look like:

# Strings
  # See
  icon: fa-exclamation-circle
  message: All University Libraries locations are closed, but we're here to help! See <a href=""> University Libraries COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) Updates and Resources</a> for more information.
  # See
  html_class: bg-warning
hold_button_path: holds/new?catkey=
no_recall_button_path: ill/new?catkey=

# Booleans
readonly: false
hide_hold_button: false
hide_announcement: false

If one of the special keys isn't present, there is no ill-effect. It is just not there and the system operates as per
usual. If the announcement array isn't present, then the default announcement in the translation file will show.