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// this script is used wherever the legacy editor is used.
//   pages (wikis, questions, research notes) with multiple comments & editors for each comment
//   pages with JUST ONE form, and no other comments, eg. /wiki/new & /wiki/edit
//   /app/views/features/_form.html.erb
//   /app/views/map/edit.html.erb
//   and wherever /app/views/editor/editor.html.erb is still used in production

// * * * * * * * * * * * 

// used to create fileupload functionality for: 
//   1. existing comments at document.load
//   2. dynamically inserted (freshly posted) comments, see /app/views/comments/create.js.erb
function getFileUploadOptions(dropZone, isSmallDropzone = false) {
  return {
    url: "/images",
    paramName: "image[photo]",
    dropZone: isSmallDropzone ? null : dropZone,
    dataType: 'json',
    formData: {
    // 'start' function runs:
      //   1. when user drag-and-drops image
      //   2. when user clicks on upload button.
    start: function(e) {
      $E.setState(; // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.
      $("#image-upload-progress-container-" + $E.commentFormID).show();
      $("#image-upload-text-" + $E.commentFormID).show();
      $("#choose-one-" + $E.commentFormID).hide();
    done: function (e, data) {
      $("#image-upload-progress-container-" + $E.commentFormID).hide();
      $("#image-upload-text-" + $E.commentFormID).hide();
      $("#choose-one-" + $E.commentFormID).show();
      $("#image-upload-progress-bar-" + $E.commentFormID).css('width', 0);
      var extension = data.result['filename'].split('.')[data.result['filename'].split('.').length - 1]; var file_url = data.result.url.split('?')[0]; var file_type;
      if (['gif', 'GIF', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'png', 'PNG'].includes(extension))
        file_type = 'image'
      else if (['csv', 'CSV'].includes(extension))
        file_type = 'csv'
      switch (file_type) {
        case 'image':
          orig_image_url = file_url + '?s=o' // size = original
          $E.wrap('[![', '](' + file_url + ')](' + orig_image_url + ')', true, data.result['filename']);
        case 'csv':
          $E.wrap('[graph:' + file_url + ']', '', true);
          $E.wrap('<a href="'+data.result.url.split('?')[0]+'"><i class="fa fa-file"></i> ', '</a>', true, data.result['filename'].replace(/[()]/g , "-")); // on its own line; see /app/assets/js/editor.js
      // here append the image id to the wiki edit form:
      if ($('#node_images').val() && $('#node_images').val().split(',').length > 1) $('#node_images').val([$('#node_images').val(),].join(','))
      else $('#node_images').val(
    fileuploadfail: function(e, data) {
    progressall: function (e, data) {
      const closestProgressBar = $("#image-upload-progress-bar-" + $E.commentFormID);
      return progressAll(closestProgressBar, data);

function progressAll(elem, data) {
  var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10);
    progress + '%'

// attach eventListeners on document.load: 
//   1. rich-text buttons
//   2. save & recover buttons
//   3. textareas
//   4. image upload .dropzones & buttons
$(function() {
  // attach all events to #legacy-editor-container
  // this is so dynamically inserted forms (ie. freshly posted comments) will have events automatically attached too.
    // for rich-text buttons (bold, italic, header, and link):
    .on("click", ".rich-text-button", function(e) {
      $E.setState(e.currentTarget.dataset.formId); // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.
      const action = e.currentTarget.dataset.action // 'bold', 'italic', etc.
      $E[action](); // call the appropriate editor function
    // for save & recover buttons
    .on("click", ".save-button", function(e) {
      //preventing multiple clicks on the button
      if(!e.detail || e.detail === 1) {
          //explicitly handling main comment section
          if (( === "save-button-main") {
            // toggling the favicon save icon class to add a spinner icon
            $(this).find("i").toggleClass("fa fa-save fas fa-sync fa-spin");
            //changing the text from "Upload an image" to "Saving..."
            let saving_text = $('<p id="saving-text" style="padding-bottom: 8px"> Saving... </p>');
            $("#comment-form-main .imagebar").prepend(saving_text);
            $("#comment-form-main .imagebar p").not("#saving-text").hide();
            //setting up delay and reverting the styles
            setTimeout(() => {
              $(this).find("i").toggleClass("fa fa-save fas fa-sync fa-spin");
              $("#comment-form-main .imagebar").find("#saving-text").remove();
              $("#comment-form-main .imagebar p").not("#saving-text").show();
              $E.setState(e.currentTarget.dataset.formId); // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.
            }, 400);
          else {
            //handling other comment sections
            let comment_reply_id = (;

            // toggling the favicon save icon class to add a spinner icon
            $(this).find("i").toggleClass("fa fa-save fas fa-sync fa-spin");
            //changing the text from "Upload an image" to "Saving..."
            let saving_text = $('<p id="saving-text" style="padding-bottom: 8px"> Saving... </p>');
            $('#'+comment_reply_id).find(".imagebar p").not("#saving-text").hide();
            //setting up delay and reverting the styles
            setTimeout(() => {
              $(this).find("i").toggleClass("fa fa-save fas fa-sync fa-spin");
              $('#'+comment_reply_id).find(".imagebar p").not("#saving-text").show();
              $E.setState(e.currentTarget.dataset.formId); // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.
            }, 400);
    .on("click", ".recover-button", function(e) {
      $E.setState(e.currentTarget.dataset.formId); // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.
    // textAreas
    .on("click", ".text-input", function(e) {
    // style changes for dragging an image over a dropzone
    .on("dragenter", ".dropzone", function(e) {
    .on("dragleave", ".dropzone", function(e) {
    // set the editor's comment form state on drop
    .on("drop", ".dropzone", function(e) {
      $E.setState(e.currentTarget.dataset.formId); // string that is: "main", "reply-123", "edit-123" etc.

  // image upload functionality for both:
  //   1. click-to-upload
  //   2. drag & drop
  // based on the basic plugin from jQuery file upload: 

  // this instantiates fileupload for every comment form present at document.load
  // for freshly posted comments, see /app/views/comments/create.js.erb
  $('.dropzone').each(function() {
    // disable drag-and-drop image upload on small dropzones
    // small dropzones are the image upload button in the comment form toolbar
    const isSmallDropzone = $(this).hasClass("dropzone-small");
    const fileUploadOptions = getFileUploadOptions($(this), isSmallDropzone);

  // #side-dropzone, is for the main image of research notes, in /app/views/editor/post.html.erb
  $('#side-dropzone').on('dragover',function(e) {
  $('#side-dropzone').on('dragout',function(e) {
  $('#side-dropzone').on('drop',function(e) {

  if (window.hasOwnProperty('$D')) {
      url: "/images",
      paramName: "image[photo]",
      dropZone: $('#side-dropzone'),
      dataType: 'json',
      formData: {
      start: function(e) {
      done: function (e, data) {
        $('#leadImage')[0].src = data.result.url;
        // here append the image id to the note as the lead image
        $("#image_revision").append('<option selected="selected" id="''" value="'+data.result.url+'">Temp Image ''</option>');
      fileuploadfail: function(e, data) {
      progressall: function (e, data) {
        return progressAll('#side-progress .progress-bar', data);