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Test Coverage
  "locations": {
    "ACAD-BLDG": "Annexed Material",
    "ACQREF-UP": "Acquisitions Services, 126 Paterno Library - Reference Collection",
    "AEROSPACE": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Aerospace Collection",
    "AFRIC-AMER": "Beaver - African American Voices",
    "AH-X-TRANS": "Archival Thesis",
    "ALLISON-SH": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Allison-Shelley Collection",
    "AMER-GIFT": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "AMER-LIT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, American Literature Collection",
    "ANNEXMOVES": "Temporary location for annex material moves",
    "ANNEXPREP": "New Material being prepped for Annex",
    "ANNEX": "Annexed Material",
    "ANTIR-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - Antiracist Collection",
    "ARCHIVE-AA": "Altoona - Penn State Altoona Historical Collection",
    "ARCHIVE-AB": "Abington - Ogontz School Archives Room - In-Library Use",
    "ARCHIVE-BD": "Behrend - Archives Collection - In-Library Use",
    "ARCHIVE-DE": "Brandywine - Archives",
    "ARCHIVE-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine) Archives Collection - In-Library Use",
    "ARCHIVE-MA": "Mont Alto - Archives - In-Library Use",
    "ARCHIVE-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Archives",
    "ARCHIVE-WS": "Scranton - Archives",
    "ARCV-ANNEX": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, University Archives Annex",
    "ARKTHESES": "Archival Thesis",
    "ART-ARCHIT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Art & Architecture Collection",
    "AS-GAMES": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Allison-Shelley Games",
    "ASKDESK-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg - Ask at Desk",
    "AS-VAULT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Allison-Shelley Vault",
    "ATHERTON": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Atherton Collection",
    "ATLASES-AA": "Altoona - Atlas Area",
    "ATLASES-BD": "Behrend - Atlas Stand",
    "ATLASES-HN": "Hazleton - Atlas Area",
    "ATLASES-MA": "Mont Alto - Atlas Area - In-Library Use",
    "ATLASES-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Atlas Stand - In-Library Use",
    "ATLASES-WS": "Scranton - Atlas Area - In-Library Use",
    "ATRIUM-DVD": "Pattee - 1st Floor, Franklin Atrium, Leisure Viewing Coll",
    "AUDIO-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Audiotape Archives",
    "AUDIOBKFE": "Fayette - Audio Book Collection",
    "AUDIO-BD": "Behrend - Audiobook Collection",
    "AUDIO-HB": "Harrisburg - Audio Book Collection - 1st Floor",
    "AUSTRALIA": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Australiana Collection",
    "AUTHOR-FE": "Fayette - Campus Author Collection - In-Library Use",
    "AUTHORS": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "AX-CATALOG": "Material Being Transferred to Annex",
    "AX-CP-LP": "LP record transferred to the Annex",
    "BASEMENTHY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Basement Stacks",
    "BDJNL-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - Bound Journal Collection",
    "BIBLES": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Bible Collection",
    "BINDERY-DN": "At bindery",
    "BINDERY-HY": "At bindery",
    "BINDERY": "At bindery",
    "BINDPRP-DN": "At bindery",
    "BKFLOATEMP": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "BLACKHIST": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Black History & Literature",
    "BLOCKSON": "By appt. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Blockson",
    "BLOCKS-VLT": "By appt. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Blockson Vault",
    "BLUEPRNTEM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences - Blueprints Collection",
    "BNGN-SV": "Shenango - Graphic Novel Collection",
    "BNJR-SV": "Shenango - Childrens Book Collection",
    "BNNF-SV": "Shenango - Nonfiction Best Sellers",
    "BNYA-SV": "Shenango - Young Adult Collection",
    "BOOKNOOKSV": "Shenango - The Book Nook (Best Seller Titles)",
    "BROWSE-RH": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Browsing Collection - In-Library Use",
    "BROWSE-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Popular Magazines - In-Library Use",
    "BROWSINGAA": "Altoona - Popular Titles",
    "BROWSINGAB": "Abington - Browsing/Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BROWSINGBD": "Behrend - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BROWSINGDE": "Brandywine - Browsing/Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BROWSINGDN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - Browsing",
    "BROWSINGDP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - Browsing",
    "BROWSINGHN": "Hazleton - Browsing/Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BROWSINGMA": "Mont Alto - New Books / Popular Titles",
    "BROWSINGMK": "Greater Allegheny - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BROWSINGSL": "Schuylkill - Browsing/Leisure Reading Collection",
    "BTAA": "Offsite at BTAA facility",
    "BUS-ALCV": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Reference Alcove",
    "BUS-MEDIA": "Paterno - 3rd Floor - Media Collection",
    "BUSREF-BD": "Behrend - Business Reference Table - In-Library Use",
    "BUS-TEXTBK": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Business Textbooks",
    "CANCELED": "Copy unavailable",
    "CAPITAL": "Harrisburg - Capital Collection - Special Collections - 3rd Floor",
    "CAREER-BK": "Berks - Beyond Berks (Discovery Lab)",
    "CAREERS-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Career Information Collection",
    "CAREERS-SS": "Social Sciences, 2nd Floor Paterno - Careers Alcove",
    "CARPENTER": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Carpenter Collection",
    "CARREF-BU": "Business, 3rd Paterno - Career Collection",
    "CATALOGING": "Material being cataloged",
    "CATO2-DN": "Annexed Material",
    "CATO-2MAPS": "Annexed Maps",
    "CATO-2": "Annexed Material",
    "CATOFF-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Cataloging Office",
    "CATO-PARK": "Annexed Material",
    "CATREF-UP": "Cataloging and Metadata, 003 Paterno Library - Reference Collection",
    "CCHC-FE": "Fayette - Coal and Coke Heritage Center Archival Collection",
    "CCHCREF-FE": "Fayette - Coal and Coke Heritage Center Reference",
    "CD-AH": "Arts & Humanities, West Pattee, 2nd Floor - CD Collection",
    "CD-BD": "Behrend - Compact Disc Collection",
    "CD-HB": "Harrisburg - Compact Disc Collection - 1st Floor",
    "CD-HN": "Hazleton - Audio CD",
    "CD-ROM-HB": "Harrisburg - CD-ROM Collection - 1st Floor",
    "CDROMS-MMC": "Non Music CD/DVD ROMs, W211 Pattee - Ask at Service Desk",
    "CHECKEDOUT": "Checked out",
    "CIRC1AA": "Altoona - Circulation Desk",
    "CIRCDESKBD": "Behrend - Laptop Holding Location",
    "CIRCDESKDE": "Brandywine - Circulation Desk Collection",
    "CIRCDESKHN": "Hazleton - Videos - Collection Temporarily Unavailable",
    "CIRCDESKHY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Circulation Desk",
    "CIRCDESKMA": "Mont Alto - Circulation Desk Collection",
    "CIRCDESKNK": "New Kensington - Ask at Circulation Desk",
    "CIRCDESKWS": "Scranton - Ask at Circulation Desk",
    "CLINIC-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Law Clinics @ Pitt Street",
    "CLINIC-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Law Clinics",
    "CLOSED-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Closed Storage",
    "CLOSERESDN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Closed Reserve",
    "CLOSERESDP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Closed Reserve",
    "CLOSERESPA": "Course Reserve, Commons Services Desk, Pattee Library",
    "COOKBOOKSV": "Shenango - Cookbooks",
    "COSTUME": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Costume Collection",
    "COUNTY": "Schuylkill - County Collection - In-Library Use",
    "CULTUREHUB": "Center for Character, Conscience, 102 HUB-Robeson Center",
    "CURRIC-AA": "Altoona - Curriculum Materials - 1st Floor",
    "CURRIC-AB": "Abington - Curriculum collection",
    "CURRIC-BK": "Berks - Curriculum Collection",
    "CURRIC-DE": "Brandywine - Juvenile Collection",
    "CURRIC-GV": "Great Valley - Curriculum Collection",
    "CURRIC-HB": "Harrisburg - Curriculum Materials Collection - 3rd Floor",
    "CURRICR-GV": "Great Valley - Curriculum Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "CURRICYABK": "Berks - Curriculum YA Collection",
    "CURRISS-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Current Issues",
    "DARCHIVE-P": "Copy unavailable",
    "DEPTCHARGE": "Copy unavailable",
    "DICTIO-NML": "News & Microforms, 2nd Floor Paterno - Dictionaries",
    "DICTION-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Dictionaries - In-Library Use",
    "DICTION-WS": "Scranton - Dictionary Stands - In-Library Use",
    "DIGEST-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Digests",
    "DIGEST-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Digests",
    "DIGIPRES": "This item has been preserved and is only available onsite",
    "DISABILITY": "Adaptive Technology and Services, 113W Pattee",
    "DISC-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - CD/DVD Collection",
    "DISCOVERAB": "Abington - Discovery Zone",
    "DISPLAY-AA": "Altoona - Display - 2nd Floor",
    "DISPLAY-BD": "Behrend - On display",
    "DISPLAY-BK": "Berks - Display",
    "DISPLAY-BR": "Beaver - Display",
    "DISPLAY-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Faculty Display",
    "DISPLAY-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Faculty Display Case",
    "DISPLAY-DS": "DuBois - Display",
    "DISPLAY-ED": "Paterno - 5th Floor - Education Library Displays",
    "DISPLAY-EG": "Engineering Library Display",
    "DISPLAY-FE": "Fayette - New Titles or Featured Display Titles",
    "DISPLAY-GV": "Great Valley - On Display",
    "DISPLAY-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Display Case - In-Library Use",
    "DISPLAY-MA": "Mont Alto - On Display",
    "DISPLAY-MK": "Greater Allegheny - On Display",
    "DISPLAY-NK": "New Kensington - On Display",
    "DISPLAY-SV": "Shenango - Display Case",
    "DISPLAY": "On Display - Ask at Service Desk",
    "DOC-CENSUS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Census - In-Library Use",
    "DOC-INTL": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - International Documents",
    "DOC-MICROS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Microfiche - In-Library Use",
    "DOC-PA": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Pennsylvania Documents",
    "DOCS-HB": "Harrisburg - Government Documents - 2nd Floor",
    "DOCS-NK": "New Kensington - Government Documents",
    "DOCUS-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - Gov Docs",
    "DOCUSMD-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - Gov Doc Media",
    "DOCUSMF-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - Gov Doc MF",
    "DOCUSRF-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Gov Doc Reference",
    "DOC-US": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - U.S. Documents",
    "DSLOFFCHRG": "Material has been checked out to a department",
    "DSLSIADISP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - SIA",
    "DSPLAY-ED": "Paterno - 5th Floor - Education Library Displays",
    "DVD-AH": "Arts & Humanities, West Pattee, 2nd Floor - DVD Collection",
    "DVD-BR": "Beaver - DVD Collection",
    "DVD-HB": "Harrisburg - DVD Collection - 1st Floor",
    "DVD-MA": "Mont Alto - DVD Collection",
    "EDUMEDIAFE": "Fayette - Educational Media Collection",
    "EICHE-AA": "Altoona - Rare Books Eiche Collection - Ask at Desk",
    "ELECRES-BU": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Electronic Resources/Manuals",
    "ELECRES-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Electronic Resources/Manuals",
    "ELECRES-SS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Electronic Resources",
    "ELECTSERHB": "Harrisburg - Electronic Services Office - 1st Floor",
    "EMBLEM": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Emblem Collection",
    "ENCYCL-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee, 2nd Floor - Encyclopedias",
    "ENCYCL-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Encyc & ALRs",
    "ENCYCL-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Encyclopedias",
    "ENCYCL-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Encyclopedias - In-Library Use",
    "ENGASCHLBK": "Berks - Engaged Scholarship (Discovery Lab)",
    "ENGL-LIT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, English Literature Collection",
    "EQUIP-BK": "Berks - Circulating Equipment",
    "ESHIP-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Entrepreneurship LaunchBox Collection",
    "ETHICS-BK": "Berks - Ethics & Sustainability (Discovery Lab)",
    "FACULTY-BD": "Behrend - Faculty Collection",
    "FACULTY-DE": "Brandywine - Faculty Collection",
    "FACULTY-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Faculty Lounge",
    "FACULTY-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Faculty Collection - In-Library Use",
    "FEATRFILFE": "Fayette - Feature Film Collection",
    "FILM-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Film Archives",
    "FILM-CTR": "Temporarily stored at the annex, use I Want It to request",
    "FILM-PSU": "Temporarily stored at the annex, use I Want It to request",
    "FINEPRINTG": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Fine Printing Collection",
