# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provides the :class:`.Selector` class.
__all__ = ('Selector',)
class Selector(dict):
"""A replacement for ``SCons.Util.Selector`` class.
:class:`.Selector` returns a dictionary value for the longest matched
source suffix found in the dictionary.
To have an example, for the following selector
.. code-block:: python
sel = Selector({'.h': 'H', '.t.h': 'TH'})
all the assertions below hold
.. code-block:: python
assert sel(env, ['foo.h']) == 'H'
assert sel(env, ['foo.t.h']) == 'TH'
The original ``SCons.Util.Selector`` would only select ``'H'``, no matter
what you do.
def __call__(self, env, source, ext=None):
select_from = _get_selector_func(source, ext)
items = []
for x_dict in _separate_literals(self.items(), env):
item = select_from(x_dict)
except KeyError:
return _choose_better(items)
except IndexError:
return self.get(None)
def _get_selector_func(source, ext):
if ext is not None:
return lambda x_dict, e=ext: (e, x_dict[e])
src = str(source[0])
except IndexError:
return lambda x_dict: ('', x_dict[''])
return lambda x_dict, s=src: _select_best(x_dict.items(), s)
def _separate_literals(items, env):
# Split-up items into two dictionaries. First one with items whose keys
# were given literally, and the second with items whose keys had
# substitutions.
(l_dict, s_dict) = ({}, {})
for item in items:
_separate_handle_item(env, (l_dict, s_dict), item)
return (l_dict, {s_k: x[1] for (s_k, x) in s_dict.items()})
def _separate_handle_item(env, dicts, item):
(l_dict, s_dict) = dicts
(k, v) = item
if k is None:
s_k = env.subst(k)
if k == s_k:
l_dict[k] = v # it's literal
if s_k in s_dict:
# We only raise an error when variables point
# to the same suffix. If one suffix is literal
# and a variable suffix contains this literal,
# the literal wins and we don't raise an error.
raise KeyError(s_dict[s_k][0], k, s_k)
s_dict[s_k] = item
def _select_best(items, src):
ml = [(suf, v) for (suf, v) in items if src.endswith(suf)]
if not ml:
raise KeyError('suffix not found for %s' % repr(src))
ml = list(sorted(ml, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True))
return ml[0]
def _choose_better(items):
(k, v) = items[0]
if len(items) == 2 and len(items[1][0]) > len(k):
(k, v) = items[1]
return v
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