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 * Accepts a value from 0-255 and returns the new color-mapped pixel
 * from a lookup table, which can be specified as an array of [begin, end]
 * gradients, where begin and end are represented as [r, g, b] colors. In
 * combination, a lookup table which maps values from 0 - 255 smoothly from black to white looks like:
 * [
 *   [0, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255]],
 *   [1, [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]]
 * ]
 * Adapted from bgamari's work in Infragram:

module.exports = function Colormap(value, options) {
  var defaults = require('./../../util/getDefaults.js')(require('./info.json'));
  options.colormap = options.colormap || defaults.colormap;
  // if a lookup table is provided as an array:
  if(typeof(options.colormap) == 'object')
    colormapFunction = colormap(options.colormap);
  // if a stored colormap is named with a string like "fastie":
  else if(colormaps.hasOwnProperty(options.colormap))
    colormapFunction = colormaps[options.colormap];
  else colormapFunction = colormaps.default;
  return colormapFunction(value / 255.00);

function colormap(segments) {
  return function(x) {
    var i, result, x0, x1, xstart, y0, y1, _i, _j, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
    _ref = [0, 0], y0 = _ref[0], y1 = _ref[1];
    _ref1 = [segments[0][0], 1], x0 = _ref1[0], x1 = _ref1[1];
    if (x < x0) {
      return y0;
    for (i = _i = 0, _len = segments.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
      _ref2 = segments[i], xstart = _ref2[0], y0 = _ref2[1], y1 = _ref2[2];
      x0 = xstart;
      if (i === segments.length - 1) {
        x1 = 1;
      x1 = segments[i + 1][0];
      if ((xstart <= x && x < x1)) {
    result = [];
    for (i = _j = 0, _ref3 = y0.length; 0 <= _ref3 ? _j < _ref3 : _j > _ref3; i = 0 <= _ref3 ? ++_j : --_j) {
      result[i] = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * (y1[i] - y0[i]) + y0[i];
    return result;

var colormaps = {
  greyscale: colormap([
    [0,     [0,   0,   0],   [255, 255, 255] ],
    [1,     [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255] ]

  bluwhtgrngis:   colormap([
    [0,         [6, 23, 86],    [6, 25, 84]    ],
    [0.0625, [6, 25, 84],    [6, 25, 84]    ], //1
    [0.125,  [6, 25, 84],    [6, 25, 84]    ], //2
    [0.1875, [6, 25, 84],    [6, 25, 84]    ],
    [0.25,   [6, 25, 84],    [6, 25, 84]     ],
    [0.3125, [6, 25, 84],    [9, 24, 84]    ], //5
    [0.3438, [9, 24, 84],   [119, 120, 162] ], //5
    [0.375,  [119, 129, 162], [249, 250, 251] ], //6
    [0.406,  [249, 250, 251], [255, 255, 255] ], //6.5
    [0.4375, [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], //7 white
    [0.50,   [255, 255, 255], [214, 205, 191] ], //8
    [0.52,   [214, 205, 191], [178, 175, 96]  ], //8.2
    [0.5625, [178, 175, 96], [151, 176, 53]  ], //9
    [0.593,  [151, 176, 53], [146, 188, 12]  ], //9.5
    [0.625,  [146, 188, 12], [96, 161, 1]    ], //10
    [0.6875, [96, 161, 1],   [30, 127, 3]    ], //11
    [0.75,   [30, 127, 3],   [0, 99, 1]      ], //12
    [0.8125, [0, 99, 1],     [0, 74, 1]      ], //13
    [0.875,  [0, 74, 1],     [0, 52, 0]     ], //14
    [0.9375, [0, 52, 0],    [0, 34, 0]      ], //15
    [0.968,  [0, 34, 0],     [68, 70, 67]    ] //16

  brntogrn:   colormap([
    [0,      [110, 12, 3],   [118, 6, 1]      ],
    [0.0625, [118, 6, 1],    [141, 19, 6]     ],
    [0.125,  [141, 19, 6],   [165, 35, 13]    ],
    [0.1875, [165, 35, 13],  [177, 59, 25]    ],
    [0.2188, [177, 59, 25],  [192, 91, 36]    ],
    [0.25,   [192, 91, 36],  [214, 145, 76] ],
    [0.3125, [214, 145, 76], [230, 183, 134]  ],
    [0.375,  [230, 183, 134], [243, 224, 194]],
    [0.4375, [243, 224, 194], [250, 252, 229]  ],
    [0.50,   [250, 252, 229], [217, 235, 185]  ],
    [0.5625, [217, 235, 185], [184, 218, 143]  ],
    [0.625,  [184, 218, 143], [141, 202, 89]   ],
    [0.6875, [141, 202, 89], [80, 176, 61]    ],
    [0.75,   [80, 176, 61],  [0, 147, 32]   ],
    [0.8125, [0, 147, 32],   [1, 122, 22]   ],
    [0.875,  [1, 122, 22],   [0, 114, 19]   ],
    [0.90,   [0, 114, 19],   [0, 105, 18]     ],
    [0.9375, [0, 105, 18],   [7, 70, 14]      ]


  blutoredjet:     colormap([
    [0,       [0, 0, 140],    [1, 1, 186]    ],
    [0.0625,  [1, 1, 186],    [0, 1, 248]    ],
    [0.125,   [0, 1, 248],    [0, 70, 254]   ],
    [0.1875,  [0, 70, 254],   [0, 130, 255]  ],
    [0.25,    [0, 130, 255],  [2, 160, 255]  ],
           [0.2813,  [2, 160, 255],  [0, 187, 255]  ],    //inset
    [0.3125,  [0, 187, 255],  [6, 250, 255]  ],
    //            [0.348,   [0,218,255],  [8,252,251]  ],//inset
    [0.375,   [8, 252, 251],  [27, 254, 228] ],
    [0.406,   [27, 254, 228], [70, 255, 187] ], //insert
    [0.4375,  [70, 255, 187], [104, 254, 151]],
    [0.47,      [104, 254, 151], [132, 255, 19] ], //insert
    [0.50,    [132, 255, 19], [195, 255, 60] ],
    [0.5625,  [195, 255, 60], [231, 254, 25] ],
    [0.5976,  [231, 254, 25], [253, 246, 1]  ], //insert
    [0.625,   [253, 246, 1],  [252, 210, 1]  ], //yellow
    [0.657,   [252, 210, 1],  [255, 183, 0]  ], //insert
    [0.6875,  [255, 183, 0],  [255, 125, 2]  ],
    [0.75,    [255, 125, 2],  [255, 65, 1]  ],
    [0.8125,  [255, 65, 1],  [247, 1, 1]  ],
    [0.875,   [247, 1, 1],    [200, 1,  3] ],
    [0.9375,  [200, 1, 3],    [122, 3,  2] ]


  colors16:   colormap([
    [0,      [0, 0, 0],       [0, 0, 0]       ],
    [0.0625, [3, 1, 172],     [3, 1, 172]     ],
    [0.125,  [3, 1, 222],     [3, 1, 222]    ],
    [0.1875, [0, 111, 255],   [0, 111, 255]   ],
    [0.25,   [3, 172, 255],   [3, 172, 255]   ],
    [0.3125, [1, 226, 255],   [1, 226, 255]   ],
    [0.375,  [2, 255, 0],     [2, 255, 0]     ],
    [0.4375, [198, 254, 0],   [190, 254, 0]   ],
    [0.50,   [252, 255, 0],   [252, 255, 0]   ],
    [0.5625, [255, 223, 3],   [255, 223, 3]   ],
    [0.625,  [255, 143, 3],   [255, 143, 3]   ],
    [0.6875, [255, 95, 3],    [255, 95, 3]    ],
    [0.75,   [242, 0, 1],     [242, 0, 1]     ],
    [0.8125, [245, 0, 170],   [245, 0, 170]   ],
    [0.875,  [223, 180, 225], [223, 180, 225] ],
    [0.9375, [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]]


  default:      colormap([
    [0,       [45, 1, 121],     [25, 1, 137]    ],
    [0.125,   [25, 1, 137],     [0, 6, 156]     ],
    [0.1875,  [0, 6, 156],      [7, 41, 172]    ],
    [0.25,    [7, 41, 172],     [22, 84, 187]   ],
    [0.3125,  [22, 84, 187],    [25, 125, 194]  ],
    [0.375,   [25, 125, 194],   [26, 177, 197]  ],
    [0.4375,  [26, 177, 197],   [23, 199, 193]  ],
    [0.47,    [23, 199, 193],   [25, 200, 170] ],
    [0.50,    [25, 200, 170],  [21, 209, 27]   ],
    [0.5625,  [21, 209, 27],    [108, 215, 18]  ],
    [0.625,   [108, 215, 18],   [166, 218, 19]  ],
    [0.6875,  [166, 218, 19],   [206, 221, 20]  ],
    [0.75,    [206, 221, 20],   [222, 213, 19 ] ],
    [0.7813,  [222, 213, 19],   [222, 191, 19]],
    [0.8125,  [222, 191, 19], [227, 133, 17]  ],
    [0.875,   [227, 133, 17],   [231, 83, 16]   ],
    [0.9375,  [231, 83, 16],    [220, 61, 48]   ]


  fastie:    colormap([
    [0,     [255, 255, 255], [0,   0,   0]   ],
    [0.167, [0,   0,   0],   [255, 255, 255] ],
    [0.33,  [255, 255, 255],   [0,   0,   0] ],
    [0.5,   [0,   0,   0],   [140, 140, 255] ],
    [0.55,  [140, 140, 255], [0,   255, 0]   ],
    [0.63,  [0,   255, 0],   [255, 255, 0]   ],
    [0.75,  [255, 255, 0],   [255, 0,   0]   ],
    [0.95,  [255, 0,   0],   [255, 0,   255] ]

  stretched: colormap([
    [0,     [0,   0,   255], [0,   0,   255] ],
    [0.1,   [0,   0,   255], [38,  195, 195] ],
    [0.5,   [0,   150, 0],   [255, 255, 0]   ],
    [0.7,   [255, 255, 0],   [255, 50,  50]  ],
    [0.9,   [255, 50,  50],  [255, 50,  50]  ]