    "FOLIO-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg - Folios",
    "FOLIO-BK": "Berks - Campus Portfolio (Discovery Lab)",
    "FOLIO-BU": "Paterno - 3rd Floor - Folio Collection",
    "FOLIO-ED": "Paterno - 5th Floor - Folio Collection",
    "FOLIO-IN": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Folio Collection - Doc Intl",
    "FOLIO-LS": "Paterno - 4th Floor - Folio Collection",
    "FOLIO-SS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Folio Collection",
    "FOLIO-US": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Folio Collection - Doc US",
    "GAINES": "Temporarily unavailable",
    "GAMES-BD": "Behrend - Board Games, Video Games",
    "GAMES-DE": "Brandywine - Board Games, Video Games, Card Games & Puzzles",
    "GAMES-FE": "Fayette - Board Games, Video Games, Card Games & Puzzles",
    "GARDEN-FE": "Fayette - Gardening & Cooking Books in support of FE garden",
    "GISROOM-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - Geographic Information Systems materials",
    "GOODMAN": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Goodman Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-AB": "Abington - Graphic Novel Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-BR": "Beaver - Graphic Novels Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-BK": "Berks - Graphic Novels Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-DE": "Brandywine - Graphic Novels Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-FE": "Fayette - Graphic Novels Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - Graphic Novels, Comics, Manga, & Art Books",
    "GRFCNOV-WS": "Scranton - Graphic Novels & Non-Fiction Collection",
    "GRFCNOV-YK": "York - Graphic Novel & Non-fiction Collection",
    "GROFF": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Groff Collection",
    "HANLEY": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Hanley Dance Collection",
    "HARSHBARGR": "Copy unavailable",
    "HATHIETAS": "Physical copy unavailable for checkout, use HathiTrust link",
    "HC-8THAF": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Fl Paterno - 8th Air Force",
    "HC-ARCHIVE": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno",
    "HC-ASA": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st FL Paterno - ASA",
    "HC-GENREF": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno - Reference",
    "HC-MAPS": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Fl Paterno - Cartographic",
    "HC-RAILRD": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno - Railroad",
    "HC-SERIALS": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "HC-STORAGE": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno - Storage",
    "HC-UMW": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno - UMW",
    "HC-USWA": "Historical Collections/Labor Archives, 1st Floor Paterno - USWA",
    "HENISCH-RM": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Henisch Room",
    "HENISCH": "Temporarily unavailable",
    "HIGHACRES": "Hazleton - Archives and Highacres Collection-In-Library Use",
    "HIST-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Historical - In-Library Use",
    "HJSC-HB": "Harrisburg-Holocaust & Jewish Studies-Special Coll-3rd Floor",
    "HOLDS": "Material on hold",
    "HOSTETLER": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Hostetler Collection",
    "HUNTINGTON": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Huntington Collection",
    "IDEACOLLBK": "Berks - Idea Collection (Discovery Lab)",
    "IDEALAB-BK": "Berks - IDEA Lab (Instructional Design Lab)",
    "ILL-BK": "Berks - ILL Office",
    "ILL-BR": "Beaver - ILL Office",
    "ILLEND": "Checked out",
    "ILL-HB": "Harrisburg - Interlibrary Loan Office - 2nd Floor",
    "ILL-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), ILL Office",
    "ILL-SL": "Schuylkill - ILL Office",
    "ILL-SV": "Shenango - ILL Office",
    "ILL": "Checked out",
    "ILL-UP": "Pattee Library - ILL Office",
    "ILL-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - ILL Office",
    "ILL-WS": "Scranton - ILL Office",
    "ILL-YK": "York - ILL Office",
    "INDEP-LRNG": "Behrend - Independent Learning Collection",
    "INDEXES-AA": "Altoona - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee, 2nd Floor - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-BD": "Behrend - Abstracts & Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEXES-BK": "Berks - Abstracts & Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEXES-BU": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg. - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-GV": "Great Valley - Abstracts and Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEXES-HN": "Hazleton - Abstracts & Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEXES-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Abstracts/Indexes",
    "INDEXES-LS": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Abstracts & Indexes",
    "INDEXES-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Abstracts & Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEXES-WS": "Scranton - Abstracts & Indexes - In-Library Use",
    "INDEX-NML": "2nd Floor Paterno - Indexes & Guides",
    "IN-MARKING": "Material is in the Marking Unit of Cataloging Services",
    "INPROCESS": "Material being cataloged",
    "INSTRUC-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Instructional",
    "INTRANSIT": "Being transferred between libraries",
    "INVENT-KC": "Pattee - 1st Floor, Invention Studio, Knowledge Commons",
    "ITALIAN": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Italian Collection",
    "JUVBIGBOOK": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Big Books",
    "JUVENIL-BD": "Behrend - Juvenile Literature Collection",
    "JUVENILEAA": "Altoona - Juvenile Literature Collection",
    "JUVENIL-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Juvenile",
    "JUVENILEFE": "Fayette - Juvenile Literature Collection",
    "JUVENILEHB": "Harrisburg - Juvenile Literature Collection - 3rd Floor",
    "JUVENILELV": "Lehigh Valley - Juvenile Literature Collection",
    "KIENLE-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Kienle Collection",
    "KITS-ED": "Paterno - 5th Floor",
    "KNEEBONE": "4th Paterno - Kneebone Mushroom Collection - In-Library Use",
    "LANG": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Lang Photography Collection",
    "LAPTOP-GWY": "Gateway Commons, Pattee, 1st Floor - Laptop",
    "LAPTOP-PO": "Pollock Laptop Library, Pollock Rd. - Laptops",
    "LAWSON-FE": "Collection highlighting Rev. Lawson",
    "LEADER-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Leadership Collection",
    "LEADERSHIP": "AT&T Center for Service Leadership, 210 Hub-Robeson Center",
    "LEGAL-ALCV": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Legal Alcove - In-Library Use",
