# Maintain your gem's version:
require File.expand_path('../core/lib/push_type/version', __FILE__)
# Describe your gem and declare its dependencies:
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.name = 'push_type'
s.version = PushType::VERSION
s.summary = %q{PushType is a new generation of content management system for Ruby on Rails.}
s.description = %q{PushType is a modern, open source content management system for Ruby on Rails. It takes advantage of powerful new features available in the latest versions of Rails and PostgreSQL.}
s.files = Dir['lib/**/*', 'README.md', 'LICENSE.md']
s.require_paths = %w(lib)
s.authors = ['Aaron Russell']
s.email = ['aaron@gc4.co.uk']
s.homepage = 'http://www.pushtype.org'
s.license = 'MIT'
s.add_dependency 'push_type_core', PushType::VERSION
s.add_dependency 'push_type_api', PushType::VERSION
s.add_dependency 'push_type_admin', PushType::VERSION
s.add_dependency 'push_type_auth', PushType::VERSION