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    namespace vps\tools\db;

    use vps\tools\helpers\StringHelper;
    use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
    use yii\db\Exception;
    use yii\db\Query;

     * @inheritdoc
     * @property-read string|null $dbName
    class Migration extends \yii\db\Migration
         * Adds value to enum column.
         * @param string $table Table name.
         * @param string $column Column name.
         * @param string $value New value in enum.
         * @param bool   $default Whether to set new value as default.
        public function addEnumValue ($table, $column, $value, $default = false)
            echo "    > add enum value $value to column $column in $table ...\n";
            $time = microtime(true);

            $columnSchema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table)->columns[ $column ];
            $values = $columnSchema->enumValues;
            $values[] = $value;
            $defaultValue = $default ? $value : $columnSchema->defaultValue;
            $this->alterColumn($table, $column, $this->enum($values)->defaultValue($defaultValue));

            echo '    > done (time: ' . sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $time) . "s)\n";

         * Creates database view.
         * @param string $name View name.
         * @param Query  $query Query that is used to create view.
         * @param bool   $replace Whether to replace existing view with the same name.
         * @throws \yii\db\Exception
         * @see dropView
        public function createView ($name, Query $query, $replace = true)
            echo "    > create table $name ...";
            $time = microtime(true);

            $sql = 'CREATE' . ( $replace ? ' OR REPLACE' : '' ) . ' VIEW ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name) . ' AS ' . $query->createCommand()->getRawSql();

            echo '    > done (time: ' . sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $time) . "s)\n";

         * Server encoding checking
         * @param string $encoding
         * @param bool   $exception
         * @return bool
         * @throws InvalidConfigException
        public function checkCollation ($encoding = 'utf8', $exception = true)
            $variables = [
            foreach ($variables as $variable)
                $sql = "show variables like '" . $variable . "'";
                $value = $this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();
                $pos = StringHelper::pos($value[ 'Value' ], $encoding);
                if ($pos !== 0)
                    if (!$exception)
                        return false;
                        throw new InvalidConfigException ("Parameter $variable does not match $encoding.");

            return true;

         * Check if provided engine is supported and enabled.
         * @param string $name Engine name.
         * @param bool   $default Whether to check if engine is default.
         * @param bool   $exception Whether to throw exception on error.
         * @return bool True in case of engine is enabled and (in case of default is true) default. Otherwise exception is thrown (id exception is true) or false returned.
         * @throws \yii\db\Exception
        public function checkEngine (string $name = 'InnoDB', bool $default = true, bool $exception = true)
            $engines = $this->db->createCommand("SHOW ENGINES")->queryAll();
            foreach ($engines as $engine)
                if (strcasecmp($engine[ 'Engine' ], $name) == 0)
                    switch ($engine[ 'Support' ])
                        case 'DEFAULT':
                            return true;

                        case 'YES':
                            if ($default)
                                if ($exception)
                                    throw new Exception("Engine $name is enabled but not default.");
                                    return false;
                                return true;

                        case 'DISABLED':
                            if ($exception)
                                throw new Exception("Engine $name is supported but disabled.");
                                return false;

                            if ($exception)
                                throw new Exception("Engine $name is not supported.");
                                return false;

            if ($exception)
                throw new Exception("Engine $name not found in the list of database engines.");
                return false;

         * Deletes value from enum column.
         * @param string $table Table name.
         * @param string $column Column name.
         * @param string $value Value to be removed from column.
         * @param null   $default New default value. If null the old one will be used.
         * @throws \yii\db\Exception
        public function deleteEnumValue ($table, $column, $value, $default = null)
            echo "    > delete enum value $value from column $column in $table ...\n";
            $time = microtime(true);

            $columnSchema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table)->columns[ $column ];
            $values = $columnSchema->enumValues;
            $key = array_search($value, $values);
            if ($key === false)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find value $value in enum values " . implode(", ", $values) . ".");
            unset($values[ $key ]);
            $defaultValue = $default ? $default : $columnSchema->defaultValue;
            $this->alterColumn($table, $column, $this->enum($values)->defaultValue($defaultValue));

            echo '    > done (time: ' . sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $time) . "s)\n";

         * Drops view by name.
         * @param string $name
         * @see createView
        public function dropView ($name)
            echo "    > drop view $name ...";
            $time = microtime(true);
            $this->db->createCommand('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name))->execute();
            echo '    > done (time: ' . sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $time) . "s)\n";

         * Creates enum column.
         * @param array $values
         * @return \yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder the column instance which can be further customized.
        public function enum ($values)
            return $this->getDb()->getSchema()->createColumnSchemaBuilder("enum('" . implode("','", $values) . "')");

         * Find all foreign keys names for specific table and column.
         * @param string      $table
         * @param string|null $column
         * @return string[]
        public function findForeignKeys ($table, $column = null)
            $query = ( new  Query )
                    'TABLE_SCHEMA' => $this->getDbName(),
                    'TABLE_NAME'   => $table
            if (!is_null($column))
                $query->andWhere([ 'COLUMN_NAME' => $column ]);

            return $query->column();

         * Loads queries from file and executes them. Each query should be on
         * new line just in case.
         * @param string $path Path to the file.
         * @throws \Exception
         * @throws \yii\db\Exception
        public function fromFile ($path)
            if (file_exists($path) and is_readable($path))
                echo "    > loading queries from file $path ...";
                $time = microtime(true);

                $rows = file($path, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
                foreach ($rows as $row)

                echo '    > done (time: ' . sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $time) . "s)\n";
                throw new \Exception ('Cannot open file ' . $path . ' for reading.');

         * Sets foreign key check to 1 or 0.
         * @param bool $check
        public function foreignKeyCheck ($check = true)
            $check = intval(boolval($check));
            $this->db->createCommand("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=$check")->execute();

         * Gets database name via dbname parameter from dsn.
         * @return string|null
        public function getDbName ()
            if ($this->db->getDriverName() == 'mysql')
                preg_match("/dbname=([^;]*)/", $this->db->dsn, $match);
                if (isset($match[ 1 ]))
                    return $match[ 1 ];

            return null;

         * Checks whether column for a table  exist.
         * @param string $table
         * @param string $column
         * @return bool
        public function hasColumn ($table, $column)
            $schema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table);

            return isset($schema->columns[ $column ]);