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<h2>Buy a spectrometer kit</h2>
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<p>And an <a href="">illustrated guide</a>. Or, <a href="">learn how to make one yourself</a> as part of an open-source research effort of the <a href="">Public Laboratory</a> community.</p>
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<h2>What is spectrometry?</h2>
<p>Spectrometry can reveal the composition of unknown materials -- either from samples you take from a site, or (with more difficulty) from a distance. It is used by NASA to identify substances on other planets. Typically, full-spectrum light (such as the sun) shines through a thin slice of the sample, which filters (absorbs) certain colors and allows others to pass through. This light can be split up by color using a prism, and the missing (absorbed) colors can be identified. Finally, the brightness of all the colors is compared to a database of known samples to find a match.</p>
<p>Things can get more complicated, as when there are multiple substances in a sample, or when a substance is dissolved in water. Spectrometry is a broad and complex field, but some simple techniques have been successfully used in the field -- such as identifying Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs, a common contaminant from oil) by shining strong UV light through a sample, and measuring what colors it fluoresces. You can read more about the kinds of spectrometry we're attempting <a href="">on the PLOTS website.</a></p>
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<h2>Recent comments</h2>
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<p><b><%= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) %> ago, <%= %> wrote:</b>
<%= sanitize(truncate(comment.body,40,"...")) %> <br /><a href="/spectra/show/<%= comment.spectrum_id %>">Read more »</a></p>
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