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Test Coverage
# July 1st, 2012.
# Better message handling, fewer locks on the database by
# relying on the study lock, faster run_post???
# February 29, 2012 using new defaults
# Tested with job_tracking collision
# NOTA BENE: there is a new option for a more precise proton mass
# and also a new flag to ignore tunes (tune=0)
# and a new bunch_charge option for both collision and injection
# March 25th, 2017
# synchronising with new scripts

export pmass=938.272013
# or you can use the older value
# by uncommenting the next line
# export pmass=938.271998

# New bunch_charge variable for fort.3.mother1_[col/inj]
export bunch_charge=1.1500e+11

# The name of the "study" .le. 16 characters ([a-z A-Z 0-9 + - _ . ,]
# It must NOT contain a "percent-sign" (replacing "#") nor "_""_"
# It now includes the Version info e.g. v64lhc
# (If running mad6t you must have a $LHCDescrip.mask file in the subdirectory mask)
export LHCDescrip=%(JOBNAME)s

# The workspace for the scripts, sixdesk.log and links to sixtrack_input, track and work, 
# It must NOT contain a "percent-sign" (replacing "#") nor "__" (two consecutive underscores)
export workspace=%(WORKSPACE)s

# The directory for the workspace normally $HOME
initial=`echo $LOGNAME | cut -c 1`
export basedir=%(BASEDIR)s

# The scratch directory for temporary input files, jobs, sixdesk databases etc (not normally backed up)
export scratchdir=%(SCRATCHDIR)s

# The root track directory for all the tracking input and output
# This directory can be used by multiple workspaces for scalability
# but the default now includes the workspace name (track is added
# by sysenv to make $sixdesktrackdir and the LHCDescrip is added
# as necessary by run_six etc etc).
export trackdir=$scratchdir/$workspace

# The backed up or scratch directory for the mad6t input
# It may be set to an existing sixtrack_input if you do not need to run mad6t.
export sixtrack_input=$scratchdir/sixtrack_input/$workspace/$LHCDescrip

# Flag for run_six for re-running cases
# 0 => Jobs will not be re-submitted, 
# 1 => Jobs will not be re-submitted if fort.10.gz exists
# 2 => Jobs will be re-submitted anyway using existing input files
export sixdeskforce=%(RESUBMISSION)d

# One and one only of the following options must be selected
# BOINC for LHC@home, LSF for LSF batch, CPSS for Windows desktops at CERN, GRID or HTCondor
export platform=%(PLATFORM)s

# The message logging level: 0 => basic and error messages, 1 => plus info,
# >= 2 => + plus info and debug
export sixdesklevel=%(LOGLEVEL)s

# sixdeskecho = "" => only minimum information is echoed to stdout
export sixdeskecho="yes please"

# Options for run_mad6t (but sixtrack_inputdir defined above)
# If CORR_TEST = 1, check_mad6t will copy all the corrector strengths
# for each seed into one file in sixtrack_inputdir
export CORR_TEST=0

#If fort_34 is null, the fort.34 files will not be copied to sixtrack_inputdir
export fort_34=""

# Start and end seed for mad6t
export istamad=%(FIRSTSEED)d
export iendmad=%(LASTSEED)d

# Note that all mad6t runs are with the local LSF batch system,
# even if tracking is being performed on BOINC, CPSS or the GRID,
# BUT they can now be done interactively with run_mad6t -i !!!

# And set BIGNBLZ to be non-null to use the special bignblz SixTrack
# available only for LSF and NOT BOINC.
export BIGNBLZ=""

# LSF batch queue for mad6t jobs. Normally 8nm is enough, but for
# lhc.D1-D2-MQonly-inj-no-skew study 1nh was necessary.
export madlsfq=8nh
export shortlsfq=8nh
export longlsfq=1nd
export dalsfq=1nd
# equivalent queues for htcondor
export madHTCq=tomorrow
export shortHTCq=workday
export longHTCq=testmatch
export daHTCq=testmatch

# Format: "col" or "inj" ( also for run_six)
export runtype="%(RUNTYPE)s"
# and the beam can be set to "" or b1 or B1 for beam1, or to b2 or B2 for beam2
# and "_b1" or "_b2" is appended to the mask filename
export beam=""

# Options for run_six
# idfor = 0 => closed orbit added, = 1 => initial co-ordinates unchanged
export idfor=0

#The algorithm for beam-beam interactions 
# 0 is the "old" way, "1" is the new Erskine/McIntosh algorithm
export ibtype=0

#general parameters
# No of particle pairs, normally 30 (other values ARE NOW SUPPORTED
# in the range 1 to 32
export sixdeskpairs=%(NPAIRS)d

# seeds for everything except mad6t
export ista=$istamad
export iend=$iendmad

# angle step
export kstep=1

#normalized emittance
export emit=%(EMITTANCE)f
export emit_beam=$emit

# Crossing angle for substitution in mask and mother file
# uncomment it, to make it operational
# export xing=185

# e0 gamma
#if test $runtype = "inj"
#  export e0=450000.
#  export gamma=479.6
#elif test $runtype = "col"
#  export e0=6500000.
#  export gamma=6927.6
# e0 and gamma now calulated in python
export e0=%(ENERGY).1f
export gamma=%(GAMMA).1f

#phase space dimension
export dimen=%(DIMENSIONS)d

#switch for chromaticity correction
# If chrom=0 no correction is applied but two one turn runs are made
# using chrom_eps to generate sensible values (for info only).
# If chrom=1 then chromx and chromy are used
export chrom=0
export chromx=2.0
export chromy=2.0
export chrom_eps=0.0000001

#initial relative momentum deviation
if test $runtype = "inj"
  export dpini=0.00075
elif test $runtype = "col"
  export dpini=0.00027
export dpmax=0.002

# If tune=0, the tunes are ignored.
export tune=0

# Multiple tunescans can be specified 
# tunescans will be computed on a straight line from 
# (tunex,tuney) with gradient deltay/deltax until and including (tunex1,tuney1)
# The tunes must be 10 <= tune < 100 in format dd.dd[d][d]
if test $runtype = "inj"
  #tunes (injection)
  export tunex=64.282
  export tuney=59.312
  export deltax=0.001
  export deltay=0.001
  export tunex1=64.282
  export tuney1=59.312
elif test $runtype = "col"
  #tunes (collision)
  export tunex=62.31
  export tuney=60.32
  export deltax=0.001
  export deltay=0.001
  export tunex1=62.31
  export tuney1=60.32
# switch for tune scans on a squared domain
# uncomment it, to make it operational
# export squaredTuneScan=yes

#switch for Guignard resonance calculation
export reson=0

#switch for precise tune determination
export sussix=0
# Note if sussix = 1, short must be 1 (long/da 0)

# Now we have short or long term parameters
# only one of short and long may be 1
#short term parameters
export short=0
if test $short -eq 1
  export ns1s=1
  export ns2s=10
  export nss=10
  export turnss=1000
  export turnsse=3
  export writebins=1
  # kini=0 is the momemtum detuning and then set to 1
  export kini=0
  export kend=5
  export kmax=5
  # and set up the LSF job type and queue
  export lsfq=$shortlsfq
  export HTCq=$shortHTCq
  export lsfjobtype=sixmedium
#long term parameters
export long=1
if test $long -eq 1
# amplitudes which must be 0 <= amplitude < 100 in format [d][d][.][d][d][d]
  export ns1l=%(AMPMIN).3f
  export ns2l=%(AMPMAX).3f
  export nsincl=%(AMPSTEP).3f
  export turnsl=%(TURNS)d
  export turnsle=%(TURNSPOWER)d
  export writebinl=%(WRITEBINS)d
  export kinil=1
  export kendl=%(ANGLES)d
  export kmaxl=%(ANGLES)d
          # and set up the LSF job type and queue
  export lsfq=$longlsfq
  export HTCq=$longHTCq
  export lsfjobtype=sixtracking

  # reduce angle steps at small angles, achieving a constant density painting of the phase space
  # export reduce_angs_with_amplitude=10

#da parameters 

export da=0
if test $da -eq 1
  export sixdeskM="-M 1000000"
  export lsfq=$dalsfq
  export HTCq=$daHTCq
  export lsfjobtype=sixda
# some physics needed here
# dimda = 4 or 6 but MUST be set to NOT null for short/long
  export dimda=4
  export NO=4
  export NO1
  export NV=5
  export turnss=1
  export dimda=0 

# Parameters for run_join10
# Range of tracked turns
if test $short = 1
  export turnsemax=$turnsse
if test $long = 1
  export turnsemax=$turnsle

# For run_post
if test $long = 1
  export turnse=$turnsle
if test $short = 1
  export turnse=$turnsse

# flag for short and long plotting
# iplot=1 produces plots for each seed 
# iplot=2 prints as well using $PRINT_CMD
export iplot=0

# kvar=0 => kend=$kendl, kvar=1 => kend=$kinil
# kvar should be set to 1 to obtain the DA
# as a function of the angles (when long=1)
# The DA over ALL seeds and angles is plotted for each angle
# even if iplot=0
if test "$long" -eq 1
  export kvar=1
  export kvar=0
# BNL variables for bnlelens 
# Later I could separate out elens and bnl dependencies in sixtrack.s
# as we may wish to run LHC elens studies
export BNL=""