    "LEISURE-BD": "Behrend - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-BK": "Berks - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-BR": "Beaver - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISUREDSP": "Pattee - 1st Floor, Leisure Reading Display, Starbucks",
    "LEISURE-DS": "Dubois - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-FE": "Fayette - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-HB": "Harrisburg - Leisure Reading Collection - 1st Floor",
    "LEISURE-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-PA": "Pattee - 1st Floor, Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-WS": "Scranton - Leisure Reading Collection",
    "LEISURE-YK": "York - Leisure Collection",
    "LGBTA-ROOM": "Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity, LL011 HUB-Robeson Center",
    "LGBTQ-SV": "Shenango - LGBTQ+",
    "LGPLAN-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Large Plan Files",
    "LOCALHIST": "DuBois - Local History Collection - In-Library Use",
    "LOCHIST-FE": "Fayette - Local History Collection - In-Library Use",
    "LOCKER-AA": "On Hold at Altoona Downtown Locker",
    "LOST": "Copy unavailable",
    "LUCAS": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Lucas Olympic Collection",
    "MAP-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Cartographic Archive",
    "MAP-GUIDES": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Map Guides",
    "MAPS-AA": "Altoona - Maps Collection",
    "MAPS-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg. - Maps Collection",
    "MAPS-HB": "Harrisburg - Maps Collection - 2nd Floor",
    "MAPS-HN": "Hazleton - Maps Collection",
    "MAPS-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Sheet Map Collection",
    "MAPS-WS": "Scranton - Map Case",
    "MARSHALL": "Harrisburg - Alice Marshall - Special Collections - 3rd Floor",
    "MASONIC": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Masonic Collection",
    "MCCARTHY": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "MCDOWELLSV": "Shenango - McDowell Creative Writing Center",
    "MEDHIST-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine) Medical History Collection - In-Library Use",
    "MEDIA-AA": "Altoona - Multimedia/AV Materials Area",
    "MEDIA-AB": "Abington - Multimedia/AV Materials Area",
    "MEDIA-BD": "Behrend - Multimedia/AV Materials Area",
    "MEDIA-BK": "Berks - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - AV/CD/DVD Collection",
    "MEDIA-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor AV/CD/DVD Collection",
    "MEDIA-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Multimedia/AV Materials",
    "MEDIA-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-MK": "Greater Allegheny - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-NK": "New Kensington - Multimedia Collection",
    "MEDIA-PRES": "Preservation Project. Contact Music/Media Center: 814-865-3616",
    "MEDIA-SL": "Schuylkill - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-SV": "Shenango - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-WS": "Scranton - Media Collection",
    "MEDIA-YK": "York - Video/Audio Collection, Ask at Circulation Desk",
    "MEDITRM-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - Meditation Room",
    "MERIWETHER": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Meriwether Collection",
    "MFICHE-NML": "2nd Floor Paterno - Microfiche",
    "MFILM-NML": "2nd Floor Paterno - Microfilm",
    "MICRO-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Microfilm Archives",
    "MICROIN-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - Micro Index/Guide",
    "MICROIN-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Lower Lvl Micro Index/Guide",
    "MICROS-AA": "Altoona - Microforms",
    "MICROS-AH": "Arts & Humanities, West Pattee 2nd Floor, W206 - Microforms",
    "MICROS-BD": "Behrend - Microforms - In-Library Use",
    "MICROS-BU": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Microforms",
    "MICROS-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - Microforms",
    "MICROS-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Lower Level - Microforms",
    "MICROS-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Microforms - In-Library Use",
    "MICROS-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Microforms",
    "MICROS-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg. - Microforms",
    "MICROS-HB": "Harrisburg - Microforms - 2nd Floor - In-Library Use",
    "MICROS-HN": "Hazleton - Microforms - Collection Temporarily Unvailable",
    "MICROS-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Microforms",
    "MICROS-LS": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Microforms",
    "MICROS-MA": "Mont Alto - Microforms - In-Library Use",
    "MICROS-PA": "News & Microforms, West Pattee, Ground Floor - Microforms",
    "MICROS-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - Microforms",
    "MICROS-PY": "Physical Sciences Library, 230 Davey Lab - Microforms",
    "MINISCO": "Pattee - West Wing - 2nd Floor - Miniature Scores",
    "MISSING": "Copy unavailable",
    "MUSICCOLFE": "Fayette - Music Collection",
    "MUSIC-CTR": "W211 Pattee - Music & Media Center - Ask at Service Desk",
    "NAEA": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, NAEA Archives",
    "NEWBOOK-AA": "Altoona - New Book Display - 2nd Floor",
    "NEWBOOK-AH": "West Pattee, 2nd Fl, W211 - New/Featured Book/Movies",
    "NEWBOOK-BK": "Berks - New Books",
    "NEWBOOK-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - New Book Display",
    "NEWBOOK-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - New Book Display",
    "NEWBOOK-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), New Book Display",
    "NEWBOOKNML": "News & Microforms, 2nd Floor Paterno - New Book Display",
    "NEWBOOK-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - New Book Display",
    "NEWBOOK-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - New Book Display",
    "NEWDVD-FE": "Fayette - New DVD Collection",
    "NEWS-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Newspaper Coll-In-Library Use",
    "NEWS-NML": "News & Microforms, Leisure Reading Room - Newspaper Area",
    "NEWS-PAT": "Paterno - 1st Floor - Newspaper Display Area",
    "NONBOOK-MA": "Mont Alto - Non-Book Collection, Ask at Desk",
    "NONCIRC-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Non Circulating",
    "NONPRINTGV": "Great Valley - Nonprint Collection, Ask at Desk",
    "NONPRTR-GV": "Great Valley - Nonprint Reference, Ask at Desk",
    "OCCULT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Occult Collection",
    "OFFSITEADN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Offsite A Collection",
    "OFFSITE-BU": "Business Entrepreneurship Cooperative Collection - Offsite",
    "OFFSITE-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Offsite Collection",
    "OFFSITE-NK": "New Kensington - Entrepreneurship Collection at the Corner",
    "OHARA-SL": "Schuylkill - O'Hara Collection - In-Library Use",
    "OHARA": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, John O'Hara Collection",
    "ONHOLD-AA": "On hold at Penn State Altoona",
    "ONHOLD-AB": "On hold at Penn State Abington",
    "ONHOLD-AC": "On hold at Architecture & Landscape Architecture, Stuckeman Bldg",
    "ONHOLD-BD": "On hold at Penn State Behrend",
    "ONHOLD-BK": "On hold at Penn State Berks",
    "ONHOLD-BR": "On hold at Penn State Beaver",
    "ONHOLD-DE": "On hold at Penn State Brandywine",
    "ONHOLD-DN": "On hold at Dickinson Law (Carlisle)",
    "ONHOLD-DP": "On hold at Penn State Law (UP)",
    "ONHOLD-DS": "On hold at Penn State Dubois",
    "ONHOLD-EG": "On hold at Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Bldg.",
    "ONHOLD-EM": "On hold at Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg.",
    "ONHOLD-FE": "On hold at Penn State Fayette",
    "ONHOLD-GV": "On hold at Penn State Great Valley",
    "ONHOLD-HB": "On hold at Penn State Harrisburg",
    "ONHOLD-HN": "On hold at Penn State Hazleton",
    "ONHOLD-HY": "On hold at Penn State Hershey (College of Medicine)",
    "ONHOLD-LV": "On hold at Penn State Lehigh Valley",
    "ONHOLD-MA": "On hold at Penn State Mont Alto",
    "ONHOLD-MD": "On hold at College of Medicine (UPP)",
    "ONHOLD-MK": "On hold at Penn State Greater Allegheny",
    "ONHOLD-MT": "Collection Temporarily Unavailable",
    "ONHOLD-NK": "On hold at Penn State New Kensington",
    "ONHOLD-PA": "On hold at Pattee/Paterno",
    "ONHOLD-PM": "On hold at Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab",
    "ONHOLD-PO": "On hold at Pollock Laptop Library",
    "ONHOLD-SL": "On hold at Penn State Schuylkill",
    "ONHOLD-SV": "On hold at Penn State Shenango",
    "ONHOLD-WB": "On hold at Penn State Wilkes-Barre",
    "ONHOLD-WD": "On hold for World Campus",
    "ONHOLD-WS": "On hold at Penn State Scranton",
    "ONHOLD-YK": "On hold at Penn State York",
    "ONLINE-DSL": "Online Content (Law Schools)",
    "ONLINE": "Online Content",
    "ON-ORDER": "Being acquired by the library",
    "OPAQUE-NML": "2nd Floor Paterno - Microprint",
    "OPENRES-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg – Service Desk",
    "ORDERED": "One or more copies on order",
    "OVERSIZBDM": "Behrend - Oversize Media",
    "OVERSIZEAA": "Altoona - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEAH": "W211 Pattee - Music & Media Center - Ask at Service Desk",
    "OVERSIZEBD": "Behrend - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEBU": "Paterno - 3rd Floor - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEDE": "Brandywine - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEED": "Paterno - 5th Floor - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEEM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg. - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEHB": "Harrisburg - Oversize Material - 2nd Floor",
    "OVERSIZEHY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEIN": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Oversize Collection - Documents, International",
    "OVERSIZELS": "Paterno - 4th Floor - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZELV": "Lehigh Valley - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEMA": "Mont Alto - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEMP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Oversize Book Collection",
    "OVERSIZENK": "New Kensington - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEPA": "Pattee - Stacks B - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZESL": "Schuylkill - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZESS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZESV": "Shenango - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEUS": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Oversize Collection - Doc US",
    "OVERSIZEWB": "Wilkes-Barre - Oversize Collection",
    "OVERSIZEWS": "Scranton - Oversize Collection",
    "PACTBKE-UP": "PA Center for the Book, 201A Pattee Exhibit Rm- In-Library Use",
    "PACTRBK-UP": "PA Center for the Book, 514 Paterno-Reference- In-Library Use",
    "PALCI": "PALCI Item",
    "PATERNO-1": "Paterno - 1st Floor",
    "PATERNO-2": "Paterno - 2nd Floor",
    "PATERNO-3": "Paterno - 3rd Floor",
    "PATERNO-4": "Paterno - 4th Floor",
    "PATERNO-5": "Paterno - 5th Floor",
    "PATERNO-HR": "511 Paterno-Human Resources, Mastering Supervision Projects",
    "PAT-RDG-RM": "Pattee - 2nd Floor - Paterno Humanities Reading Room",
    "PATTEE-1A": "Pattee - Stacks 1A",
    "PATTEE-1": "Pattee - Stacks 1",
    "PATTEE-2A": "Pattee - Stacks 2A",
    "PATTEE-2": "Pattee - Stacks 2",
    "PATTEE-3": "Pattee - Stacks 3",
    "PATTEE-BA": "Pattee - Stacks BA",
    "PATTEE-B": "Pattee - Stacks B",
    "PATTEE-COL": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Pattee Collection",
    "PATTEE-W1": "Pattee - West Wing - 1st Floor",
    "PATTEE-W2F": "Pattee - West Wing - 2nd Floor - Folio Collection",
    "PATTEE-W2": "Pattee - West Wing - 2nd Floor - In-Library Use",
    "PATTEE-W3": "Pattee - West Wing - 3rd Floor",
    "PENNA-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Pennsylvania Collection",
    "PENNA-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - Pennsylvania Collection",
    "PENN-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg - Pennsylvania Reference",
    "PENNSYLVAN": "Wilkes-Barre - Pennsylvania Collection",
    "PERBND-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Periodicals",
    "PERBND-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 3rd Floor - Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-AA": "Altoona - Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee, 2nd Floor - Current Periodicals",
    "PERIODARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Current Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-BD": "Behrend - Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-BU": "Business, 3rd Paterno - Current Periodicals - In-Library Use",
    "PERIOD-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 3rd Floor - Periodicals",
    "PERIOD-ED": "Paterno, 5th Floor - Current Periodicals Area",
    "PERIOD-GV": "Great Valley - Periodicals - In-Library Use",
    "PERIOD-HB": "Harrisburg - Periodicals - 2nd Floor - In-Library Use",
    "PERIOD-LS": "Paterno, 4th Floor - Current Periodicals Area",
    "PERIOD-NML": "News & Microforms, Leisure Reading Room - Magazine Area",
    "PERIOD-PT": "Paterno - 1st Floor - Magazine Display Area",
    "PERIOD-RH": "Paterno, 3rd Floor - Current Periodicals Area",
    "PERIOD-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Current Periodicals - In-Library Use",
