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     * @author    Evgenii Kuteiko <kuteiko@mail.ru>
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018
     * @date      2018-05-23
     * @package   vps\tools\widgets

    namespace vps\tools\widgets;

    use vps\tools\helpers\ArrayHelper;
    use vps\tools\helpers\ConfigurationHelper;
    use Yii;
    use yii\helpers\Html;
    use yii\widgets\LinkPager as BaseLinkPager;

    class LinkPager extends BaseLinkPager
         * Надо ли оборачивать в контейнер
         * Если $this->isCountAllPages true, то будет автоматически присвоено true
         * @var bool
        public $isWrapper = false;

         * Тег и опции для wrapper
         * @var array
        public $wrapperOptions = [
            'tag'   => 'div',
            'class' => 'pagination-container',

         * Надо ли отображать ссылку "Всего"
         * @var bool
        public $isCountAllPages = true;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function init ()

            if ($this->isCountAllPages)
                $this->isWrapper = true;

            // In Bootstrap 4 no div's "next" and "prev", so you need to overwrite the default values
            $this->prevPageCssClass = 'page-item';
            $this->nextPageCssClass = 'page-item';

            // Change the location and size of block
            // https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/pagination/#alignment
            // https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/pagination/#sizing
            $this->options[ 'class' ] = 'pagination';

            // Default div for links
            $this->linkOptions[ 'class' ] = 'page-link';
            $this->disabledListItemSubTagOptions[ 'class' ] = 'page-link';

            ConfigurationHelper::addTranslation('widgets', [ 'widgets/link-pager' => 'link-pager.php' ], __DIR__ . '/messages');

         * @inheritdoc
        public function run ()
            if ($this->registerLinkTags)

            if ($this->pagination->getPageCount() > 1)
                if ($this->isWrapper)
                    $tagWrapper = ArrayHelper::remove($this->wrapperOptions, 'tag', 'div');

                    return Html::tag(
                        Html::tag('nav', $this->renderPageButtons(), [ 'class' => 'd-inline-flex' ])
                        . ( $this->isCountAllPages ? $this->renderCountAllPages() : '' ),

                return Html::tag('nav', $this->renderPageButtons(), [ 'class' => 'd-inline-flex' ]);

         * @inheritdoc
        protected function renderPageButton ($label, $page, $class, $disabled, $active)
            $options = [ 'class' => empty($class) ? 'page-item' : $class ];
            $linkOptions = $this->linkOptions;

            if ($active)
                Html::addCssClass($options, $this->activePageCssClass);

            if ($disabled)
                Html::addCssClass($options, $this->disabledPageCssClass);
                $linkOptions[ 'tabindex' ] = '-1';

            return Html::tag('li', Html::a($label, $this->pagination->createUrl($page), $linkOptions), $options);

         * @return string
        protected function renderCountAllPages ()
            return $this->render('count-all-pages', [
                'totalCount' => $this->pagination->totalCount,