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# <img src="" height="28"> PyLHC Submitter

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This package contains scripts to simplify the creation, parametrization and submission of simulation jobs to HTCondor clusters at CERN.

See the [API documentation]( for details.

## Installing

**Note**: This package is available 
- through `PyPI` on `Linux`, `Windows` and `macOS`
- through `conda-forge` on `Linux` and `macOS`

Installation is easily done via `pip`:
python -m pip install pylhc-submitter

One can also install in a `conda` environment via the `conda-forge` channel with:
conda install -c conda-forge pylhc_submitter

After installing, scripts can be run with either `python -m pylhc_submitter.SCRIPT --FLAG ARGUMENT` or by calling the Python files directly.

See the [API documentation]( for details.

## Functionality

- `HTCondor Job Submitter` - Allows to generate jobs based on a templates and submit them to HTCondor. ([****](pylhc_submitter/
- `AutoSix` - Allows to generate and submit parametric SixDesk studies easily. ([****](pylhc_submitter/

## License

This project is licensed under the `MIT` License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.