

2 hrs
Test Coverage

This module contains the reading functionality of ``sdds``.
It provides a high-level function to read SDDS files in different formats, and a series of helpers.
import gzip
import os
import pathlib
import struct
import sys
from import Callable
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from functools import partial
from typing import IO, Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np

from sdds.classes import (ENCODING, NUMTYPES_CAST, NUMTYPES_SIZES, Array,
                          Column, Data, Definition, Description, Parameter,
                          SddsFile, get_dtype_str)

# ----- Providing Opener Abstractions for the Reader ----- #

# On Python 3.8, we cannot subscript contextlib.AbstractContextManager or,
# which became possible with PEP 585 in Python 3.9. We will check for the runtime version and simply
# not subscript if running on 3.8. The cost here is degraded typing.
# TODO: remove this conditional once Python 3.8 has reached EoL and we drop support for it
if sys.version_info < (3, 9, 0):  # we're running on 3.8, which is our lowest supported
    OpenerType = Callable
    OpenerType = Callable[[os.PathLike], AbstractContextManager[IO]]

binary_open = partial(open, mode="rb")  # default opening mode, simple sdds files
gzip_open = partial(, mode="rb")  # for gzip-compressed sdds files

# ----- Reader Function ----- #

def read_sdds(
    file_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str],
    endianness: Optional[str] = None,
    opener: OpenerType = binary_open,
) -> SddsFile:
    Reads an SDDS file from the specified ``file_path``.

        file_path (Union[pathlib.Path, str]): `Path` object to the input SDDS file. Can be a
            `string`, in which case it will be cast to a `Path` object.
        endianness (str): Endianness of the file, either 'big' or 'little'. If not given,
            the endianness is either extracted from the comments in the header of the file
            (if present) or determined by the machine you are running on. Binary files
            written by this package are all big-endian, and contain a comment in the file.
        opener (OpenerType): Callable to open the SDDS file. Uses `open(file, mode="rb")` by
            default. One can use provided openers for specific format or bring their own, see
            the examples below.

        An `SddsFile` object containing the loaded data.


        To read a typical file, one can use the default options:

        .. code-block:: python

            import sdds

            data ="some/location/to/file.sdds")

        To read a ``gzip``-compressed file, use the provided opener function:

        .. code-block:: python

            import sdds
            from sdds.reader import gzip_open

            data ="some/location/to/file.sdds.gz", opener=gzip_open)

        To read another specific compression format, bring your own opener abstraction.
        It should take a single parameter for the path-like object pointing to the file,
        and return a context manager providing byte-data of the file. For instance the
        `gzip_opener` from the example above is built as `functools.partial(, mode="rb")`.

        .. code-block:: python

            import sdds
            from functools import partial
            from relevant_module import opening_function

            your_opener = partial(opening_function, some_option)
            data ="some/location/to/file.sdds.extension", opener=your_opener)
    file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path)
    with opener(file_path) as inbytes:
        if endianness is None:
            endianness = _get_endianness(inbytes)
        version, definition_list, description, data = _read_header(inbytes)
        data_list = _read_data(data, definition_list, inbytes, endianness)

        return SddsFile(version, description, definition_list, data_list)

# Common reading of header and data.

def _read_header(
    inbytes: IO[bytes],
) -> Tuple[str, List[Definition], Optional[Description], Data]:
    word_gen = _gen_words(inbytes)
    version = next(word_gen)  # First token is the SDDS version
    assert version == "SDDS1", "This module is compatible with SDDS v1 only... are there really other versions?"
    definitions: List[Definition] = []
    description: Optional[Description] = None
    data: Optional[Data] = None
    for word in word_gen:
        def_dict: Dict[str, str] = _get_def_as_dict(word_gen)
        if word in (Column.TAG, Parameter.TAG, Array.TAG):
                {Column.TAG: Column, Parameter.TAG: Parameter, Array.TAG: Array}[word](
                    name=def_dict.pop("name"), type=def_dict.pop("type"), **def_dict
        if word == Description.TAG:
            if description is not None:
                raise ValueError("Two &description tags found.")
            description = Description(**def_dict)
        if word == "&include":
            # TODO: This should be easy but I will not support it for now.
            raise NotImplementedError
        if word == Data.TAG:
            data = Data(mode=def_dict.pop("mode"))
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown token: {word} encountered.")
    if data is None:
        raise ValueError("Found end of file while looking for &data tag.")
    definitions = _sort_definitions(definitions)
    return version, definitions, description, data

def _sort_definitions(orig_defs: List[Definition]) -> List[Definition]:
    Sorts the definitions in the parameter, array, column order.
    According to the specification, parameters appear first in data pages then arrays
    and then columns. Inside each group they follow the order of appearance in the header.
    definitions: List[Definition] = [definition for definition in orig_defs if isinstance(definition, Parameter)]
    definitions.extend([definition for definition in orig_defs if isinstance(definition, Array)])
    definitions.extend([definition for definition in orig_defs if isinstance(definition, Column)])
    return definitions

def _read_data(data: Data, definitions: List[Definition], inbytes: IO[bytes], endianness: str) -> List[Any]:
    if data.mode == "binary":
        return _read_data_binary(definitions, inbytes, endianness)
    elif data.mode == "ascii":
        return _read_data_ascii(definitions, inbytes)

    raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data mode {data.mode}.")

# Binary data reading

def _read_data_binary(definitions: List[Definition], inbytes: IO[bytes], endianness: str) -> List[Any]:
    row_count: int = _read_bin_int(inbytes, endianness)  # First int in bin data
    functs_dict: Dict[Type[Definition], Callable] = {
        Parameter: _read_bin_param,
        Column: lambda x, y, z: _read_bin_column(x, y, z, row_count),
        Array: _read_bin_array,
    return [functs_dict[definition.__class__](inbytes, definition, endianness) for definition in definitions]

def _read_bin_param(inbytes: IO[bytes], definition: Parameter, endianness: str) -> Union[int, float, str]:
        if definition.fixed_value is not None:
            if definition.type == "string":
                return definition.fixed_value
            return NUMTYPES_CAST[definition.type](definition.fixed_value)
    except AttributeError:
    if definition.type == "string":
        str_len: int = _read_bin_int(inbytes, endianness)
        return _read_string(inbytes, str_len, endianness)
    return NUMTYPES_CAST[definition.type](_read_bin_numeric(inbytes, definition.type, 1, endianness)[0])

def _read_bin_column(inbytes: IO[bytes], definition: Column, endianness: str, row_count: int):
    # TODO: This columns things might be interesting to implement.
    raise NotImplementedError("")

def _read_bin_array(inbytes: IO[bytes], definition: Array, endianness: str) -> Any:
    dims, total_len = _read_bin_array_len(inbytes, definition.dimensions, endianness)

    if definition.type == "string":
        len_type = {"u1": "char", "i2": "short"}.get(getattr(definition, "modifier", ""), "long")
        str_array = []
        for _ in range(total_len):
            str_len = int(_read_bin_numeric(inbytes, len_type, 1, endianness)[0])
            str_array.append(_read_string(inbytes, str_len, endianness))
        return str_array

    data = _read_bin_numeric(inbytes, definition.type, total_len, endianness)
    return data.reshape(dims)

def _read_bin_array_len(inbytes: IO[bytes], num_dims: Optional[int], endianness: str) -> Tuple[List[int], int]:
    if num_dims is None:
        num_dims = 1

    dims = [_read_bin_int(inbytes, endianness) for _ in range(num_dims)]
    return dims, int(

def _read_bin_numeric(inbytes: IO[bytes], type_: str, count: int, endianness: str) -> Any:
    return np.frombuffer( * NUMTYPES_SIZES[type_]),
        dtype=np.dtype(get_dtype_str(type_, endianness)),

def _read_bin_int(inbytes: IO[bytes], endianness: str) -> int:
    return int(_read_bin_numeric(inbytes, "long", 1, endianness)[0])

def _read_string(inbytes: IO[bytes], str_len: int, endianness: str) -> str:
    str_dtype = get_dtype_str("string", endianness, length=str_len)
    packed_str =
    return struct.unpack(str_dtype, packed_str)[0].decode(ENCODING)

