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# coding: utf-8
from django.core.cache import caches
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from django_th.models import update_result

import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types
from evernote.edam.error.ttypes import EDAMSystemException, EDAMUserException
from evernote.edam.error.ttypes import EDAMErrorCode
from evernote.edam.notestore import NoteStore

from logging import getLogger

from th_evernote.evernote_exception import error

logger = getLogger('django_th.trigger_happy')
cache = caches['django_th']

class EvernoteMgr(object):
    def get_notebook(note_store, my_notebook):
            get the notebook from its name
        notebook_id = 0
        notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks()
        # get the notebookGUID ...
        for notebook in notebooks:
            if notebook.name.lower() == my_notebook.lower():
                notebook_id = notebook.guid
        return notebook_id

    def set_notebook(note_store, my_notebook, notebook_id):
            create a notebook
        if notebook_id == 0:
            new_notebook = Types.Notebook()
            new_notebook.name = my_notebook
            new_notebook.defaultNotebook = False
            notebook_id = note_store.createNotebook(new_notebook).guid
        return notebook_id

    def get_tag(note_store, my_tags):
            get the tags from his Evernote account
            :param note_store Evernote Instance
            :param my_tags string
            :return: array of the tag to create
        tag_id = []
        listtags = note_store.listTags()
        # cut the string by piece of tag with comma
        for my_tag in my_tags.split(','):
            for tag in listtags:
                # remove space before and after
                # thus we keep "foo bar"
                # but not " foo bar" nor "foo bar "
                if tag.name.lower() == my_tag.lower().lstrip().rstrip():

        return tag_id

    def set_tag(note_store, my_tags, tag_id):
            create a tag if not exists
            :param note_store evernote instance
            :param my_tags string
            :param tag_id id of the tag(s) to create
            :return: array of the tag to create
        new_tag = Types.Tag()
        for my_tag in my_tags.split(','):
            new_tag.name = my_tag
            note_tag_id = EvernoteMgr.create_tag(note_store, new_tag)
            if note_tag_id is not False:
                return False
        return tag_id

    def create_note(note_store, note, trigger_id, data):
            create a note
            :param note_store Evernote instance
            :param note
            :param trigger_id id of the trigger
            :param data to save or to put in cache
            :type note_store: Evernote Instance
            :type note: Note instance
            :type trigger_id: int
            :type data: dict
            :return boolean
            :rtype boolean
        # create the note !
            created_note = note_store.createNote(note)
            sentence = str('note %s created') % created_note.guid
            return True
        except EDAMSystemException as e:
            return error(trigger_id, data, e)
        except EDAMUserException as e:
            if e.errorCode == EDAMErrorCode.ENML_VALIDATION:
                sentence = "Data ignored due to validation error : err {code} {msg}".format(code=e.errorCode,
                update_result(trigger_id, msg=sentence, status=True)
                return True
        except Exception as e:
            update_result(trigger_id, msg=e, status=False)
            return False

    def create_tag(note_store, new_tag):
            :param note_store Evernote instance
            :param new_tag: create this new tag
            :return: new tag id
            return note_store.createTag(new_tag).guid
        except EDAMUserException as e:
            if e.errorCode == EDAMErrorCode.DATA_CONFLICT:
                logger.info("Evernote Data Conflict Err {0}".format(e))
            elif e.errorCode == EDAMErrorCode.BAD_DATA_FORMAT:
                logger.critical("Evernote Err {0}".format(e))
            return False

    def set_header():
            preparing the hearder of Evernote
        return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' \
               '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd">\n'

    def set_note_attribute(data):
           add the link of the 'source' in the note
        na = False
        if data.get('link'):
            na = Types.NoteAttributes()
            # add the url
            na.sourceURL = data.get('link')
            # add the object to the note
        return na

    def set_note_footer(data, trigger):
            handle the footer of the note
        footer = ''
        if data.get('link'):
            provided_by = _('Provided by')
            provided_from = _('from')
            footer_from = "<br/><br/>{} <em>{}</em> {} <a href='{}'>{}</a>"

            footer = footer_from.format(
                provided_by, trigger.trigger.description, provided_from,
                data.get('link'), data.get('link'))

        return footer

    def set_note_filter(filter_string):
            set the filter of the notes
        my_filter = NoteStore.NoteFilter()
        my_filter.words = filter_string
        return my_filter

    def set_evernote_spec():
            set the spec of the notes
        :return: spec
        spec = NoteStore.NotesMetadataResultSpec()
        spec.includeTitle = True
        spec.includeAttributes = True
        return spec