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    namespace vps\tools\modules\user;

    use vps\tools\helpers\ConfigurationHelper;
    use vps\tools\modules\user\models\User;
    use Yii;
    use yii\base\BootstrapInterface;

     * Class Module user
     * @package vps\tools\modules\user
    class Module extends \yii\base\Module implements BootstrapInterface
         * @var string the namespace that controller classes are in
        public $controllerNamespace = 'vps\tools\modules\user\controllers';

         * @var string the namespace that model User
        public $modelUser = 'vps\tools\modules\user\models\User';

         * @var boolean
        public $autoactivate = false;

         * @var string default client oauth
        public $defaultClient = 'syncrocity';

         * @var string default role user
        public $defaultRole = 'registered';

         * @var int $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status
        public $duration = 648000;

         * @var string $duration name setting duration seconds
        public $durationSetting = null;

         * Redirect after login
        public $redirectAfterLogin = true;
         * Redirect after logout
        public $redirectAfterLogout = true;
         * Use AccessControl
        public $useAccessControl = true;
         * List of URLs not available to the guest
        public $guestRestrictedRoutes     = [];
        public $allowedUnauthorizedRoutes = [];

        public $title = '';

         * @inheritdoc
        public function bootstrap ($app)
            $app->setAliases([ '@userViews' => __DIR__ . '/views/user' ]);
            $app->setAliases([ '@rbacViews' => __DIR__ . '/views/rbac' ]);
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/index'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/index',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/index'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/view',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/view'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/delete',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/delete'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/manage',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/manage'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/login',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/login'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/temp-login',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/temp-login'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/logout',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/logout'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'user/auth',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/user/auth'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'rbac/edit',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/rbac/edit'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'rbac/user-role',
                  'verb'    => 'POST',
                  'ajax'    => true,
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/rbac/user-role'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'rbac/user-state',
                  'verb'    => 'POST',
                  'ajax'    => true,
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/rbac/user-state'
                [ 'class'   => 'vps\tools\web\UrlRule',
                  'pattern' => 'rbac/delete-role',
                  'route'   => $this->id . '/rbac/delete-role'
            ], true);

            ConfigurationHelper::addTranslation('user', [ 'user' => 'user.php' ], __DIR__ . '/messages');

            Yii::$app->view->registerCss('.nav-user-image img { border-radius: 50%; max-height: 40px } .tools-user-image {margin: 15px; max-width: 100%}');

            $this->title = Yii::tr('User manage', [], 'user');

         * @inheritdoc
        public function init ()
            if (empty($this->defaultRole))
                $this->defaultRole = User::R_REGISTERED;

            if (Yii::$app->session->get('isTempUser'))
                Yii::$app->notification->messageToSession('You are logged in as a temporary user.');