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    namespace vps\tools\controllers;

    use vps\tools\helpers\TimeHelper;
    use vps\tools\helpers\Url;
    use vps\tools\modules\user\filters\AccessControl;
    use Yii;

    class WebController extends \yii\web\Controller
         * @var string
         * Name for the asset bundle.
        public $assetName = 'app';

         * @var \yii\web\AssetBundle
        protected $_assetBundle;

         * @var array
         * Array to store view data.
        protected $_data = [ 'error' => [] ];

         * @var $string
         * Path to the view tpl file.
        protected $_tpl;

        public function behaviors ()
            return [
                'access' => [
                    'class' => AccessControl::className(),
                    'rules' => [],

         * Override current template.
         * @param string $tpl
        public function setTemplate ($tpl)
            $this->_tpl = $tpl;

         * Set page title.
         * @param string $title
        public function setTitle ($title)
            $this->data('title', $title);
            $this->view->title = $title;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function afterAction ($action, $result)
            $session = Yii::$app->session;
            if ($session->isActive)


            if (!isset($this->_data[ 'tpl' ]) or $this->_data[ 'tpl' ] != 'empty.tpl')
                $this->_data[ 'tpl' ] = $this->_tpl . '.tpl';

            return $this->renderPartial('@app/views/index.tpl', $this->_data);

         * @inheritdoc
        public function beforeAction ($action)
            if (parent::beforeAction($action))
                $session = Yii::$app->session;
                if (!$session->isActive)

                if (defined('APP_ENV') and APP_ENV == 'deploy' and $action->controller->id != 'env' and $this->checkAccessEnv())
                    $this->redirect(Url::toRoute([ '/env' ]));

                    return true;

                $this->_assetBundle = Yii::$app->assetManager->getBundle($this->assetName);
                $this->_tpl = $this->id . '/' . $this->action->id;

                if (strpos(Yii::$app->urlManager->hostInfo, Yii::$app->getRequest()->referrer) >= 0 and $this->action->controller->id != 'user')

                $this->on(yii\web\Controller::EVENT_AFTER_ACTION, $this->userActive());

                return true;
                return false;

         * Add data to be used in view.
         * @param  string $key
         * @param  mixed  $value
        public function data ($key, $value)
            $this->_data[ $key ] = $value;

        public function userActive()
            if (isset(Yii::$app->user->id)) {
                /** @var \vps\tools\modules\user\models\User $user */
                $user = Yii::$app->user->identity;
                if ((time() - strtotime($user->activeDT)) > 180) {
                    $user->activeDT = TimeHelper::now();

         * Add user error message.
         * @param  string  $message Message text.
         * @param  boolean $isRaw Whether given text is raw. If not it will be processed with [[Yii::tr()]].
        public function error ($message, $isRaw = false)
            Yii::$app->notification->error($message, $isRaw);

         * Add user message.
         * @param  string  $message Message text.
         * @param  boolean $isRaw Whether given text is raw. If not it will be processed with [[Yii::tr()]].
        public function message ($message, $isRaw = false)
            Yii::$app->notification->message($message, $isRaw);

         * Redirects and ends app. That prevents from sending additional headers.
         * @inheritdoc
        public function redirect ($url, $statusCode = 302)
            parent::redirect($url, $statusCode);

         * Add user warning.
         * @param  string  $message Message text.
         * @param  boolean $isRaw Whether given text is raw. If not it will be processed with [[Yii::tr()]].
        public function warning ($message, $isRaw = false)
            Yii::$app->notification->warning($message, $isRaw);

         * Force generate title if not set previously.
        private function forceSetTitle ()
            if (isset($this->_data[ 'title' ]))

            $path = Yii::$app->controller->id . '/' . Yii::$app->controller->action->id;
            if (Yii::$app->has('menu'))
                foreach (Yii::$app->menu as $menu)
                    if ($menu->path === $path)


            $this->setTitle(ucfirst(strtolower(Yii::$app->controller->id . ' ' . Yii::$app->controller->action->id)));

        private function checkAccessEnv ()
            $ip = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP();
            if (isset(Yii::$app->getModule('debug')->allowedIPsDb))
                $allowedIPsDb = Yii::$app->getModule('debug')->allowedIPsDb;
                $allowedIPsDb = 'debug_allowed_ips';
            $allowedIPs = Yii::$app->settings->get($allowedIPsDb);
            if ($allowedIPs)
                foreach ($allowedIPs as $filter)
                    if ($filter === '*' || $filter === $ip || ( ( $pos = strpos($filter, '*') ) !== false && !strncmp($ip, $filter, $pos) ))
                        return false;

            return true;