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    namespace vps\tools\helpers;

    use yii\base\UnknownMethodException;

     * Class FileHelper
     * @package vps\tools\helpers
    class FileHelper extends \yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper
        const MIME_DIR       = 'directory';
        const MIME_PDF       = 'application/pdf';
        const MIME_PHP       = 'text/x-php';
        const MIME_TXT       = 'text/plain';
        const MIME_TEXT_XML  = 'text/xml';
        const MIME_TEXT_HTML = 'text/html';
        const MIME_XML       = 'application/xml';

        private static $_extensionsAudio = [
        private static $_extensionsVideo = [

         * @inheritdoc
        public static function __callStatic ($name, $arguments)
            if (preg_match("/is[A-Z][\w]+/", $name))
                preg_match("/[A-Z][\w]+/", $name, $matches);
                $extension = strtolower(current($matches));
                if (FileHelper::extension($arguments[ 0 ]) == $extension)
                    return true;

                return false;
                throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown static method: ' . "$name()");

         * Clears given directory without deleting it itself.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::clearDir('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3');
         * // $result will be: true
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * ```
         * @param  string $path
         * @return boolean
        public static function clearDir ($path)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_writable($path) and ( $dir = opendir($path) ) !== false)
                while ($f = readdir($dir))
                    if ($f != '.' and $f != '..')
                        if (is_file($path . '/' . $f) and is_writable($path . '/' . $f))
                            unlink($path . '/' . $f);
                            self::clearDir($path . '/' . $f);
                            @rmdir($path . '/' . $f);

                return true;

            return false;

         * Recursively count files and directories in given directory.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::countItems('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3');
         * // $result will be: 2
         * ```
         * @param string $path
         * @return int|null
        public static function countItems ($path)
            if (is_dir($path) and ( $dir = opendir($path) ) !== false)
                $return = self::countItemsInDir($path);
                while ($f = readdir($dir))
                    if ($f != '.' and $f != '..' and is_dir($path . '/' . $f))
                        $return += self::countItems($path . '/' . $f);

                return $return;

            return null;

         * Counts files and directories in given directory. Not recursive.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::countItemsInDir('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3');
         * // $result will be: 1
         * ```
         * @param  string $path The directory under which the items should be counted.
         * @return integer|null
        public static function countItemsInDir ($path)
            if (is_dir($path))
                $it = new \FilesystemIterator($path, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);

                return iterator_count($it);
                return null;

         * Deletes given file without rising an exception.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * FileHelper::deleteFile('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3/file.txt');
         * // $result will be: екгу
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file9.txt
         * ```
         * @param string $path
         * @return bool
        public static function deleteFile ($path)
            if (file_exists($path))
                if (is_writable($path))
                    return @unlink($path);
                    return false;

            return false;

         * Checks whether the file is an audio file.
         * ```php
         * $result = FileHelper::isAudio(file.mp3);
         * // $result will be: true
         * ```
         * @param string $path
         * @return bool
        public static function isAudio ($path)
            $ext = strtolower(self::extension($path));

            return in_array($ext, self::$_extensionsAudio);

         * Checks whether the file is an video file.
         * ```php
         * $result = FileHelper::isAudio(file.avi);
         * // $result will be: true
         * ```
         * @param string $path
         * @return bool
        public static function isVideo ($path)
            $ext = strtolower(self::extension($path));

            return in_array($ext, self::$_extensionsVideo);

         * Gets directories list in given directory.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::listDirs('/var/www/dir_1');
         * // $result will be:
         * // [ 'dir_1_1', 'dir_1_2', 'dir_1_3' ]
         * ```
         * @param  string  $path The directory under which the items will be looked for.
         * @param  boolean $absolute Whether return path to items should be absolute.
         * @return array|null List of paths to the found items.
        public static function listDirs ($path, $absolute = false)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $data = [];
                $it = new \FilesystemIterator($path);
                foreach ($it as $item)
                    if ($item->isDir())
                        $data[] = $absolute ? $item->getRealPath() : $item->getFilename();

                return $data;

            return null;

         * Gets files list in given directory.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::listFiles('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3');
         * // $result will be:
         * // [ 'file8.txt', 'file9.txt' ]
         * ```
         * @param  string  $path The directory under which the items will be looked for.
         * @param  boolean $absolute Whether return path to items should be absolute.
         * @return array|null List of paths to the found items.
        public static function listFiles ($path, $absolute = false)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $data = [];
                $it = new \FilesystemIterator($path);
                foreach ($it as $item)
                    if ($item->isFile())
                        $data[] = $absolute ? $item->getRealPath() : $item->getFilename();

                return $data;

            return null;

         * Gets files and directories list in given directory.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::listItems('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_2');
         * // $result will be:
         * // [ 'dir_1_2_1', 'file5.txt' ]
         * ```
         * @param  string  $path The directory under which the items will be looked for.
         * @param  boolean $absolute Whether return path to items should be absolute.
         * @return array|null List of paths to the found items.
        public static function listItems ($path, $absolute = false)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $data = [];

                $it = new \FilesystemIterator($path);
                foreach ($it as $item)
                    $data[] = $absolute ? $item->getRealPath() : $item->getFilename();

                return $data;

            return null;

         * Gets files and directories list in given directory and order it by
         * modification time. Not recursive.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::listItemsByDate('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3');
         * // $result will be:
         * [ 'file9.txt', 'file8.txt' ]
         * ```
         * @param  string  $path The directory under which the files will be looked for.
         * @param  integer $order Order direction. Default is descending.
         * @return array|null Array of pairs 'modification time - full path to the file'.
        public static function listItemsByDate ($path, $order = SORT_DESC)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $data = [];
                $time = [];

                $it = new \FilesystemIterator($path);
                foreach ($it as $item)
                    $data[] = $item->getFilename();
                    $time[] = $item->getMTime();

                array_multisort($time, $order, $data);

                return $data;

            return null;

         * Gets files list in given directory that match pattern.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * //  - file10.php
         * $result = FileHelper::listPatternItems('/var/www/dir_1_3', '*.php');
         * // $result will be:
         * // ['file10.php']
         * ```
         * @param  string  $pattern
         * @param  string  $path The directory under which the items will be looked for.
         * @param  boolean $absolute Whether return path to items should be absolute.
         * @return array List of paths to the found items.
        public static function listPatternItems ($path, $pattern = '*', $absolute = false)
            $data = [];

            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $files = glob($path . '/' . $pattern);

                if ($absolute)
                    return $files;

                $n = strlen($path . '/');

                foreach ($files as $file)
                    $data[] = substr($file, $n);

            return $data;

         * Finds recursively files in given path and return list of paths relative to second parameter.
         * ```php
         * // + dir_1
         * //  + dir_1_1
         * //    - file1.txt
         * //    - file2.txt
         * //  + dir_1_2
         * //    + dir_1_2_1
         * //      - file5.txt
         * //  + dir_1_3
         * //    - file8.txt
         * //    - file9.txt
         * $result = FileHelper::listRelativeFiles('/var/www/dir_1/dir_1_3',/var/www/dir_1);
         * // $result will be:
         * // [ 'dir_1_3/file8.txt', 'dir_1_3/file9.txt' ]
         * ```
         * @param  string $path
         * @param  string $relativepath
         * @return array
        public static function listRelativeFiles ($path, $relativepath)
            if (is_dir($path) and is_readable($path))
                $data = [];
                $list = self::findFiles($path);
                $relativepath = rtrim($relativepath, '/') . '/';
                $n = strlen($relativepath);
                foreach ($list as $item)
                    if (strpos($item, $relativepath) === 0)
                        $data[] = substr_replace($item, '', 0, $n);

                return $data;

            return null;

         * Get mimetype of the given file.
         * ```php
         * $result = FileHelper::mimetypeFile('/var/www/phpunit.xml');
         * // $result wiil be: 'application/xml'
         * ```
         * @param  string $path Path to the file.
         * @return string|null
        public static function mimetypeFile ($path)
            $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            if ($finfo)
                $info = finfo_file($finfo, $path);

                return $info;

            return null;

         * Get extension of the given file.
         * @param  string $file Path to the file.
         * @return string
        public static function extension ($file)
            $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

            return $extension;
