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name:  "\U0001F4E2 Weekly Check-in"
about: Create this week's communication issue
title: 'Weekly Community Check-In # - Topic'
labels: community check-in 
assignees: ''


Hi everybody! 👏

We all at Public Lab 🎈 - learn, grow, work, brainstorm ideas, contribute together so why not share about our weekly goals and the awesome work we have done at Public Lab with each other, so we can support and collaborate with each other better. We have a Community Check-In each week, where every community member can share something about their work from the past week and about their current week's goal 🎯 . You are also welcome to share fun-fact 😄 , new ideas 💡 , your learning goals ☑️.

We believe in collaborative efforts to support our community. We are running a learning platform which helps a newcomer to become a leader of tomorrow. 💯

## Title <!-- Apt title for this weeks check-in discussion -->

<!-- Initiate a discussion, Ask an interesting question, share something important, share your experience and . . . . -->
<!-- Sample -->
This week share an exciting moment you have had on PublicLab. Could be a feature that you worked on that got you super excited, an Interaction you had with another collaborator, an open call that was very exciting for you, an issue that you raised that got you excited, an eureka moment you had when working on an issue, anything really.

## This week's focus Issues

These are issues that are of high priority and requests from our
large community that use the software. 

<!-- Mention the issues which are of higher priority as of now -->
<!-- Sample -->

We will very much appreciate any help on these issues. Any contributor who is looking for issues to work on please consider taking a look at these.
We will add a thank you message here in next week's check-in if you contribute to any of these. Thanks in advance 😄

### Thank you note to focus issues contributors

<!-- Thank the contributors who worked on focus issues last week -->
<!-- Sample -->
Thanks so much `xyz` <!-- Replace `xyz` with the contributors who worked on the issues --> for working on `abc ` <!-- Replace `abc` with last weeks focus issues --> 🥇

## Next Check-in
If you would like to open the next check-in..Leave a comment below. We are happy to help if its your first time

### Check-in Ideas
We are collecting a list of check-in ideas [here]( If you have any ideas please leave a comment there or if you are looking for next check-in ideas you could also browse there too.

**Thanks everyone for making Public Lab awesome** :heart:  
Have a great week ahead all :balloon: