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IoC (Inversion of Control) Dependency Injection

Support for automatic resolution of dependencies from factories.

These methods are built around *data annotations* and `abc` module.


    # Register factory with framework
    >>> pyapp.injection.register_factory(FooABC, foo_factory)

    # Mark functions for injection and specify type
    >>> @inject
    ... def my_function(foo: FooABC = Args(name="second")):
    ...    ...

What `my_function` is called a concrete instance that implements `FooABC` is
passed into the function.

import abc
import functools
import inspect
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Union

__all__ = (

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
AT_co = TypeVar("AT_co", bound=abc.ABCMeta, covariant=True)

class InjectionError(Exception):
    Error that is raised if a value cannot be injected.

    This is to distinguish from a factory method raising an exception other than
    from injection.

class InjectionSetupError(Exception):
    Error generated during the setup of injection.

# TODO: Remove when pylint handles typing.Dict correctly  pylint: disable=fixme
# pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation,no-member
class FactoryRegistry(Dict[type, Callable]):
    Registry of type factories.

    def register(self, abstract_type: AT_co, factory: Callable[..., AT_co]):
        Register a factory method for providing a abstract type.

        :param abstract_type: Type factory will produce
        :param factory: A factory that generates concrete instances based off the abstract type.

        self[abstract_type] = factory

    def resolve(self, abstract_type: AT_co) -> Optional[Callable[[], AT_co]]:
        Resolve an abstract type to a factory.
        return self.get(abstract_type)

    def resolve_from_parameter(
        self, parameter: inspect.Parameter
    ) -> Callable[[], AT_co]:
        Resolve an abstract type from an `Parameter`.
        default = parameter.default
        if isinstance(default, Args):
            if parameter.kind is not parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
                raise InjectionSetupError(
                    "Only keyword-only arguments can be injected."

            factory = self.get(parameter.annotation)
            if not factory:
                raise InjectionSetupError("A type must be specified with `FactoryArgs`")

            return functools.partial(factory, *default.args, **default.kwargs)

        # Ensure that the annotation is an ABC.
        return self.get(parameter.annotation)

# Define the global default registry
default_registry = FactoryRegistry()
register_factory = default_registry.register

class Args:
    Arguments to provide to factory.

    These are commonly used for named config factories where a particular
    configuration is expected. A good example might be the name of a message


    __slots__ = ("args", "kwargs")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

# Fallback
FactoryArgs = Args

def _build_dependencies(func: FunctionType, registry: FactoryRegistry):
    Build a list of dependency objects.
    sig = inspect.signature(func)

    dependencies = []
    for name, parameter in sig.parameters.items():
        factory = registry.resolve_from_parameter(parameter)
        if factory:
            dependencies.append((name, factory))

    return tuple(dependencies)

_F = TypeVar("_F", bound=Callable[..., Any])

def inject(
    func: _F = None,
    from_registry: FactoryRegistry = None,
) -> Union[_F, Callable[[_F], _F]]:
    Mark a function to have arguments injected.

    A specific registry can be provided, else the global registry is used.
    if func is None:
        return lambda f: inject(f, from_registry=from_registry)

    dependencies = _build_dependencies(func, from_registry or default_registry)
    if not dependencies:
        # If no dependencies are found just return original function
        return func

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Apply dependencies
        for name, factory in dependencies:
                if name not in kwargs:
                    kwargs[name] = factory()
            except Exception as ex:
                raise InjectionError(
                    f"Unable to instantiate argument `{name}`: {ex!r}"
                ) from ex

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper