

0 mins
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# noipy.dnsupdater
# Copyright (c) 2013 Pablo O Vieira (povieira)
# See README.rst and LICENSE for details.

from __future__ import print_function

import re

import requests

from . import __title__, __version__, __email__

    'noip': 'NoipDnsUpdater',
    'dyn': 'DynDnsUpdater',
    'duck': 'DuckDnsUpdater',
    'generic': 'GenericDnsUpdater',

DEFAULT_PLUGIN = 'generic'

response_messages = {
    'OK': 'SUCCESS: DNS hostname successfully updated.',
    'badauth': 'ERROR: Invalid username or password (badauth).',
    '401': 'ERROR: Invalid username or password (401).',
    '403': 'ERROR: Invalid username or password (403).',
    '!donator': 'ERROR: Update request include a feature that is not available to informed user.',
    'notfqdn': 'ERROR: The hostname specified is not a fully-qualified domain name '
    '(not in the form or',
    'nohost': 'ERROR: Hostname specified does not exist in this user account.',
    'numhost': 'ERROR: Too many hosts (more than 20) specified in an update. '
    'Also returned if trying to update a round robin (which is not allowed).',
    'abuse': 'ERROR: Username/hostname is blocked due to update abuse.',
    'badagent': 'ERROR: User agent not sent or HTTP method not permitted.',
    'dnserr': 'ERROR: DNS error encountered.',
    '911': 'ERROR: Problem on server side. Retry update in a few minutes.',
    'KO': 'ERROR: Hostname and/or token incorrect.',

class DnsUpdaterPlugin(object):
    """Base class for any DDNS updater"""

    auth_type = ''

    def __init__(self, auth, hostname, options=None):
        """Init plugin with auth information, hostname and IP address."""

        self._auth = auth
        self._hostname = hostname
        self._options = {} if options is None else options
        self.last_ddns_response = ''

    def auth(self):
        return self._auth

    def hostname(self):
        return self._hostname

    def _base_url(self):
        """Get the base URL for DDNS Update API. URL must contain 'hostname'
        and 'ip'. If authentication is via token string 'token' argument must
        be provided as well. Example:

        This method must be implemented by plugin subclasses

    def update_dns(self, new_ip):
        """Call No-IP API based on dict login_info and return the status code."""

        headers = None
        if self.auth_type == 'T':
            api_call_url = self._base_url.format(hostname=self.hostname, token=self.auth.token, ip=new_ip)
            api_call_url = self._base_url.format(hostname=self.hostname, ip=new_ip)
            headers = {
                'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(self.auth.base64key.decode('utf-8')),
                'User-Agent': '{}/{} {}'.format(__title__, __version__, __email__),

        r = requests.get(api_call_url, headers=headers)
        self.last_ddns_response = str(r.text).strip()

        return r.status_code, r.text

    def status_message(self):
        """Return friendly response from API based on response code."""

        msg = None
        if self.last_ddns_response in response_messages.keys():
            return response_messages.get(self.last_ddns_response)

        if 'good' in self.last_ddns_response:
            ip ='(\d{1,3}\.?){4}', self.last_ddns_response).group()
            msg = 'SUCCESS: DNS hostname IP ({}) successfully updated.'.format(ip)
        elif 'nochg' in self.last_ddns_response:
            ip ='(\d{1,3}\.?){4}', self.last_ddns_response).group()
            msg = (
                'SUCCESS: IP address ({}) is up to date, nothing was changed. '
                "Additional 'nochg' updates may be considered abusive.".format(ip)
            msg = 'ERROR: Ooops! Something went wrong !!!'

        return msg

    def __str__(self):
        return '{}(host={})'.format(type(self).__name__, self.hostname)

class NoipDnsUpdater(DnsUpdaterPlugin):
    """No-IP DDNS provider plugin"""

    auth_type = 'P'

    def _base_url(self):
        return '{hostname}&myip={ip}'

class DynDnsUpdater(DnsUpdaterPlugin):
    """DynDNS DDNS provider plugin"""

    auth_type = 'P'

    def _base_url(self):
        return (
            '{hostname}&myip={ip}&wildcard=NOCHG' '&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG'

class DuckDnsUpdater(DnsUpdaterPlugin):
    """DuckDNS DDNS provider plugin"""

    auth_type = 'T'

    def hostname(self):
        hostname = self._hostname
        found ='(.*?)\.duckdns\.org', self._hostname)
        if found:
            hostname =
        return hostname

    def _base_url(self):
        return '{hostname}&token={token}&ip={ip}'

class GenericDnsUpdater(DnsUpdaterPlugin):
    """Generic DDNS provider plugin - accepts a custom specification for the
    DDNS base url

    auth_type = 'P'

    def _base_url(self):
        return '{url}?hostname={{hostname}}&myip={{ip}}&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG'.format(