

0 mins
Test Coverage
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from pymoc.utils import make_func, make_array, check_numpy_version

class Column(object):
  Vertical Advection-Diffusion Column Model

  Instances of this class represent 1D representations of buoyancy in a water
  column governed by vertical advection and diffusion. The velocity
  profile is required as an input. The script can either compute the equilibrium
  buoyancy profile for a given vertical velocity profile and boundary conditions
  or compute the tendency and perform a time-step of given length.
  BCs have to be fixed buoyancy at the top and either fixed b or db/dz at the bottom
  The time-stepping version can also handle horizontal advection
  into the column. This is, however, not (yet) implemented for the equilibrium solver
  def __init__(
      z=None,    # grid (input)
      kappa=None,    # diffusivity profile (input)
      bs=0.025,    # surface buoyancy bound. cond (input)
      bbot=0.0,    # bottom buoyancy boundary condition (input)  
      bzbot=None,    # bottom strat. as alternative boundary condition (input) 
      b=0.0,    # Buoyancy profile (input, output)
      Area=None,    # Horizontal area (can be function of depth)
      N2min=1e-7,    # Minimum strat. for conv adjustment
      do_conv=False    # Whether to do convective adjustment

    z : ndarray
        Vertical depth levels of column grid. Units: m
    kappa : float, function, or ndarray
            Vertical diffusivity profile. Units: m\ :sup:`2`/s
    bs : float
         Surface level buoyancy boundary condition. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`
    bbot : float; optional
           Bottom level buoyancy boundary condition. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`
    bzbot : float; optional
            Bottom level buoyancy stratification. Can be used as an alternative to **bbot**. Units: s\ :sup:`-2`
    b : float, function, or ndarray
        Initial vertical buoyancy profile. Recalculated on model run. Units: m/s
    Area : float, function, or ndarray
           Horizontal area of basin. Units: m\ :sup:`2`
    N2min : float; optional
            Minimum stratification for convective adjustment. Units: s\ :sup:`-1`

    # initialize grid:
    if isinstance(z, np.ndarray) and len(z) > 0:
      self.z = z
      raise TypeError('z needs to be numpy array providing grid levels')

    self.kappa = make_func(kappa, self.z, 'kappa')
    self.Area = make_func(Area, self.z, 'Area') = bs
    self.bbot = bbot
    self.bzbot = bzbot

    self.N2min = N2min
    self.do_conv = do_conv

    self.b = make_array(b, self.z, 'b')

    if check_numpy_version(): = np.gradient(self.b, z)
    else: = 0. * z    # notice that this is just for initialization of ode solver

    self.module_type = 'basin'

  def Akappa(self, z):
    Compute the area integrated diffusivity :math:`A\kappa`
    at depth(s) z.


    z : float or ndarray
        Vertical depth level(s) at which to retrieve the integrated diffusivity.
    AKappa : float or ndarray
             If z is a number, a number corresponding to the integrated diffusivity :math:`A\kappa` at that depth.
             If z is an ndarray, an ndarray where each entry corresponds to the integrated diffusivity :math:`A\kappa`
             at the z value with the same index.


    return self.Area(z) * self.kappa(z)

  def dAkappa_dz(self, z):
    Compute the area integrated diffusivity gradient :math:`\partial_z\left(A\kappa\right)`
    at depth(s) z.


    z : float or ndarray
        Vertical depth level(s) at which to retrieve the integrated diffusivity gradient.


    dAkappa_dz : float or ndarray
                 If z is a number, a number corresponding to the ther vertical gradients
                 in the integrated diffusivity :math:`\partial_zA\kappa` at that depth.
                 If z is an ndarray, an ndarray where each entry corresponds to the vertical gradient
                 in the integrated diffusivity :math:`\partial_zA\kappa` at the z value with the same index.


    if not check_numpy_version():
      raise ImportError(
          'You need NumPy version 1.13.0 or later. Please upgrade your NumPy libary.'
    return np.gradient(self.Akappa(z), z)

  def bc(self, ya, yb):
    Calculate the residuals of boundary conditions for the advective-diffusive
    boundary value problem.


    ya : ndarray
         Bottom boundary condition. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`
    yb : ndarray
         Surface boundary condition. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`


    bc : ndarray
         If the bottom buoyancy stratification is defined as a boundary condition,
         an array containing the residuals of the imposed and calculated bottom buoyancy
         stratification and surface buoyancy.
         If the bottom buoyancy stratification is undefined as a boundary condition,
         an array containing the residuals of the imposed and calculated bottom buoyancy
         and surface buoyancy.


    if self.bzbot is None:
      return np.array([ya[0] - self.bbot, yb[0] -])
      return np.array([ya[1] - self.bzbot, yb[0] -])

  def ode(self, z, y):
    Generate the ordinary differential equation for the equilibrium buoyancy profile,
    to be solved as a boundary value problem:



    z : ndarray
        Vertical depth levels of column grid on which to solve the ode. Units: m
    y : ndarray
        Initial values for buoyancy and buoyancy gradient profiles.

    ode : ndarray
          A vertically oriented array, containing the system of linear equations:

          .. math::
            \partial_zy_1 &= y_2 \\
            \partial_zy_2 &= wA - \partial_zy_2\cdot\frac{\partial_zA\kappa}{A\kappa}


    return np.vstack(
        (y[1], (self.wA(z) - self.dAkappa_dz(z)) / self.Akappa(z) * y[1])

  def solve_equi(self, wA):
    Solve for the equilibrium buoyancy profile, given a specified vertical
    velocity profile, and pre-set surface and bottom boundary conditions, based
    on the system of equations defined by :meth:`pymoc.modules.Column.ode`.


    wA : ndarray
         Area integrated velocity profile for the equilibrium solution. Units: m\ :sup:`3`/s


    self.wA = make_func(wA, self.z, 'w')
    sol_init = np.zeros((2, np.size(self.z)))
    sol_init[0, :] = self.b
    sol_init[1, :] =
    res = integrate.solve_bvp(self.ode, self.bc, self.z, sol_init)
    # interpolate solution for b and db/dz onto original grid
    self.b = res.sol(self.z)[0, :] = res.sol(self.z)[1, :]

  def vertadvdiff(self, wA, dt, do_conv=None):
    Calculate and apply the forcing from advection and diffusion on the vertical buoyancy
    profile, for the timestepping solution. This function implements an upwind advection


    wA : float or ndarray
         Area integrated velocity profile for the timestepping solution. Units: m\ :sup:`3`/s
    dt : int
         Numerical timestep over which solution are iterated. Units: s


    wA = make_array(wA, self.z, 'wA')
    dz = self.z[1:] - self.z[:-1]

    # apply boundary conditions:
    if (do_conv is None and not self.do_conv) or (do_conv is not None and not do_conv):
      self.b[-1] =
    self.b[0] = (
        self.bbot if self.bzbot is None else self.b[1] - self.bzbot * dz[0]

    bz = (self.b[1:] - self.b[:-1]) / dz
    bz_up = bz[1:]
    bz_down = bz[:-1]
    bzz = (bz_up-bz_down) / (0.5 * (dz[1:] + dz[:-1]))

    #upwind advection:
    weff = wA - self.dAkappa_dz(self.z)
    bz = bz_down
    bz[weff[1:-1] < 0] = bz_up[weff[1:-1] < 0]

    db_dt = (
        -weff[1:-1] * bz / self.Area(self.z[1:-1]) +
        self.kappa(self.z[1:-1]) * bzz
    self.b[1:-1] = self.b[1:-1] + dt*db_dt

  def convect(self):
    Carry out downward convective adustment of the vertical buoyancy profile to
    the minimum stratification, :math:`N^2_{m\!i\!n}`. The current implimentation 
    assumes a fixed buoyancy at the bottom of the convective region (to be interpreted
    as the minimum surfcae buoyancy).


    # do convective adjustment to minimum strat N2min
    # Notice that this parameterization currently only handles convection
    # from the top down which is the only case we really encounter here...
    # The BC is applied such that we are fixing b at bottom of the convective layer
    ind = self.b >
    if ind.any():
      # z_conv is top-most non-convetive layer (set to bottom of the ocean if all convecting):
      zconv = np.max(self.z[np.invert(ind)]
                     ) if np.invert(ind).any() else self.z[0]
      self.b[ind] = + self.N2min * (self.z[ind] - zconv)
      # if no convection simply set bs as upper BC
      self.b[-1] =

    # in a previous version we instead fixed the actual surface buoyancy;
    # the code for that approach is here:
    #ind = self.b > + self.N2min * self.z
    #self.b[ind] = + self.N2min * self.z[ind]
    # Below is an energy conserving version that could be used
    # for model formulations without fixed surface b. But for fixed surface
    # b, the simpler version above is preferable as it deals better with long time steps
    # (for infinitesimal time-step and fixed surface b, the two are equivalent)
    # Moreover, this version does not currently include adjustment to finite strat.
    # dz=self.z[1:]-self.z[:-1];
    # dz=np.append(dz,dz[-1]);dz=np.insert(dz,0,dz[0])
    # dz=0.5*(dz[1:]+dz[0:-1]);
    # self.b[ind]=(np.mean(self.b[ind]*dz[ind]*self.Area(self.z[ind]))
    #            /np.mean(dz[ind]*self.Area(self.z[ind])) )

  def horadv(self, vdx_in, b_in, dt):
    Carry out horizon buoyancy advection into the column model from an adjoining model,
    for the timestepping solution. This function implements an upwind advection scheme.


    vdx_in : float or ndarray
             Total advective transport per unit height into the column for the timestepping
             solution. Positive values indicate transport into the column. Units: m\ :sup:`2`/s
    b_in : float or ndarray
           Buoyancy vales from the adjoining module for the timestepping solution. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`
    dt : int
         Numerical timestep over which solution are iterated. Units: s


    vdx_in = make_array(vdx_in, self.z, 'vdx_in')
    b_in = make_array(b_in, self.z, 'b_in')

    adv_idx = vdx_in > 0.0
    db = b_in - self.b

    self.b[adv_idx] = self.b[adv_idx] + dt * vdx_in[adv_idx] * db[
        adv_idx] / self.Area(self.z[adv_idx])

  def timestep(self, wA=0., dt=1., do_conv=None, vdx_in=None, b_in=None):
    Carry out one timestep integration for the buoyancy profile, accounting
    for advective, diffusive, and convective effects.


    wA : float or ndarray
         Area integrated velocity profile for the timestepping solution. Units: m\ :sup:`3`/s
    dt : int
         Numerical timestep over which solution are iterated. Units: s
    do_conv : logical
              Whether to carry out convective adjustment during model integration.
    vdx_in : float or ndarray
             Total advective transport per unit height into the column for the timestepping
             solution. Positive values indicate transport into the column. Units: m\ :sup:`2`/s
    b_in : float or ndarray
           Buoyancy vales from the adjoining module for the timestepping solution. Units: m/s\ :sup:`2`

    # print(do_conv)
    if do_conv is None and self.do_conv or do_conv:
      # do convection: (optional)
    # do vertical advection and diffusion
    self.vertadvdiff(wA=wA, dt=dt, do_conv=do_conv)
    # print('vertical adv/diff done')

    if vdx_in is not None:
      # do horizontal advection: (optional)
      if b_in is not None:
        self.horadv(vdx_in=vdx_in, b_in=b_in, dt=dt)
        raise TypeError('b_in is needed if vdx_in is provided')