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Test Coverage
name: "\U0001F41B Bug report"
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''


Please fill out as much of the below template as you can.
Consider providing any applicable: code, screenshots, or gifs.

### Please describe the problem (or idea)

> What happened just before the problem occurred? Or what problem could this idea solve?

> What did you expect to see that you didn't?

### Please show us where to look ...

### What's your username?

> This can help us diagnose the issue: 

### Browser, version, and operating system

> Many bugs are related to these -- please help us track it down and reproduce what you're seeing!


## Thank you!

Your help makes Public Lab better! We *deeply* appreciate your helping refine and improve this site. 

To learn how to write really great issues, which increases the chances they'll be resolved, see: