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# Swagger API

Our Swagger-generated API is quite extensive and growing. It can be easily accessed
on the [web interface]( and on the [json guide](

## Endpoints

To add any additional parameter, you can add the `&` symbol followed by the field to the URL:


where `limit` is an optional parameter.

All the endpoints have the optional parameter `limit` (10 by default) where you can specify the number of results for your search. Below you have a description of the available endpoints.

### All (profiles, notes, tags, maps, etc.)

* **URL**:  ``

* **URL Params** :


  `query=[string]`: search for notes, profiles, tags, questions and maps that match the query.

### Profiles:

* **URL**:  ``

* **URL Params** :


  `query=[string]`: Search the profiles (users) that have the query on their `username` and `bio` profile info.


  `sort_by=[string]`: Sort the profiles by the most recent activity. If no value
   provided, the results are then sorted by user id (desc).

  `order_direction=[string]`: It accepts `ASC` or `DESC` (the latter is the default).

  `field=[string]`: Accepts the value `username` for searching profiles only by
   the field `username`. And accepts the value `tag` for searching profiles by tag.

### Notes

* **URL**:  ``
* **URL Params** :


 `query=[string]`: Search for notes that have the passed string on their content.

### Wikis

 * **URL**:  ``
 * **URL Params** :


  `query=[string]`: Search for wikis that have the passed string on their content.

### Questions

* **URL**:  ``
* **URL Params** :


  `query=[string]`: Search for notes that have the `question:query` on their tags list.

### Tags

* **URL**:  ``
* **URL Params** :


  `query=[string]`: Search the notes that have the query on their tags list.

### TagLocations:

* **URL**:  ``
* **URL Params** :


  `nwlat=[northwest latitude],selat=[southeast latitude],nwlng=[northwest longitude],selng=[southeast longitude]`: Search notes within the rectangle boundary made by these diagonally opposite coordinates.


  `tag=[string]`: The search can be refined by passing a tag field.

  `order_direction=[string]`: It accepts `ASC` or `DESC` (the latter is the default).

  `sort_by=[string]`: It accepts `recent`. It sorts the nodes by the most recent activity. If no value
     provided, the results are then sorted by node creation (desc).

   `from=[date]`: It accepts a date, if not specified (1990,01,01). It searches for nodes created from the date.

   `to=[date]`: Accepts a date, if not specified uses `now`. It searches for nodes created by the specified date.

### NearbyPeople:

* **URL**:  ``
* **URL Params** :


  `nwlat=[northwest latitude],selat=[southeast latitude],nwlng=[northwest longitude],selng=[southeast longitude]`: Search users within the rectangle boundary made by these diagonally opposite coordinates.


  `tag=[string]`: The search can be refined by passing a user tag field.

  `field=[string]`: Accepts the value `node_tag` for searching users following the node tag (topic). When the endpoint receives a `tag` as parameter by default it searches users with the specified user tag, this parameter switches the use of the tag parameter to link node tags instead.

  `order_direction=[string]`: It accepts `ASC` or `DESC` (the latter is the default).

  `sort_by=[string]`: It accepts `recent` and `content`. Sort the profiles by the most recent activity or most nodes created. If no value provided, the results are then sorted by signup date (desc).

  `from=[date]`: It accepts a date. It searches for users with some activity from the specified date.

  `to=[date]`: Accepts a date. It searches for users with some activity by the specified date.

## API code

We are beginning to consolidate API methods into the [srch]( namespace, to reduce complexity in the non-API codebase and make the API more predictable and maintainable.

API methods are found on the [Search class]( This Search class is responsible to package the results into a [DocResult](

We also have 3 services that aim to maintain the code more easier to change/maintain:

* [ExecuteSearch]( responsible to execute the requested endpoint from the params.

* [SearchCriteria]( responsible to validate the params.

* [SearchService]( responsible to perform the endpoints queries.

We also have a [Planning Issue]( if you want to contribute to the API.

## Token based API for creating comment

This feature allows a logged user or bot to post comments via API with a token. You can generate your token to use this feature accessing your Profile on (just make sure you are logged in).

This API method can be found [here]( You can see how to use this below:

* **URL**:  `/comment/create/token/id.:format`
* **Method:**   `POST`
* **URL Params** :


   `id=[integer]`: This value specifies the node for which comment is to be created

   `format=[string]` : Specifies response format

   `username=[string]`: This string specifies username of user tends to create comment by this API post request

   **Data Params:**

    `body=[string]` : This is the actual content of the comment.


   `TOKEN=[string]`: This string value specifies ``access_token`` of the user for authentication purpose.

* **Success Response:**
  * **Code:** 201 Created <br>
    **Content:** None

* **Error Response:**
  * **Code:** 400 BAD REQUEST <br>
    **Content:** None

* **Sample Call:**

  "HTTP_TOKEN": "7a969e3d-cfe1-4da5-9b4c-71a42c9eef88"

    "username": "user",
    "body": "This is a comment made with a token"

# Image upload API

Images can be uploaded using data-URI strings, using the following script, from the JavaScript console on any page:

var token = "r0bzzuKtNIF8HpQmSmTndzNM+a1ndsWm/keBtL9nQZaWav70zqSM1bv+hsNqT9fDmvJZrtMKii2xF2md8MylkQ=="; // CSRF token


$.post('/images/create', { authenticity_token: token,  data: data, uid: 1, photo: { title: '', notes: '' }  }, console.log);


# Legacy API

### RSS feeds

RSS feeds can be found [here](

* Authors:
* Tagged notes:
* Main feed:

### JSON and XML formats

Tag-based listings can also be requested in JSON and XML formats:

* Notes by tag in JSON:
* Wikis by tag in XML:*.xml
* Questions by tag in JSON:
* Maps by tag in XML:

To these last, you can do a wildcard tag search using the `*` character, like this:


Several tag-based JSON/XML listings are generated [directly from controllers](, as alternate responses to various requests, ending in `.json` or `.xml`.