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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utility functions to automate (sub)module imports.

import importlib
import inspect
import sys

__all__ = ('import_all_from', 'import_from')

def import_all_from(target, modules, module_package=None, **kw):
    """Imports symbols from multiple modules.

       For each **module** in **modules**, this is an equivalent of

       .. code-block:: python

            from module import *
            __all__ += module.__all__

       :param module|str target:
            target module or package, to which the **modules** have to be
       :param list|str modules:
            modules to be imported,
       :param module_package:
            package of the module being imported, if ``None`` (default),
            the **target** is used as module_package.
    if isinstance(modules, str) or inspect.ismodule(modules):
        modules = (modules,)
    target_module, target = _get_module_and_name(target)
    for module in modules:
        if isinstance(module, str):
            module = importlib.import_module(module, module_package or target)
        import_from(target_module, module, all_symbols(module), **kw)

def import_from(target, source, symbols, **kw):
    for symbol in symbols:
        setattr(target, symbol, getattr(source, symbol))
    if kw.get('__all__', True):
        if not hasattr(target, '__all__'):
            target.__all__ = ()
        target.__all__ += target.__all__.__class__(symbols)

def all_symbols(module):
    if hasattr(module, '__all__'):
        return module.__all__
        return dir(module)

def _get_module_and_name(mod):
    """Return a module object and its name for module given as either a name
       or a module object."""
    if isinstance(mod, str):
        return (sys.modules[mod], mod)
    else:  # module, or any other object featuring __name__ (like class, e.g)
        return (mod, mod.__name__)

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