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Test Coverage
Plugin and Fixtures for pyTest

Provides a ``settings`` and ``patch_settings`` fixtures.

import pytest

def settings():
    Fixture that provides access to current pyApp settings.

    This fixture will raise an error is settings have not been configured.
    import pyapp.conf  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    return pyapp.conf.settings

def patch_settings(settings):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Fixture that provides a :class:`pyapp.conf.ModifySettingsContext` instance
    that allows a test to modify settings that will be rolled back after the
    test has completed.
    with settings.modify() as patch:
        yield patch

def check_registry(monkeypatch):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Fixture that provides access to a check registry.

    Returned registry will be empty and will replace the default registry from
    ``pyapp.checks.registry`` and ``pyapp.checks.register``.
    import pyapp.checks  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    registry = pyapp.checks.registry.CheckRegistry()
    monkeypatch.setattr("pyapp.checks.registry", registry)
    monkeypatch.setattr("pyapp.checks.register", registry.register)

    return registry