    "PEROVER-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Oversize Periodicals",
    "PEROVER-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 3rd Floor - Oversized Periodicals",
    "PHONO-HB": "Harrisburg - Phonograph Record Collection - 1st Floor",
    "PLANTPATEN": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Plant Patents - In-Library Use",
    "POPNON-NK": "New Kensington - Popular Non-Fiction",
    "POPSCI-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - Popular Science",
    "POPULAR-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Popular Reading in Technology",
    "PRESLAB-UP": "Preservation Department, Conservation Lab - Reference Collection",
    "PRESREF-UP": "Preservation Department, 402 Pattee Library - Reference Coll",
    "PRIDEPL-DE": "Brandywine - Pride Plus Collection",
    "PRIESTLEY": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "PROFDEV-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Professional Development",
    "PSUARCHIVE": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno",
    "PSUARC-MSS": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, University Archives & Mss",
    "PSUPRESS": "Unavailable",
    "PUGH": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Pugh Collection",
    "PURPLEQUIL": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Purple Quill Collection",
    "QUARANTINE": "Material in quarantine",
    "RAMP-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Carrel Ramp",
    "RAREBKS-HB": "Harrisburg - Rare Books - Special Collections - 3rd Floor",
    "RARE-BOOK": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno",
    "RARE-CHILD": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Children's Book Collection",
    "RARE-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Rare Book Room",
    "RAREDS-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Rare Book Display",
    "RARE-MAPS": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Maps Room",
    "RARE-RACE": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno Critical Philosophy-Race",
    "RARERM-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Rare Book Room",
    "READRM-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 3rd Floor - Reading Room",
    "READ": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, J.M. Read Pamphlet Coll",
    "REF-AA": "Altoona - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-AB": "Abington - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg - Reference",
    "REF-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee, Stacks 2 - Reference Collection",
    "REF-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Reference Collection",
    "REF-BD": "Behrend - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-BK": "Berks - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REFBMT-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Reference Basement",
    "REF-BR": "Beaver - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-BU": "Business, 3rd Fl Paterno - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-AB": "Abington - Reference Desk - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee, 2nd Floor - Ready Reference",
    "REFDESK-BD": "Behrend - Ready Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-BU": "Business, 3rd Floor Paterno - Service Desk",
    "REFDESK-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno-Service Desk - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-GV": "Great Valley - Reference Desk Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-LS": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Reference Desk - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Service Desk",
    "REFDESK-RH": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Reference Desk - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Service Desk - In-Library Use",
    "REFDESK-WS": "Scranton - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-DE": "Brandywine - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 1st Floor - Reference",
    "REF-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - Reference",
    "REF-DS": "Dubois - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-EDHIST": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Historical - In-Library Use",
    "REF-EDPACE": "PA Center for the Book, 201A Pattee Exhibit Rm, In-Library Use",
    "REF-EDPAC": "PA Center for the Book, 514 Paterno-Reference - In-Library Use",
    "REF-ED": "Education & Behavioral Sciences Library, 501 Paterno - Reference",
    "REF-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - Reference Collection",
    "REF-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg - Reference Collection",
    "REF-FE": "Fayette - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-GV": "Great Valley - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-HB": "Harrisburg - Reference - 1st Floor - In-Library Use",
    "REF-HN": "Hazleton - Reference",
    "REF-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Reference Coll-In-Library Use",
    "REF-LS": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Reference Area - In-Library Use",
    "REF-LV": "Lehigh Valley - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-MA": "Mont Alto - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-MK": "Greater Allegheny - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Reference Collection",
    "REF-NK": "New Kensington - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-NML": "News & Microforms, 2nd Floor Paterno - Reference",
    "REF-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - Reference Collection",
    "REF-RB": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Reference Collection",
    "REF-RESHUB": "Paterno - 2nd Floor - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REFRES-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - Reference Reserve",
    "REF-SL": "Schuylkill - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-SS": "Social Sciences Library, 2nd Paterno - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-SV": "Shenango - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-WB": "Wilkes-Barre - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-WS": "Scranton - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REF-YK": "York - Reference Collection - In-Library Use",
    "REPAIR": "Being repaired",
    "REPORTR-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Reporters",
    "REPORTR-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Reporters",
    "REPORTS-HB": "Harrisburg - Technical Reports - 2nd Floor",
    "RESDESK-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Course Reserves @ Desk",
    "RESDESK-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - Course Reserves @ Desk",
    "RESEARCHPA": "held for research at Commons Services, Pattee library",
    "RESERVE-AA": "on course reserve at Altoona",
    "RESERVE-AB": "on course reserve at Abington",
    "RESERVE-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg – Open Reserve",
    "RESERVE-AH": "on course reserve at Arts & Humanities, West Pattee 2nd Fl",
    "RESERVE-BD": "on course reserve at Behrend",
    "RESERVE-BK": "on course reserve at Berks",
    "RESERVE-BR": "on course reserve at Beaver",
    "RESERVE-DE": "on course reserve at Brandywine",
    "RESERVE-DN": "on course reserve at Dickinson Law (Carlisle)",
    "RESERVE-DP": "on course reserve at Dickinson School of Law, UP",
    "RESERVE-DS": "on course reserve at DuBois",
    "RESERVE-EG": "on course reserve at the Engineering Library",
    "RESERVE-EM": "on course reserve at the Earth and Mineral Sciences Library",
    "RESERVE-FE": "on course reserve at Fayette",
    "RESERVE-GV": "on course reserve at Great Valley",
    "RESERVE-HB": "on course reserve at Harrisburg 1st Floor Circ/Reserves",
    "RESERVE-HN": "on course reserve at Hazleton",
    "RESERVE-HY": "on course reserve at Hershey College of Medicine",
    "RESERVE-LS": "on course reserve at Life Sciences, 4th floor Paterno",
    "RESERVE-LV": "on course reserve at Lehigh Valley",
    "RESERVE-MA": "on course reserve at Mont Alto",
    "RESERVE-MD": "on course reserve at University Park Program",
    "RESERVE-MK": "on course reserve at Greater Allegheny",
    "RESERVE-NK": "on course reserve at New Kensington",
    "RESERVE-PA": "on course reserve at the Commons Services Desk, Pattee",
    "RESERVE-PM": "on course reserve Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library",
    "RESERVE-PO": "Pollock Laptop Library, Pollock Rd. - Reserve Desk",
    "RESERVE-PY": "on course reserve at Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab",
    "RESERVE-RE": "on course reserve at College of Medicine (University Park)",
    "RESERVE-SL": "on course reserve at Schuylkill",
    "RESERVE-SV": "on course reserve at Shenango",
    "RESERVE-WB": "on course reserve at Wilkes-Barre",
    "RESERVE-WS": "on course reserve at Scranton",
    "RESERVE-YK": "on course reserve at York",
    "RESHELVING": "Being returned to standard shelving location",
    "RICHTER": "Schuylkill - Richter Collection - In-Library Use",
    "ROBESON": "Paul Robeson Cultural Center, 13 HUB-Robeson Center",
    "ROXBURGHE": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "SANBORN-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basemnt-Sanborn-In-Library Use",
    "SCANGOVDOC": "Material out for digitization",
    "SCANNING": "Material out for digitization",
    "SCHWAB": "Harrisburg - Linda Schwab Holocaust Reading Room - 1st Floor",
    "SCI-FI": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Science Fiction Collection",
    "SERMONS": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, American Sermons",
    "SLAVIC": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Slavic Collection",
    "SLTXTBK": "Schuylkill - Textbooks - In-Library Use",
    "SMALL-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Small Map Collection",
    "SMITH": "Stored offsite. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SOCJUSTBK": "Berks - Social Justice",
    "SOFTWAREHN": "Hazleton - Software - Collection Temporarily Unavailable",
    "SOILSURVEY": "Life Sciences, 4th Paterno - Soil Surveys - In-Library Use",
    "SPC-ACAD": "Stored offsite. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SPC-BLKVLT": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Blockson Vlt.",
    "SPC-BLOCK": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Blockson Collection",
    "SPC-CATOII": "Stored offsite. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SPC-CATOI": "Stored offsite. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SPC-COLD": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Cold Storage",
    "SPC-DIGARC": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Digital Archives",
    "SPC-EXHIBT": "Special Collections Exhibit",
    "SPC-HENRM": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Henisch Room",
    "SPCINPROC": "Special Collections Library, being processed for Cataloging",
    "SPC-MAPPHO": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Maps and Photos Room",
    "SPC-MISS": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Missing - Contact Staff",
    "SPC-OHRARM": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, John O'Hara Room",
    "SPC-PATRNO": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SPC-PATW3": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, W3",
    "SPC-READRM": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Reading Room",
    "SPC-REF": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Reference Room",
    "SPC-SCIPRK": "Stored offsite. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno",
    "SPC-SCISTO": "Temporarily Unavailable",
    "SPC-SERIAL": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Serials and Periodicals",
    "SPC-VAULT": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Vault",
    "SPC-WARING": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Waring",
    "SPEC-CIRC1": "Altoona, Scrapbook Collection - In Storage, Ask at Service Desk",
    "SPECCOL-BK": "Berks - Special Collection",
    "SPECCOL-MK": "Greater Allegheny - Special Collection - In-Library Use",
    "SPECCOL-SL": "Schuylkill - Treasures - In-Library Use",
    "SPECCOL-WS": "Scranton - Prevos Collection",
    "SPECCOL-YK": "York - Special Collection, Ask at Circulation Desk",
    "SPECINT-HB": "Harrisburg - Special Interest - Special Collections - 3rd Floor",
    "SPEC-REF": "Harrisburg - Special Collections Reference - Special Collections - 3rd Floor",
    "STACKS-AA": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-AB": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg - General Col",
    "STACKS-BD": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-BK": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-BR": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-DE": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Lower Level - General Collection",
    "STACKS-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 3rd Floor - General Collection",
    "STACKS-DS": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-EG": "Engineering, 325 Hammond Bldg. - General Collection",
    "STACKS-EM": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Bldg. - General Collection",
    "STACKS-FE": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-GV": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-HB2": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-HB3": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-HN": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-HY1": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Stacks 1 Fl",
    "STACKS-HY2": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Stacks 2 Fl",
    "STACKS-LV2": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-LV": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-MA1": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-MA2": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-MA": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-MD": "Hershey - University Park Program, Stacks",
    "STACKS-MK": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Maps Stacks",
    "STACKS-NK": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-PM": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab - General Collection",
    "STACKS-PY": "Collection Temporarily Unavailable",
    "STACKS-SL": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-SV": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-WB": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-WS": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STACKS-YK": "Stacks - General Collection",
    "STAPLETON": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Stapleton Collection",
    "STATUTE-DN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - 2nd Floor - Statutes",
    "STATUTE-DP": "Penn State Law (UP) - 2nd Floor - Statutes",
    "STORAGE-AH": "Preservation Storage for reformatted Media, does not circ.",
    "STORAGE-BR": "Beaver - DVD in Storage - Ask at the Service Desk",
    "STORAGE-FE": "Fayette - In Storage, Ask at Circ. Desk - In-Library Use",
    "STORAGE-HN": "Hazleton",
    "STORAGE-MA": "Mont Alto - In Storage - In-Library Use",
    "STORAGE-MP": "Maps Library, Central Pattee, Basement - Superseded Topos",
    "SVGALLERY": "Shenango - Unique Collection of Art and Photography Books",
    "SVMAJORS": "Shenango - Majors Collection",
    "SVWELLNESS": "Shenango - Physical and Mental Health Books",
    "SWARTZ-MID": "York - Judy Swartz Middle Reader Collection",
    "SWARTZ-PIC": "York - Judy Swartz Picture Book Collection",
    "SWARTZ": "York - Judy Swartz Juvenile Collection",
    "SWARTZ-YA": "York - Judy Swartz Young Adult Collection",
    "TECHSERVDN": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle) - Technical Services",
    "TECHSERVHB": "Harrisburg - Technical Services Office - 2nd Floor",
    "TESTS-AB": "Abington - Test Materials for Curriculum Collection",
    "TESTS-GV": "Great Valley - Test Collection",
    "TEXTBOOKS": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Textbook Collection",
    "TEXTBK-BR": "Beaver - Textbook Collection",
    "THESES-HY": "Hershey (College of Medicine), Theses Collection",
    "THESIS-BD": "Behrend - Thesis Collection",
    "THESIS-GV": "Great Valley - Thesis Collection",
    "THESIS-HB": "Harrisburg - Theses - 2nd Floor - In-Library Use",
    "THESIS-HBY": "Harrisburg - Theses - 2nd Floor - General Collection",
    "THESIS-NML": "News & Microforms, 2nd Floor Paterno - Theses Microfiche",
    "TMI": "Harrisburg - Three Mile Island Collections - Special Collections - 3rd Fl",
    "TRANSFER": "Being transferred - Ask at Circulation Desk.",
    "UTOPIA": "Rare Books & Manuscripts, 1st Floor Paterno, Utopia Collection",
    "VAULT": "Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Vault",
    "VERTFILEBR": "Beaver - Vertical File",
    "VIDEO-AC": "Architecture & Landscape Arch, Stuckeman Bldg - Videos",
    "VIDEO-ARCV": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Videotape Archives",
    "VIDEO-HB": "Harrisburg - Video Cassette Collection - 1st Floor",
    "VIDEO-SS": "Social Sciences, 2nd Floor Paterno - Video Collection",
    "WARINGAMER": "By appt. Ask at Special Collections, 104 Paterno, Waring",
    "WARING": "University Archives, 1st Floor Paterno, Waring Collection",
    "WELL-BR": "Beaver - Wellness Collection at the Relaxation Station",
    "WELLNESSBK": "Berks - Wellness Collection",
    "WELTMANN": "Weltmann Lobby - Pattee and Paterno Library",
    "YODER-AH": "Arts & Humanities, Pattee - The Dan Yoder Jazz LP Collection"
  "libraries": {
    "ABINGTON": "Penn State Abington",
    "ACQ_DSL": "Acquisitions (Law Schools)",
    "ACQUISTNS": "Acquisitions (UP)",
    "ALTOONA": "Penn State Altoona",
    "BEAVER": "Penn State Beaver",
    "BEHREND": "Penn State Behrend",
    "BERKS": "Penn State Berks",
    "BRANDYWINE": "Penn State Brandywine",
    "DSL-CARL": "Dickinson Law (Carlisle)",
    "DSL-UP": "Penn State Law (University Park)",
    "DUBOIS": "Penn State DuBois",
    "FAYETTE": "Penn State Fayette",
    "GALLEGHENY": "Penn State Greater Allegheny",
    "GREATVLY": "Great Valley",
    "HARRISBURG": "Penn State Harrisburg",
    "HAZLETON": "Penn State Hazleton",
    "HERSHEY": "Hershey (College of Medicine)",
    "LEHIGHVLY": "Penn State Lehigh Valley",
    "MONTALTO": "Penn State Mont Alto",
    "NEWKEN": "Penn State New Kensington",
    "ONLINE": "Online Resource",
    "SCHUYLKILL": "Penn State Schuylkill",
    "SERIAL-SRV": "Acquisitions (UP)",
    "SHENANGO": "Penn State Shenango",
    "UP-ANNEX": "Library Storage",
    "UP-ARCHIT": "Architecture & Landscape Architecture Library (UP)",
    "UP-ARTSHUM": "Arts & Humanities Library (Pattee)",
    "UP-BUSINES": "Business Library (Paterno)",
    "UP-EMS": "Earth & Mineral Sciences Library (UP)",
    "UP-ENGIN": "Engineering Library (UP)",
    "UP-GATEWAY": "Global Gateways",
    "UP-LIFESCI": "Life Sciences Library (Paterno)",
    "UP-MAPS": "Maps and Geospatial Information (Pattee)",
    "UP-MEDICAL": "College of Medicine (UP)",
    "UP-MICRO": "Microforms Library (Paterno)",
    "UP-OFFICE": "Employee Office",
    "UP-PAMS": "Physical & Mathematical Sciences Library (UP)",
    "UP-PAT": "Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks",
    "UP-SOCSCI": "Social Sciences & Education Library (Paterno)",
    "UP-EDUBEHV": "Social Sciences & Education Library (Paterno)",
    "UP-SPECCOL": "Special Collections Library (Paterno)",
    "WILKESBAR": "Penn State Wilkes-Barre",
    "WITHDRAWN": "Withdrawn",
    "WORLD": "World Campus",
    "WSCRANTON": "Penn State Scranton",
    "XTERNAL": "Associated Libraries",
    "YORK": "Penn State York"
  "closed_libraries": [
  "exclude_from_email_availability": {
    "CHECKEDOUT": "Checked out",
    "DARCHIVE-P": "Copy unavailable",
    "DEPTCHARGE": "Copy unavailable",
    "DSLOFFCHRG": "Material has been checked out to a department",
    "ILLEND": "Checked out",
    "ILL": "Checked out",
    "IN-MARKING": "Material is in the Marking Unit of Cataloging Services",
    "INPROCESS": "Material being cataloged",
    "INTRANSIT": "Being transferred between libraries",
    "LOST": "Copy unavailable",
    "MISSING": "Copy unavailable",
    "ON-ORDER": "Being acquired by the library",
    "REPAIR": "Being repaired",
    "SCANGOVDOC": "Material out for digitization",
    "SCANNING": "Material out for digitization"
  "request_via_ill": {},
  "reserves_scan": [],
  "non_holdable": [