# ASCII data reading

def _read_data_ascii(definitions: List[Definition], inbytes: IO[bytes]) -> List[Any]:
    def _ascii_generator(ascii_text):
        for line in ascii_text:
            yield line

    # Convert bytes to ASCII, separate by lines and remove comments
    ascii_text = [chr(r) for r in]
    ascii_text = "".join(ascii_text).split("\n")
    ascii_text = [line for line in ascii_text if not line.startswith("!")]

    # Get the generator for the text
    ascii_gen = _ascii_generator(ascii_text)

    # Iterate through every parameters and arrays in the file
    data: List[Any] = []
    for definition in definitions:
        # Call the function handling the tag we're on
        # Change the current line according to the tag and dimensions
        if isinstance(definition, Parameter):
            data.append(_read_ascii_parameter(ascii_gen, definition))
        elif isinstance(definition, Array):
            data.append(_read_ascii_array(ascii_gen, definition))

    return data

def _read_ascii_parameter(ascii_gen: Generator[str, None, None], definition: Parameter) -> Union[str, int, float]:
    # Check if we got fixed values, no need to read a line if that's the case
    if definition.fixed_value is not None:
        if definition.type == "string":
            return definition.fixed_value
        if definition.type in NUMTYPES_CAST:
            return NUMTYPES_CAST[definition.type](definition.fixed_value)

    # No fixed value -> read a line
    # Strings can be returned without cast
    if definition.type == "string":
        return next(ascii_gen)

    # For other types, a cast is needed
    if definition.type in NUMTYPES_CAST:
        return NUMTYPES_CAST[definition.type](next(ascii_gen))

    raise TypeError(f"Type {definition.type} for Parameter unsupported")

def _read_ascii_array(ascii_gen: Generator[str, None, None], definition: Array) -> np.ndarray:
    # Get the number of elements per dimension
    dimensions = np.array(next(ascii_gen).split(), dtype="int")

    # Get all the data given by the dimensions
    data: List[str] = []
    while len(data) !=
        # The values on each line are split by a space
        data += next(ascii_gen).strip().split(" ")

    # Cast every object to the correct type
    if definition.type != "string":
        data = list(map(NUMTYPES_CAST[definition.type], data))

    # Convert to np.array so that it can be reshaped to reflect the dimensions
    npdata = np.array(data)
    npdata = npdata.reshape(dimensions)

    return npdata

# Helper generators to consume the input bytes

def _get_endianness(inbytes: IO[bytes]) -> str:
    """Tries to determine endianness from file-comments.
    If nothing found, uses machine endianness."""
    endianness = sys.byteorder
    while True:
        line = inbytes.readline().decode(ENCODING)
        if not line:
            break  # break at beginning of binary part
        if line.strip() == "!# big-endian":
            endianness = "big"
        if line.strip() == "!# little-endian":
            endianness = "little"
            break  # return back to beginning of file
    return endianness

def _gen_real_lines(inbytes: IO[bytes]) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """No comments and stripped lines."""
    while True:
        line = inbytes.readline().decode(ENCODING)
        if not line:
        if line != "\n" and not line.strip().startswith("!"):
            yield line.strip()

def _gen_words(inbytes: IO[bytes]) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    for line in _gen_real_lines(inbytes):
        for word in line.split():
            yield word

def _get_def_as_dict(word_gen: Generator[str, None, None]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    raw_str: List[str] = []
    for word in word_gen:
        if word.strip() == "&end":
            recomposed: str = " ".join(raw_str)
            parts = [assign for assign in recomposed.split(",") if assign]
            return {key.strip(): value.strip() for (key, value) in [assign.split("=") for assign in parts]}
    raise ValueError("EOF found while looking for &end tag.")