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# JsPhpize
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Convert js-like syntax to standalone PHP code.

## Install
In the root directory of your project, open a terminal and enter:
composer require js-phpize/js-phpize

## Usage
Use compile to get PHP equivalent code to JavaScript input:
use JsPhpize\JsPhpize;

$jsPhpize = new JsPhpize();

echo $jsPhpize->compile('foo = { bar: { "baz": "hello" } }');

This code will output the following PHP code:
$foo = array( "bar" => array( "baz" => "hello" ) );

Or use render to execute it directly:
use JsPhpize\JsPhpize;

$jsPhpize = new JsPhpize();

$code = '
    // Create an object
    foo = { bar: { "baz": "hello" } };
    key = 'bar'; // instanciate a string

    return foo[key].baz;

$value = $jsPhpize->render($code);

echo $value;

This will display ```hello```.

This library intend to is intended to allow js-like in PHP contexts (such as in template engines).

See the [Phug documentation](https://www.phug-lang.com/#js-style-expressions)
to see an implementation example as Pug expressions PHP converter.

And also check [examples](https://github.com/pug-php/js-phpize/tree/master/examples)
to see more examples (**.js** files are input examples **js-phpize** can handle
and either **.return** show you what the engine will return for this code,
or **.php** show you how it's compiled into PHP).